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Adventist Ministries

We are developing a list of  LINKs to

Independent  Adventist  Ministries
Independent Ministries
3ABN  (Three Angels Broadcasting Network), Illinois   http://www.3abn.org/
                    3ABN Media Page   http://3abn.org/media/ 
1888 Message Study Committee, Berrien Springs, Michigan  (866) 954-4323
Adventist Heritage Ministry, Battle Creek, Michigan   http://www.adventistheritage.org/
Amazing Facts, California                      www.AmazingFacts.org 
       (Doug Batchler, President)    Fall 2017 Report
America in Prophecy                           www.americainprophecy.com/
Anchorstone International      www.anchorstone.com/      Discoveries of Ron Wyatt
Floyd, Virginia    (540) 250-6870
Three Angels Tube (media), Florida           http://www.3angelsTube.com  
Back to Enoch Ministries, Newport, WA    http://backtoenoch.org/
DiggingForTruth.org  New York City      www.DiggingForTruth.org
Everlasting Gospel       www.everlasting-gospel.com
GLOW - Giving Light to Our World,  (877) 732-GLOW    www.GLOWonline.org
Holy Spirit Ministries, Woodbridge, CT      http://www.spiritbaptism.org/  
     Pastor Dennis Smith
Hope International,  Knoxville, Illinois            www.hopeint.org
Hope Video Ministry, Breeding, KY  (270) 974-4555     www.hopevideo.com
 (different from the Hope Channel which is owned by SDA Church)
IAUA End Time Ministries, Frank Clark, Illinois    www.iaua.name/IAUA.html  
LLT Productions  - - The Seventh Day videos    www.theseventhday.tv/
Restoration International, Tom & Alane Waters, Montana 
Revealing Truths Ministry, Tonasket, WA    www.RevealingTruths.org
Sabbath Truth  - -   www.SabbathTruth.com
Sealing Time Ministries,  Nampa, Idaho      www.sealingTime.com
Secrets Unsealed, Fresno, California, Pastor Stephen Bohr  www.SecretsUnsealed.org  
White Horse Media, Newport, Washington, Pastor Steve Wohlberg   www.WhiteHorseMedia.com
Health Related Ministries
International Council for Corporate Health, Nashville, TN     www.icch.us
Uchie Pines, Uchie Pines, Georgia
Training in Evangelism
Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism, Pullman, MI   www.emmanuelinstitute.org/
Lay Institute for Evangelism, Orlando, Florida       www.comeexperiencelife.com

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