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New Pages ( 4701 - 4750 ) October 2017
Recently  Created  Pages  -  October 2017
4750  --     Prepare for Eternity  ( 34 )                         SOP Quotes about  Preparation for . . .
4749  --  Isaiah 58: 6, 7 >  Mission of Christ Scripture - Book of Isaiah
4748  --  Live by Faith  ( 135 ) SOP Quotes about  Faith
4747  --   (saved for a future time)  
4746  --  Justice was perverted (13) perverted j SOP Quotes about  Injustice
4745  --  Lesson for God's people  ( 9 ) SOP Quotes  Lesson
4744  --  GC Executive Committee (attend Oct. 2017) Library Links
4743  --  Leaders in God's . . .   ( 16 ) SOP Quotes about  Leaders  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4742  --  Poetry by RFH  (page 12) Poetry Section
4741  --  Pharisees and Sadducees ( 91 ) SOP Quotes
4740  --    PK - Chapter 32 - Manesseh & Josiah                       SOP Book - Prophets and Kings
4739  --  Human Heart  ( 635 ) SOP Quotes - Heart - Human
4738  --  This is the work of the Holy Spirit (  ) SOP Quotes  Holy Spirit
4737  --  DA - Chap. 33 - Who are my Brethren? SOP Book - Desire of Ages
4736  --  Yoke of Bondage  ( 130 ) SOP Quotes
4735  --  His custom  [ Christ's custom ] SOP Quotes about Christ's
4734  --  Christ's Purpose  ( 16 ) SOP Quotes about Christ
4733  --  Discipleship Chart Ministries - Church Planting - needs password
4732  --  Spiritual Growth Questionnaire Ministries - Church Planting  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4731  --  Proverbs 31: 8,9   >  Speak out Scriptures section 
4730  --  New Pages - Sept. to Oct. 2017           You are looking at it now
4729  --  Holy Spirit is Christ's representative (8) SOP Quotes about Holy Spirit  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
4728  --  Only defense against Evil  ( 4 ) SOP Quotes about Evil
4727  --  Christ became one flesh with us ( 6 ) SOP Quotes about Christ
4726  --  Breath of Spiritual Life ( 17 ) SOP Quotes about Spiritual
4725  --  Parable of the wheat and the tares  (7) SOP Quotes about Tares
4724  --  We can know . . . ( 34 ) SOP Quotes about Knowledge
4723  --  1 Cor 10: 12, 13 > No temp greater than you can bear Scriptures section. Writings of Paul
4722  --  Give you more light  ( 6 ) SOP Quotes about more light
4721  --  PK - Chapter 31 - Hope for the Heathen SOP Books - Prophets and Kings
4720   --   Execute judgment  ( 122 )               SOP Quotes about Judgment
4719  --  Unfair dealing (15)  +  Deal unfairly SOP Quotes about Unfair  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4718  --  Unfair  ( 103 )   +   Unfair advantage (8) SOP Quotes
4717  --  God said to His son  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about God
4716  --  John 17: 16-19  >  Prayer of Christ Scriptures: Gospel of John
4715  --  Romans 1: 24-30  >  ungodly described Scriptures: Writings of Paul
4714  --  Business Transaction(s) ( 95 ) SOP Quotes about  Business
4713  --  Injustice is done  ( 13 ) SOP Quotes about  Injustice 
4712  --  Difference between Truth & Error  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes about  Truth - Error
4711  --  Revival of True Godliness  ( 8 ) SOP Quotes about  Revival
4710   --   Unrepented sin (2) - Sins (4) - unrepented of (12)           SOP Quotes about Repentance
4709  --  Work of investigation  ( 14 ) SOP Quotes about  Work
4708  --  Leviticus 16: 18 - 34 > Day of Atonement Scripture section
4707  --  Presence of Christ  ( 239 ) SOP Quotes about  Christ
4706  --  Floods  ( 186 ) SOP Quotes about  Disasters
4705  --  PK - Chapter 30 - Deliverance from Assyria SOP Book - Prophets and Kings  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4704  --  Transgress God's law  ( 39 ) SOP Quotes about  God's Law
4703  --  Exalt himself (137 )  . . . above God SOP Quotes about  Self
4702  --  Sovereignty of God  ( 16 ) SOP Quotes about  God 
4701  --  Authority of the law  ( 17 ) SOP Quotes about Authority
4700  --  Son of the living God  ( 76) SOP Quotes about  God  --  Christ 
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