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Sept. 2013 - New Pages
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Recently  Created  Pages  -  Sept. 2013
2879 --   Sorcery   ( 66 ) SOP Quotes
2878  --  Theatrical Performances  ( 42 ) SOP Quotes
2877  --  His Heart of Love  ( 49 ) SOP Quotes
2876  --  Test the Hearts  ( 4 ) SOP Quotes
2875  --  Like Ancient Israel  ( 18 ) SOP Quotes
2874  --  Israel ( Separate page ) SOP Quotes
2873  --  His Purposes ( 380 )   Section: God's SOP Quotes
2872  --  Solemn Duty   ( 61 ) SOP Quotes
2871  --  Practical Religion  ( 74 )   Key SOP Quotes  .  .   .   .   .   .    .   .
2870  --   Members of God's Church  ( 10 )                               SOP Quotes
2869  --  New pages for September You are looking at this page
2868  --  Temperance  ( 2,107 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
2867  --  Joy of Christ ( 50 )                               SOP Quotes
2866  --  Gentleness  ( 803 ) SOP Quotes
2865  --  Fruits of the Spirit ( Separate page ) SOP Quotes
2864  --  Heart Rending ( 22 ) SOP Quotes
2863  --  Confession of Sin  ( 112 ) SOP Quotes
2862  --  Mankind   ( 604 ) SOP Quotes
2861  --  First in our Thoughts  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes
2860  --  Satan is working to  ( 42 )    [ Section about Satan ]    SOP Quotes
2859  --  Heart of Infinite Love  ( 123 ) SOP Quotes
2858  --  Conversion of the Heart  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes
2857  --  Chapter 69:  On the Mount of Olives Desire of Ages Book
2856  --  Help me contact Don King Appeal - Sept. 17, 2017 .  .  .  .  .  .
2955  --  Forgiveness of Sin SOP Quotes
2854  --  Religion of Christ  ( 441 ) SOP Quote
2853  --  Chapter 21:   A Warning Rejected Great Controversy Book 
2852  --  Matthew 7: 1, 2  > Judging others Scripture
2851  --  Discerning Spiritual Things ( 12 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .
2850  --  Obey the Call ( 38 )      ( section for Obedience )                  SOP Quotes
2849  --  Help from God  ( 132 ) SOP Quotes
2848  --  Bear False Witness  ( 58 ) SOP Quotes
2847  --  God Permitted Persecution ( 5 ) SOP Quotes
2846  --  Template / Persecution Templates
2845  --  Cruel Persecution ( 19 ) SOP Quotes
2844  --  Persecution of the Disciples SOP Quotes
2843  --  Persecution  ( Separate page ) (1,071 ) SOP Quotes
2842  --  Representative of Christ ( 109 ) SOP Quotes
2841  --  Spiritual Things  ( 732 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
2840   --  Desire of Ages  -  Chapter 17   Nicodemus       Desire of Ages Book
2839  --  Nicodemus  ( 308 ) Spirit of Prophecy section ( Person ) .  .  . 
2838  --  Vote / Not to Vote  ( 133 ) SOP Quotes
2837  --  Sympathy for the poor  ( 17 ) SOP Quotes
2836  --  Confession of Guilt / Wrongs ( 5 ) SOP Quotes
2835  --  Deep Searching of Heart  ( 27) SOP Quotes
2834  --  Belongs to Christ  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes
2833  --  Belong to Christ  ( 46 )  SOP Quotes
2832  --  The True Witness Says  ( 54 ) SOP Quotes
2831  --  Help me contact Don King - Blacklist                  Testimonials
2830  -- Letter to Don King -  Sept. 1, 2013    What is the charge?               Appeal for Help
2829  --  Sympathy for the . . .   ( 121 ) SOP Quotes
2828  --  History of the children of Israel  ( 39 )            SOP Quotes
2827  --  Entrance into the Heavenly Kingdom  ( 4 )        SOP Quotes
2826  --  True Witness  ( 361 ) SOP Quotes
2825  --  Your First Love  ( 32 ) SOP Quotes
2824  --  Gospel of Mark        Scriptures / Bible Studies Section
2823  --  Book of Hebrews Scriptures Used / Bible Study Section
2822  --  Book of Revelation Scriptures / Bible Studies Section
2821  --  Template/Scripture Template 
2820  --  Book of Isaiah Scriptures / Bible Studies
2819  --  Template / Books Template 
2818  --  Gospel of John Scriptues
2817  --  Gospel of Luke Scriptures
2816  --  Gospel of Matthew Scriptures
2815  --  Matthew 14: 25 - 22
Jesus Walks on Water
Scriptures Used / Bible Studies section
2814  --  Eternal Loss  ( 99 ) SOP Quotes
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. If so, we will continue it.
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