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Inspirational  Books  on  the  Internet
Conflict of Ages Series ►

      by Ellen G. White
            Patriarchs & Prophets,         Prophets and Kings,   

                                             Desire of Ages

               Acts of the Apostles       The Great Controversy   
Other books by Ellen G. White 
Sharing Christ with the book -  -  -  Steps to Christ
Compilation of early SoP  messages -  -  -  Early Writings 
Understanding what Jesus taught -  - Christ's Object Lessons  -  -  - 
Understanding Sanctification -  -  -  The Sanctified Life
Books about Ellen G. White
Messenger of  the Lord  by Herbert Douglas  ( Biography )
Amazing Facts Library    List of 70 on-line books )
Project Restore   ( List of 18 books and pamphlets )
       When Christ Comes -  Ultimate Deliverance or by a Secret Rapture
   Mark Finley                Revive Us Again -        
    Modern Mysticism Brought To Light - Dave Fiedler  www.philippianstwofive.com
Here We Stand  in PDF format
Editor: Samuel Pipim
Published by Adventists Affirm ( 2005 )
 Books  (published in 2011 and 2012)  -  Recommended Reading List
  - The Mind of Christ - August 2012
  - True Revival - Compilation on EGW material on Revival
 -  EGW and the The Loud Cry -  2011
Children's  Books
Old Books - (Truth is still truth )  -  Daniel and the Revelation,  by Uriah Smith
                                                    The Sanctuary and the 2300 Days,  by Uriah Smith
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