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New Pages - December 2012

Recently  Created  Pages  -  Dec. 2012

2473  --  Image of God  ( 795 ) SOP Quotes
2472  --  Chapter 27 - The Law Given to Israel Patriarchs & Prophets .  .
2471  --  New Pages for December 2012 Home Page

2470  --  New Pages  ( Template for New pages section )       Library Links
2469  --  The Crucifixion SOP Quoted
2468  --  Reproofs and warnings SOP Quotes
2467  --  Selfishness  ( 3,294 ) SOP Quotes
2466  --  Study the Word of God  ( 164 ) SOP Quotes
2465  --  By your neglect  ( 10 ) SOP Quotes
2464  --  Heavenly Sanctuary  ( 318 ) SOP Quotes + Videos
2463  --  Earthly Sanctuary  ( 83 ) SOP Quotes
2462  --  Reject Truth  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes
2461 --   Study - Chapter 24  -  In the Holy of Holies                 Great Controversy Book

2460  --  Study - Chapter 26  -  Work of Reform                       Great Controversy Book
2459  --  Study - Chapter 27  -  Modern Revivals Great Controversy Book . .
2458  --  Cycles of Eternity SOP Quotes
2457  --  Study - Chapter 28  -  Facing Life's Record               Great Controversy Book
2456  --  Poetry by Samuel Mack Poetry page
2455  --  The Lord's Supper  ( 92 ) SOP Quotes
2454  --  Sanctification by Faith SOP Quotes
2453  --  The Passover SOP Quotes
2452  --  Christian Religion ( 129 ) SOP Quotes
2451  --  Self-conceit  ( 41 ) SOP Quotes

2450  --  Christmas & New Years - RH, Jan. 29, 1888            Spirit of Prophecy
2449  -- 1 John 5: 13 - 15 Scriptures on this site
2448  --  Anxiety   ( 1,215 ) SOP Quotes
2447  --  Exhibition of Divine Power  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes
2446  --  The Lord permits trials  ( 10 ) SOP Quotes
2445  --  Study - Chapter 29 - Origin of Sin Great Controversy Book
2444  --  Study - Chapter 30  - Emnity, Man & Satan Great Controversy Book
2443  --  Study - Chapter 31  - Agency of Evil Spirits Great Controversy Book . .  . 
2442  --  Power of Prayer  ( 28 ) SOP Quotes
2441  --  Representatives of Satan  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .

2440  --  Voice of the Son of God    ( section for Christ )                 SOP Quotes
2439  --  Judgment on cities - Test. 9, p 93 - 96 SOP Section
2438  --  Sinful unbelief  ( 16 ) SOP Quotes
2437  --  Not acceptable to God ( 38 ) SOP Quotes
2436  --  Acceptable to God  ( 338 ) SOP Quotes
2435  --  Conformed to this world  ( 130 ) SOP Quotes
2434  --  Great central truth  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes
2433  --  Before the Lamb  ( 49 ) SOP Quotes
2432  --  Faith is tested  ( 9 ) SOP Quotes
2431  --  Our Favorite for December 2012 SOP Quotes  /  Home

2430   --   Stand in defense of Truth        (section for Truth )             SOP Quotes
2429  --  Religion of Christ  ( 441 ) SOP Quotes
2428  --  Great Crisis  ( 121 ) SOP Quotes
2427  --  Study - Chapter 32 - Snares of Satan Great Controversy
2426  --  Study - Chapter 33 - 1st Great Deception Great Controversy
2425  --  Defile the Mind SOP Quotes
2424  --  Literature of Satan  ( 3 ) SOP Quotes
2423  --  Education - Chapter 35 ( full quote ) Education 
2422  --  Study  -  Chapter 34  -  Spiritualism Great Controversy Book . . . 
2421  --  Study - Chapter 35 -  Liberty of Conscience Great Controversy Book

2420  --  Study - Chapter 36 - Impending Conflict                      Great Controversy Book
2419  --  Study - Chapter 37 -  Bible a Safeguard Great Controversy Book
2418  --  Happiness  ( 30 ) SOP Quotes
           Below are pages created on Nov. 30th
2417  --  Study - Chapter 38 - Final Warning Great Controversy Book
2416  --   Study - Chapter 39 - Time of Trouble Great Controversy Book
2415  --  Study Notes - Template Great Controversy Book
2414  --  Study - Chapter 40 - God's People Delivered Great Controversy Book  .  . 
  Below are pages created on Nov. 29th  
2413  --  The Decalogue  ( 209 ) SOP Quotes
2412  --  Fighting against God  ( 33 ) SOP Quotes
2411  --  Darkness of Superstition  ( 17 ) SOP Quoted

We hope that this list of recent pages will help visitors returning to this site.  Making it easy to see what has been added to this site since their last visit.

I will be checking the 'Hit Counter' for this page to see if visitors have utilized this service
. If so, we will continue it.

   New pages in November 2012  -  -  New pages in September  - -  New pages in July 2012  -  -
  New pages in June 2012   - -   New pages in May 2012  - - 

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