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Adventist Periodicals

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Adventist  Periodicals
Owned and managed by the General Conference
Adventist Review          www.AdventistReview.org
Ministry Magazine (GC Ministerial Association)   http://ministrymagazine.org/
Signs of the Times         www.signstimes.com/
Insight Magazine
LifeStyle Magazine          www.lifestyle.org/
Message Magazine          www.messageMagazine.org
                                      Carmela Monk Crawford, Editor
  ( since June 2012 )
                          Union Conference publications:
  Atlantic Union  "Gleaner"       
  Mid-America Union  "Outlook"  
  Pacific Union    "Recorder"
  North Pacific Union
Canadian Union   - - -   
Columbia Union  - - - "Visitor"
Lake Union Conference  -  -  -

Southern Union  - - - "Southern Tidings"
Independent Magazines
 Adventists Affirm, Berrien Springs, MI          www.adventistsaffirm.org
 Adventists Today, Riverside, CA     www.ATODAY.org    ( Liberal viewpoint )
  Advindicate, Inc.  Beaumont, California   www.Advindicate.com   (951) 572-2308
 Our Firm Foundation  (Hope International) 
 The EvidenceThousand Oaks, CA    www.theevidence.org/   
affiliated with Faith For Today )
  Spectrum Magazine       ( Liberal viewpoint )
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for Adventists in Publishing

     For more information
 Feel free to suggest a Periodical to appear on this page.  Contact Us with your suggestions
Official Reports about the world Church
GTI = Global Tithe Index  ( annual since 2005)   http://www.aiias.edu/gti/reports.html
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