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Library Links
                Under Construction      Work in progress
  The internet has an incredible amount of information and we are attempting to catagorize and organize a list of helpful resources for on-line videos, books and documents.
   Below are LINKS to many resources where you can find useful information.
  Returning visitors can see list of new pages 4751 to 4800   ( under construction )
pages 4701 to 4750   (Created in Sept -Oct)
​                                            pages 4650 to 4700  (created in Aug. 2017 )  
​                                            pages 4601 to 4650  (created June/July 2017 )
                                            pages 4551 to 4600  (created in May 2017)
                                            pages 4500 to 4550  ( March - April 2017 )
pages  4451  to 4500  ( Jan. - Feb. 2017 )
                                            pages  4401 to 4450 ( Dec. 2016 - Jan. 2017 )
   pages  4330 to 4400   ( Sept. to Nov. 2016 )
                        pages  4231 to 4300    (July to Aug. 2016 )  
    Older lists -  Sept. 2013   -  Aug. 2013   -   Feb. 2013  -  Jan. 2013  
                       -  December 2012
Please note that diggingfortruth.org does not necessarily support every group listed below. We provide this information as a service, not as a recommendation.
     An interesting website this month is  Executive Committee Newsletter 
             see videos of Annual Council in Oct. 2017

             Last Month was 
Dead Sea Scrolls On-line
 Adventist Colleges
 Adventist Historical Research Material     http://www.adventistheritage.org/
 Adventist Ministries   ( List of Independent Ministries )
 Adventist Periodicals
 Adventist Pioneers  -  The Pioneers of the Advent Movement
 Adventist Publishing Organizations
 Official Church Ministries
 General Conference Executive Committee
 - List of Attendees to Fall Council - Oct. 2017   - -  Compliance Review Committees - Sept. 2018
 Unions and Conferences in North American Division 
( NAD Executive Committee members )
The official church position on . . .
Official statements and guidelines voted since 1980
Guidelines for . . .
28 Fundamental Beliefs
Operation of the Church - - the Church Manual
Other documents
Theology of Ordination Study Committee  ( preparing report for 60th GC Session )
The Urgency of Urban Mission - Oct. 2013
    New  Policies and statements  voted by the Church:
                   Unity in Mission -  Voted by GC on Oct. 11, 2016
                  Human Sexuality -  Voted by NAD on Nov. 2, 2015    
Human Sexuality - PDF 

         Adventist College Libraries
          other major College Libraries
On-line  Books    
                  Separate page for books you can read on the internet
                        Audio -  Audio Books by the Pioneers  - Adventaudio.org 
Books Not  on-line 
New Book - Understanding Ellen White (published Oct. 2016) Not on internet yet

New Book from GC - Discipleship Handbook  ( published 2018 ) Available at ABC
         Digital  Media

           and  internet      
 Adventist Media Page    - -   Ministries and people
 Adventist World Radio,  Silver Spring, MD      www.AWR.org
 Jesus Film Project  (see story of Jesus in 1,000 languages)
  Church Unity - 2017    Mario Veloso   Two Paths to Unity  ( Aug. 3, 2017 ) 
and   That they all may be One
  Jesus in the Old Testament  (a non Adventist site, there are some errors)
 Three Angels Tube, Pompano Beach, Florida    www.3AngelsTube.com
Recommended   V i d e o  -  September 2010 to 2013
How Satan Operates - Stephen Bohr - 2010  ( 60 minutes )
24 Elders - Six part series by Stephen Bohr ( Jan. 2013 ) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -
List of other Recommended Videos on Three Angels Tube
  Other Videos on the Internet  - - Keepers of the Flame  ( set of 8 videos )
                                      - - The Seventh Day (in 5 parts) Hosted by Hal Holbrook
 Three Angels Broadcasting Network ( aka 3ABN )  Helpful information
      3ABN Media page  http://3abn.org/media/
       Information   http://www.3abn.com/Information.html  
Independent Ministries   (see Adventist Ministries page above)
  Amazing Facts (Doug Batchler, President)  Fall 2017 Report
  Walter Veith - Lecture in Denmark - Oct. 2017 - 'The Trump Card'
  Another video by Walter Veith to the same audience in Denmark, Oct. 20, 2017
 titled, Protestantism Betrayed ( 90 min.)  --  Part 2
  Secrets Unsealed - Stephen Bohr - Worship at Satan's Throne - Aug. 2013
  All about the Sabbath  --  SabbathTruth.com
 Answers to Objections to keeping the Sabbath
   Walter Veith -  'The Meaning of Rest'  - Oct. 2017
  Nader Mansour - www.Revelation1412.org  -  Mark of Antichrist  (Time:  1:15 )
Spiritual Formation
The Omega of Apostasy - Victor Gill
Emerging Church and the One Project - - by Ron Duffield
 SlideShare  (Part 1)
Books Available:  Meet It, Rick Howard - D'Sozo - Dave Fiedler - 
Omega Rebellion - Worship at Satan's Throne - Hidden Herasy - Mystic Omega - Tremble 
Dangers of Contemplative Prayer

Publications by Remnant Publications and Lighthouse Trails
Media projects  (still a work in progress)
MyLanguageMyLife.com  - Evangelism in many languages
Work of the Church in the last days - 
Film Project "War in Heaven, War on earth"    See Trailer
Movie:  War Room  ( 2016 )  ( 90 minutes )
Movie:  God's Not Dead 2  ( 2016 )  ( 120 minutes )
Audio only messages  - Audioverse -
Love in the End Times -  Eugene Prewitt   (April 2014)
Audio Books by the Pioneers  - Adventaudio.org  -
I recommend a series on the family that can be found on audioverse.org. The theme from the series comes from Psalm 127:1, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it..."
 Church Websites  
(recommended because of pages with exceptional content)  
Click Here to see list

Websites to show that Science proves creation
Big Bang Theory Blows up - -  Dr. David Gentry
Fingerprints of Creation  - -  Dr. Robert Gentry
Geology  -  Supports Biblical Record
Institute for Creation Research, San Diego   Dr. Steven Austin
Timeline of people and events in the Bible -
'Tell the World' film about early church pioneers
wins 3 top awards at IndiFEST - Feb. 16, 2018
Cosmic Conflict  (The Origin of Evil)  by Amazing Facts
How the Sabbath was Changed to Sunday
Dead Sea Scrolls On-line    http://dss.collections.imj.org.il/dss_video
     Church History

150 Anniversary  -  Oct. 1, 2010

Adventist Historical Research Material

Adventist Heritage Ministry
Books about the History of the Church
Tell it to the World
by C. Mervyn Maxwell
Biography of Ellen White by Arthur White (6 Volumes)
Foundations of the SDA Message and Mission by Gerard Damsteegt

Suggested by visitors to this site
"The Midnight Cry" - F.D. Nichol
"Magnificent Disappointment" - C. Mervyn Maxwell




Websites promoting the Sabbath and Third angel's message
Sabbath proclaimed in book written in 1657
by Thomas Tillam

     Adventist Links found on other websites 

more will be posted soon