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NAD Executive Committee - Dec. 2015
Members  of  North  American  Division  Executive Committee
Directory of NAD Staff
Unions and Conferences in the NAD
President, Daniel R. Jackson               E-mail:  [email protected]
           Assistant to the President,  Kenneth A. Denslow.
     Vice Presidents,
     Larry D. Blackmer - -  Paul S. Brantley  - -  Debra C. Brill  - - R. Ernest Castillo - - Alvin M. Kibble
     Assistant Vice President for Media Productions, Warren D. Judd.
Secretary, G. Alexander Bryant  - -     E-mail: [email protected]
      Associate, Carolyn R. Forrest                 Website: www.nadsecretariat.org.
Treasurer, G. Thomas Evans                E-mail: [email protected]
      Associates, Patricia L. Horst,  Michael R. Jamieson,  Delbert L. Johnson,  C. Michael Park.
Source:  Adventist Yearbook - - List of Executive Committee Members
                                                   Map / Churches in Canada  
Go To  - C - - D - - G - - K - - L - - M - - P - - R - - S - - T - - U - - W -
Vice Presidents of General Conference get a seat on NAD Exec Committee
Billy Biaggi, 6631, [email protected] Thomas Lemon, 6679,[email protected]
Geoffrey Mbwana, 6620, [email protected] Ella Simmons, 6606,[email protected]
Artur Stele, 6610, [email protected] Abner de los Santos, 6612, [email protected]
- A -
-- Juan Acosta,   Hispanic Coord, Mid America Union  (816) 483-1888  [email protected]

--  Tania Acuna  (layperson from Pacific Union Conf)
--  Bill Adams,
-- Kyoshin Ahn,  Associate Secretary of NAD  (301) 680-6066 direct    [email protected]
-- Eric D. Anderson,  President, Southwestern Adv University   (817) 645-3921
                                General:   [email protected]
--  Paul Anderson,  Director, Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries at NAD   (301) 680-6784 direct
(Elected Oct. 30, 2015 to replace Mario Ceballos)
-- Niels-Erik Andreasen, President, Andrews University
-  Antonio M. Anobile,   President, Arizona Conf.    [email protected]

Michael Armayor,
--  Viclouis Arreola,  Asian-Pacific Ministries, Pacific Union Conf  (805) 413-7350  Replaced George Atiga
                                     Also Multi-Lingual Ministries for NAD     [email protected] 
-- Hope Ashmeade, (male)  Pastor, Northeastern Conf  ??? ( Retired )
-- Kymn Astwood,  Hamilton, Bermuda
-- Raj Attiken, President of Ohio Conf    (740) 397- 4665  [email protected]  Retired in Sept 2013
                                 Announcement  replaced by Ron Halvorsen, Jr. (started: Feb. 2014)
--  Delmar Austin,   Ministerial Director, Illinois Conf   [email protected]
Section for A's last Updated:  Dec. 14, 2013
 -  B  -
-- Carla Baker,  Women’s Ministries at NAD   [email protected]   (X-6426)
-- Delbert W. Baker,  Elected President of Guam-Micronesia in Oct. 2015
      He was VP of General Conference     [email protected]  President of Oakwood University in 2010
--  Rosa T. Banks  (VP of GC  Retired in 2015)
--  Seth T. Bardu,  Treasurer, Columbia Union Conf    [email protected] 
-- Graham M. Barham,  Paula Barnes (layperson from Columbia Union Conf.)
-- Edward Barnett,  President,  Rocky Mountain Conf.  (Elected:  Jan. 2014)
        Prior he was President of Minnesota Conference  
--  Maria Barreto, (layperson from Atlantic Union Conference)
-- Lisa M. Beardsley,  Director of Education, General Conf   [email protected]
            About her  http://news.adventist.org/2010/09/-lisa-beardsley-want.html
-- Judy A. Beers,  NAD Retirement Plan, Associate  (x-6279)  [email protected]
-- Theodore R. Benson,  Treasurer, Pacific Union Conf   [email protected]
-- Gordon Bietz,  President, Southern Adv University (since 1997)  (423) 236-2800  [email protected] 
-- Neil Biloff,   President,  Dakota Conference    (605) 224-8868    [email protected]
-- Barry C. Black,   Chaplain for US Senate  (202) 224.2510 Office;  Member of ACM
-- James L. Black Sr.,   Chaplain for new HQ  started in Sept. 2017
                                        he was Youth Ministries at NAD  
[email protected]
-- Larry D. Blackmer, VP of NAD   (301) 680-6441 (direct)  [email protected] 
--  Dedrick L. Blue, Sr. Pastor, Ephesus Church, NYC    [email protected]      LINKEDin
-- Kelly Bock,  Director of Education, Pacific Union Conf   (805) 413-7100   [email protected]
-- Larry Boggess,   President, Mountain View Conf     [email protected]
                                  (304) 422-4581    www.mtviewconf.org
Gary Bollinger,
-- Frank D. Bondurant,  VP (Ministry) , Columbia Union Conf    [email protected] 
--  Kevin Boonstra,  Lawyer, Abbotsford, BC Canada (604) 864-8877  [email protected]
-- Shawn Boonstra,  Assoc Dir. Ministerial Dept, NAD - he was Speaker, It Is Written  -  
                                     [email protected]
--  Helen Boskind,
--  Ernie Bowden  
(layperson from Southern Union Conf )
-- John L. Bradshaw,   Speaker / Director,  It Is Writen   (new)
-- Paul S. Brantley, VP of NAD  (E-mail: [email protected]
-- Robert C. Brauer,  Pastor, Minnesota Conf    [email protected]  (218) 330-6404 Cell
--  Debra C. Brill,  VP of NAD (E-mail: [email protected]
--  George I. Brill,  ITS at NAD    [email protected]    (301) 680-6451
Gina Brown,
-- Jeffrey O. Brown,  Pres. Bermuda Conf   [email protected]  to his Secretary
Lloyd Brown,  Patricia Brown,  Gary Burns,
--  Carlton P. Byrd,  Pastor, Oakwood University Church  ( former speaker Breath of Life )  [email protected] 
  B's Last Updated:  9/13/2017  
- C -    
--  Faith Calaminos,  
--  Carol Campbell,  Education, NAD  (x-6446)   [email protected]
-- Eduardo Canales,    VP, Southwestern Union  (817) 295-0476     [email protected]

Ramon Canals,
-- Hamlet Canosa,  VP Education, Columbia Union Conf  (301) 596-0800  [email protected]
--  Selwin Carington  (layperson from Southern Union Conference)
-- Ron Carlson, President, Kansas-Nebraska Conf   [email protected]
--  Ramiro A. Cano,  Pres, Central California Conference  [email protected]   (559) 347-3000
--  Robert Carmen,  President Adventist Health (California)    Announced Retirement - Sept. 2013
--  Walter E. Carson,  VP (Legal Counsel), Columbia Union Conf. (301) 596-0800 [email protected] 
--  Selwyn Carrington,  
--  R. Ernest Castillo, VP of NAD  (301) 680-6413  (E-mail: [email protected]
--  Michael Cauley,  President, Florida Conference   [email protected]   LINKEDin
--  Larry L. Caviness, Pres, Southern California Conf   (818) 546-8400   [email protected] 
--  Mario E. Ceballos, ACM at NAD   (X-6781)  New position at ACM with General Conference                
                                  [email protected]  
--  Timo Chacon, (layperson)  Member, Executive Committee, Texico Conference  (505) 244-1611
--  Shirley Chang,   (layperson from Pacific Union Conf.)
--  Marshall L. Chase,
--  Carl Patrick Chin,
--   A. Ramon Chow,  ASI at NAD    (301) 680-6449 and 6450     [email protected]
Dowell W. Chow, 
--  Monte Church,  Native Ministries Coordinator North Pacific & Canadian Unions 
--  Chester Clark III,
-- Ron E. M. Clouzet,  Ministerial Director at NAD   (301) 680-6419     call for E-mail

George Coke,
--  Claudio Consuegra, Director, Family Ministries  (301) 680-6462   [email protected]
                                      [email protected] 
--  Pamela K. Consuegra,  Family Ministries at NAD  (301) 680-6462   [email protected]
-- Lowell C. Cooper,  VP of General Conference     [email protected]

Robyn Cordova,
-- Dean Coridan,  President, Iowa-Missouri Conf    (515) 223-1197   [email protected]
-- Ken Corkum,  President, Newfoundland Conf, Canada     [email protected]
-- Jose Cortes, Sr.,  President, New Jersey Conf    (609) 392-7131   [email protected] 
--  Sabrina Cotton,   Oakwood University,  VP Finance  (256) 726-7000  ( ext. 7408 )
-- Gary R. Councell,  Director, Chaplain Ministrtry at NAD   Office: (301) 680-6782 and x-6784 
[email protected] (Bounced - 11/2015)   Cell:  (703) 895-7130  
Hopeton Cousins,
-- Carlos Craig,  President, Texas Conference  (817) 790-2255   [email protected]  
-- William Cox,  President of Allegheny West Conference   [email protected]  (614) 252-5271 (x-15)  LINKEDin

Sandy Crank,
-- Carmela Monk Crawford,  Editor, Message Magazine    [email protected]  
      Replaced Washington Johnson as Editor in June 2012   www.messagemagazine.org/ 
-- Ken Crawford,  President, Alaska Conf   [email protected]   (907) 346-1004

Thaine Creitz,
-- Manuel Cruz,  NAD Youth Ministries   (x-6472)   [email protected]
                             Title:  Associate Youth Director   [email protected]
-- Wayne Culmore,  President, British Columbia Conference     [email protected]
                                       (604) 853-5451 x 310
--  Robert Cundiff,  President, Northern New England Conf.  (207) 797-3760 (x-218)  [email protected] 
Robert Curren,
  C's last updated:  11/03/2015
- D -   
--  James Davidson,  President, Carolina Conf   ( 704) 596-3200  [email protected]
              (Elected Exec Secy of Southern Union Conf in Sept. 2011)  (404) 299-1832, ext. 417
-- Donovan Davis,   Jerome L. Davis,
-- Daniel O. Day,   CRC (Vervent) at NAD   (301) 680-6700  [email protected]  and  [email protected] 
-- David Dennis, President, Southern New England Conf.   (978) 365-4551     [email protected] 
-- Kenneth A. Denslow – Assist to President, NAD    [email protected]
                           He was President of Illinois Conference
Victor Dingman,
-- Maitland DiPinto,  New Director, Adventist Community Services   (Elected on Oct. 30, 2015)  
          He was Director of Hope4Humanity at NAD    (301) 680-6439   
[email protected]     LINKEDin Profile
Cheryl D. Doss,  
Paul H. Douglas,
-- Karnick Doukmetzian,   Legal Counsel at General Conference ( Since April 2009 )
                     (301) 680-6323 direct       LINKEDin
-- Charles W. Drake III,  - Pres, Central States Conference until June 2012 (replaced by Maurice Valentine) 
John Drake,   
--  Roger L. Dudley,   Dir, Institute of Church Ministry  (269) 471-3589   Retired in 2013   No longer on NAD Ex Comm
--  Jonathan Duffy,  President ADRA  (Replaced Rudolf Maier in Oct. 2012)
--  Richard C. Dye Sr.,  Pastor & Member of Executive Committee, Texico Conference 
                                www.Texico.org   Office (505) 244-1611   His Assistant  [email protected]
- E -
--  Michael G. Edge,  President, Wisconsin Conference    [email protected]
--  Dana C. Edmond,  President, South Central Conference, Nashville, TN  (615) 226-6500
                                        [email protected] 
Phyllis Edmonds,
--  Mansfield Edwards, President, Ontario Conference, Canada  [email protected]
--  Sandra Eickmann,
--  Melvin K. Eisele,  President, Gulf States Conf  (334) 272-7493   [email protected]
--  G. Thomas Evans,  Treasurer of NAD    ( E-mail: [email protected] )
 - F -
-- Patrick Farley,   VP Finance, Washington Adventist University 
-- Jimmy L. Ferguson,
-- Odette R. Ferreira,  ACA at NAD    (x-6454)    [email protected] 

Ruthita Fike,   Sherry Fisher,
--  Robert S. Folkenberg Jr.,  Pres, Upper Columbia Conf.  (509) 838-2761 
--  Brad Forbes,  Director at AdventSource, Nebraska  [email protected] 
--  Henry Fordham, President, Allegheny East Conf  (610) 326-4610    [email protected]
Replaced Charles Cheatham in 2012     Website:  www.VisitAEC.com
--  Carolyn R. Forrest,  Associate Secretary  (x-6410)  (E-mail: [email protected]
--  Denis Fortin,  Professor of Theology, Andrews University (since 1994)  - [email protected]   LINKEDin
--  Frank Fournier,  
--  John Fournier,  President, Maritime Conf,  Canada    [email protected]
                              Phone: (506) 857-8722    LINKEDin
--  Ron Francis  (layperson from Canadian Union)
--  John C. Freedman,  President, Washington Conf.  [email protected] 
--  Debra Fryson,  VP Education, Southern Union Conf   (404) 299-1832
--  Mike Furr,  Acting Dir, Education, SWUC    (817) 295-0476    [email protected]
                            (Replaced Eunice Warfield)       LINKEDin Profile 
- G -  
-- Jay Gallimore, President, Michigan Conf.  (517) 316-1540  www.misda.org/article.php?id=16
                          Re-elected:  Sept. 29, 2013     [email protected]

Steven L. Gallimore,
--  Dale E. Galusha,  President, Pacific Press Publishing   [email protected]
--  Larry Garrett,
--  David A. Geriguis,  La Sierra Univ, Chief Financial Officer   [email protected]
--  L. James Gibson,  Director, Geoscience Research Institute  (909) 558-4548
                                    [email protected]      website:  www.GRIsda.org     [email protected] 
-- Russell H. Gilbert,   Frank M. Gonzalez,
-- Ricardo B. Graham,  Pres, Pacific Union Conf.  [email protected]  (805) 413-7100
-- Samuel Green,   President, Southwest Region Conf, Dallas  [email protected]  
                                     (214) 943-4491   (He was Exec Secy of Southwest Union until 2011)
Shelton Green,
-- David E. Greenlaw,   Exec. Committee,  Southern Union Conf.
-- Mildred A. Greer,  Union College, Board of Trustees, Lincoln Univ. Dept of Nursing
-- Linda Griffin  (layperson from Atlantic Union Conference)
-- Buford Griffith Jr.  Exec. Secretary, Southwestern Union   [email protected]
                                       Phone  (817) 295-0476  (x-438)      [email protected]
--  Rodney A. Grove,  Exec. Secy, Lake Union Conf  (269) 473-8200    [email protected] 
Last Updated 'G' section:  11/05/2015
-  H  -  I  -
-- Elaine M. Hagele,  Treasurer, Mid-America Union   [email protected]
-- Steve Haley,  Pres, Kentucky-Tennessee Conf   ( 615) 859-1391  [email protected]

William Hall,
--  Ronald B. Halvorsen Jr.  President, Ohio Conference  (Started:  Feb. 2014)  (740) 397-4665 main #       
         [email protected]   He was on this Committee as Pastor at Kansas Nebraska Conf (785) 478-4726
--  J. Neville Harcombe,   Exec. Secy, Columbia Union Conf    (301) 596-0800
--  Currine Harris,    Harold Ross Harris,
-- Richard H. Hart,  President, Loma Linda University
-- Raymond C. Hartwell,  Pres, Pennsylvania Conf  (610) 374-8331  [email protected]  LINKEDin
--  Mark T. Haynal,  President, Canadian University College, Albarta Canada  ( 866) 931-2654   www.CAUC.ca
                               [email protected] 
--  Avis Hendrickson,  President, Atlantic Union College (started July 2015)  (978) 368-2230 Office 
                               [email protected]
  also   [email protected]
Daniel E. Herzel, Carrie Hess,
Angenetta Hill,
-- Jim Hiner, Jr.  Pastor from Minnesota Conference (new member of NAD Exec Comm)  
             [email protected]  
Member of Executive Committee of Mid America Union Conf.
April Hobbs,   Gary Hodder  

Mary Ann Hodges, Trudy Hoffman,

Ellen Hokanson,     Leighton Holley,   
Susan Hong
-- Daniel Honore, President of Northeastern Conf.   (Replaced Trevor Baker in June 2012 ) 
                                (718) 291-8006    [email protected]
--  Paul Hopkins,  PSI at NAD    (301) 680-6136    [email protected]
--  Patricia Horst, Assist Treasurer of NAD   (301) 680-6295 direct
[email protected]  Message bounced - 11/2015
Dan Houghton,   Antonio Huerta,   Darrell Huether,
--  Paul Hoover, Pres, Upper Columbia Conf (509) 242-0461 direct   [email protected]   LINKEDin
-- Timothy Hullquist,   Lay Member, Owner of Teach Services, Inc.  LINKEDin Profile
                                      [email protected] 
Van G. Hurst,
--  Pauline Ijeh,   Member Exec. Committee, Canadian Union Conf  (905) 433-0011
Updated H, I section:  Nov. 2, 2015
-  J  -  
--  Donna Jackson,   Coordinator, Ministerial Spouses Assoc, NAD  [email protected] 
                                  Wife of Dan Jackson   
(301) 680-6405 
--  Michael R. Jamieson,  Associate Treasurer at NAD  (x-6414)  [email protected] 
--  Remenster Jano,  Elected Executive Secretary, Guam-Micronesia on Oct. 30, 2015
--  Donald L. Jernigan,  President/CEO, Adventist Health System ( since Mar. 2006 )  Florida
--  Delbert L. Johnson,  Associate Treasurer of NAD
--  J. Alfred Johnson II,  Adult Ministries at NAD   (x-6431)  [email protected]   
                           Elected to be Director, Adult Ministries on Oct. 30, 2015

Larry Johnson,
--  Mark A. Johnson,  President, Canadian Union Conference      LINKEDin Profile   
                                       (905) 433-0011  [email protected]
--  Washington Johnson, II,  Editor of Message Magazine and Chaplain in Navy Reserve.
          Called to active duty in Afghanistan in June 2012. Carmela Monk Crawford replaced him as editor.  
            Now back as Assitant Dir. Chaplain Ministries  see LINKEDin Profile
--  Carl S. Johnston,    
--  Joyce Jones,  Treasurer, Canadian Union Conference  (905) 433-0011 (x-2089)   [email protected]
--  Eugene Joseph,
--  Warren D. Judd,  AVP of Media Productions of NAD  
                                Media Center in California  (805) 955-7777    Retired in 2017
   Last Updated: J Section >  10/18/2017
-  K  -   
--  Ellie Kaanaana,  (layperson from Hawaii Conf.)
--  Wayne Kablanow,  Church Planting Coord, Upper Columbia Conf
--  Alvin M. Kibble,  VP of NAD      LINKEDin    (E-mail: [email protected]
--  Shelley Kilgore,   Don E. Kim,  
--  Donald G. King, President, Atlantic Union Conf.   [email protected]
                                      (978) 368-8333  X- 3008
--  Frederick M. Kinsey,   (301) 680-6406    [email protected]

Michael Knecht,
--  G. Earl Knight,  President, Greater New York Conf   (516) 627-9350
                                [email protected]   -   [email protected]
--  Heather J. Knight,  President, Pacific Union College  
--  Esther Knott, Dir, In Ministry Center, Andrews Univ  (269) 471-6153  [email protected]
              Replaced Walton Williams in Sept. 2013 (he retired )  She was Assoc Dir. NAD Ministerial Dept.
--  William M. Knott,  Adventist Review, Editor/Publisher    [email protected]
Lorinda Knowlton,
--  Deryl Knutson,  Treasurer,  Southwestern Union    [email protected] 
--  John Kriegelstein,   Director, Education, Mid-America Union Conf  (402) 484-3000
                                 My Guess   [email protected]
Dochan Kwak,
--  Sung K. Kwon,  Exec. Director, Adventist Community Services  (301) 680-6438  [email protected] 
--  Robert E. Kyte,   President, Adventist Risk Management  (301) 680-6806   [email protected] 
Updated K section:  Oct. 2015
-  L  -  
--  Nancy Lamoreaux,  Director of IT at NAD    [email protected]

 Kevin L. Lang,    David Lawrence,  
--  Daniel Latchman,  President of Quebec Conference   [email protected]
--  Dave Livermore,  VP Gulf States Conf (Since May 2012)  [email protected]    LINKEDin
--  Donald Livesay,  President, Lake Union Conf   (269) 473-8200    [email protected]
--  John Loor Jr.,  Exec. Secretary, North Pacific Union Conf.  [email protected]
--  Jose Antonio Lopez, 
--   Leslie D. Louis,  Pres, Carolina Conf   (704) 596-3200   ( previously Exec Secy of Gulf States Conf )
           [email protected]  
  Last Updated:  L section:  11/03/2015
-  M  -  
--  Jonathan Duffy, President, ADRA  ( Replaced Rudolf Maier in Oct. 2012)
--  Bryan Mann, (could be the Pastor of North Side Church, St. Louis)   LINKEDin
--  Geoffrey G. Mbwana,  VP of General Conference  [email protected] 
--  Sharon Mbwana,  Elected Associate Treasurer of NAD on Oct. 30, 2015   [email protected]
--  Dennis Marshall,  VP of Education, Canadian Union Conf    (905) 433-0011  (x-2073)
                   Promoted to General VP in 2014    [email protected]
--  Eleanor Marshalleck,  Exec Committee at Southern California Conf    (818) 546-8400
                                    Try  [email protected]  to ask for her e-mail
--  Jorge R. Mayer,   Raymond Mayor,
--  Alphonso McCarthy,  North Pacific Union Conf  [email protected]

Andre McCloud,
--  Duane McKey,   VP of Evangelism @ Southwestern Union    [email protected]
--  Donna McNeilus,
--  Troy McQueen,  Commun Dir. @ Alberta Conference   [email protected]    LINKEDin 
--  John K. McVay,  President, Walla Walla Univ,   (509) 527-2121      Profile 
                                         E-mail:   [email protected]     Website:  
--  Carmelo Mercado,   General VP,  Lake Union Conf  (269) 473-8239    [email protected]  
--  William K. Miller,   President,  Potomac Conference    [email protected]   (540) 886-0771
--  Armando Miranda,  VP of GC           [email protected]
--  Bobby J. Mitchell,  Regional Affairs Director at Pacific Union Conference   (805) 413-7388  
                            Regional Affairs Department      
Bruce Moore,   Marvin L. Moore,
--  Larry Moore,  Pres, Southwestern Union    [email protected]  |  [email protected]
--  Hubert J. Morel Jr.,   Pres, Southeastern Conf  (352) 735-3142 office   [email protected]
--  John H.  Moyer, President, Oklahoma Conf  (405) 721-6110  www.Oklahomasda.org 
                                  [email protected]                                       
--  Julio Munoz, Associate Director, Communication Dept.  (Elected: 10/30/15)  [email protected]
--  Julie Murphy  (layperson from Southern Union Conf)
--  Pardon K. Mwansa,  VP of General Conference   [email protected]
Updated M section: 11/03/2015
-  N  -  
--  Lola W. Nathan,  Rodney Neal,  
--  Ron Nelson,  President, Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conf. (since 2011)    [email protected] 
                              (306) 244-9700 (x-211)   LINKEDin
--  Bradford C. Newton,  Exec. Secretary, Pacific Union  [email protected]
--  G. T. Ng,   Executive Secretary of General Conf.  (301) 680-6640  [email protected]
--  Vinh Nguyen Sr.,
--  James R. Nix,  President, EGW Estate  
--  Don Noble, 
Last Updated N list:  Oct. 2015
-  O  -
--  Eileen Oakley,   Ronald Oliver,
--  Dionisio Olivo,  VP at AUC   [email protected] 
--  Naomi Olson, 
--  Pierre Omeler,  VP Haitian Ministries, Atlantic Union Conf  [email protected]
                                    (978) 368-8333 
--  Stephen Orian,  President,  Arkansas-Louisiana Conf    [email protected]
--  Linda Oster,                                                                                                              
-  P  -  Q  -   
--  Orville D. Parchment,  Assistant to Ted Wilson    [email protected]

Ruth E. Parish,
--  C. Michael Park,  Assist Treasurer of NAD  (x-6474)  [email protected]
--  Todd Pascoe  (layperson from North Pacific Union Conf)
--  Walter L. Pearson Jr.  Speaker Emeritus, Breadth of Life  (retired) 
--  Ruben Daniel Pechero,
--  James E. Pedersen,  Pres, Northern California Conf  (925) 685-4300   [email protected] 
--  Gerald D. Penick Sr.,   Frank J. Perez,   Edward Pierce,
--  Raymond Pichette,  President, Illinois Conf  (630) 856-2880  [email protected]
                   General:  [email protected] 
Gil Pina,
--  Gordon Pifher, VP for Media, NAD     (301) 680-6000    [email protected]   (Elected: Oct. 2015)
--  Larry J. Pitcher,  Pres, Christian Record Services    [email protected]   LINKEDin
--  Dennis L. Plubell,   VP of Education at North Pacific Union Conf ( since Dec. 2013 )  
Previously Director, Secondary Education at NAD -  [email protected]
--  Leslie N. Pollard,  President, Oakwood University
--  Victor Shepherd Pottinger, Elected Treasurer, Guam-Micronesia on Oct. 30, 2015
--  David Prest,  President, Idaho Conf    (208) 375-7524   [email protected] 
                                 Replaced Stephen McPherson who retired recently
--  Juan Prestol-Puesan   Treasurer, General Conference   LINKEDin Profile
(elected at 2015 GC Session to replace Robert Lemon who retired)
--  Jeff Potts,    Kristin Priest,
--   Elizabeth Pule,
--  Albert Quesada,
  Last updated:  P, Q Section >  10/31/2016
-  R  -   
--  Elden Ramirez,  President, Montana Conf   (Elected Sept. 2017)   [email protected] 
Ruben Ramos,   Sunilda Ramos,
Corrine Rawlins,
--  Melissa Reid,  PARL at NAD    (x-6691)     [email protected]
--  Allan L. Reimche,  President, Oregon Conf   (503) 850-3500    [email protected]

Norman Reitz,
--  Mark Remboldt,  Treasurer, North Pacific Union Conf   [email protected]
--  Rick Remmers, President Chesapeake Conf    [email protected]  (Elected 8/2011) not on list
--  Gordon L. Retzer,  President of Southern Union Conf  (retiring soon)
--  Paul Richardson,  
--  William G. Robertson,
-- Randy Robinson,  Treasurer, Southern Union Conf  (re-elected 9/2011)
-- Sean Robinson, new NAD job as Director of Disaster Response, Adv Community Services ( announced Dec. 18, 2013)
          He was Association Secretary at Texico Conference
--  Calvin B. Rock,   
--  Daniel Rodela,  NARLA, Los Angeles Chapter
--  Angel M. Rodriguez,  Director, Biblical Research Institute

--  Fred Rogers,
--  Jose Vicente Rojas,  Dir, Volunteer Ministries    [email protected] 

--  Steven G. Rose,
--  Warren Ruf,   David Runnels,
--  Horace Russell,
--  Michael L. Ryan,  VP of General Conference   [email protected]  ( Retired in July 2015 )
   Last updated: R section >  9/13/2017
-  S  -   
--  Evelyn Saravia,  Lawrence E. Schalk,    Kenneth Schiffour,
--  Benjamin D. Schoun,  VP of  GC   [email protected]   (301) 680-6678    LINKEDin  
--  Glynn C. W. Scott,    Treasurer, Lake Union Conf   (269) 473-8221  [email protected]   LINKEDin
--  Charles W. Scriven,  Loren Seibold,  Stephanie Sheehan,   Ralph Shelton Sr.,
--  Carlyle C. Simmons,  Exec Secy of AUC   [email protected]
--  Ella S. Simmons,  VP of GC    [email protected]  (send a test message)
--  Sandra Simms  (layperson from Lake Union Conf)
--  Charles B. Simpson,    David C. Smith,
--  Ron C. Smith,  President of Southern Union Conf (Elected 9/2011)
--  Jorge Soria,  Officer, Pacific Union Conf     (805) 413-7100
--  Weymouth Spence, President, Washington Adv Univ
--  Lincoln E. Steed,  Editor, Liberty Mag  (x-6692)   [email protected]
--  Artur A. Stele,   VP of General Conference     [email protected]
--  James L. Stevens,  President, Texico Conference  (505) 244-1611   [email protected]
--  Dragan Stojanovic,  Exec Secretary of Canadian Union  (905) 433-0011 (x-2083)
                        [email protected]  
--  Garry Sudds,  VP Education, Lake Union Conf    (269) 473-8200
--  Joel Swanson,  Ernie Sylvester,
   Last updated: 'S' section:  11/1/2015
-  T  -   
--  Charles Tapp,  Sr. Pastor, Sligo Church, Maryland   [email protected]    (301) 270-6777 X-126
-- Shana Taylor  (layperson from Southern Union Conf)
--  Manuela Terencio, Principal, Peel Adv. School, Ontario (905) 459-0500  [email protected] (bounced - 11/15)
--  Mark B. Thomas,  Review and Herald Publishing Assoc.   [email protected]
--  Astrid Thomassian,  AUC, Dir, Education (wife of Leon)   [email protected]
--  Leon D. Thomassian,  Treasurer, AUC    [email protected]
--  Alayne D. Thorpe, PhD  (female) Dean, Andrews Univ. & VP Education, Griggs Univ
                                       (301) 680.6570   Check out  www.griggs.edu
--  Gary Thurber,  Pres, Mid-America Union Conf.  (402) 484-3002  [email protected]   LINKEDin
                              Was Exec Secy, Lake Union Conference ( Nov. 2013 to 2015 )
--  Max C. Torkelsen II, Pres, North Pacific Union Conf  [email protected]
--  Max A. Trevino,  Chairman of Board, Southwestern Adv Univ   [email protected]
--  David Trim,  Director,  (Archives, Statistics, and Research), General Conference   LINKEDin
                       [email protected]
--  Arnold Trujillo, VP, Pacific Union Conf  [email protected]  |  [email protected]
--  Michael Tucker, Director, Faith for Today    [email protected]     LINKEDin
--  Kendall Turcios,   Deborah Turner,
-  U  -  V  -   
--  Sheri Uhrig, Director, Children's Ministries at NAD  (Elected on Oct. 30, 2015)
--  Larry Unterseher,   President, Nevada-Utah Conf    [email protected]
--  Donald W. Upson Sr.,  Pacific Press Publishing, VP Finance  [email protected] 
--   Jesus Uriarte,
--  Maurice R. Valentine,  President, Central States Conf (Elected June 17, 2012)   More info      
                [email protected]
  was Exec Secy, Mid-America Union  [email protected]
--  Miguel A. Valdivia,    Rodney Van Putten,
--  Robert Vandeman,  Exec Secy, Columbia Union Conf   [email protected]
--  Thomas L. Verrill,
-  W  -   
--  John Wagner, President (Interim) Union College  (402) 486-2500  [email protected]
--  Lilya Wagner,  PSI at NAD    (x-6130)    [email protected] 

--  C. Maurine Wahlen,    
--  Vince Wahn  
(layperson from Columbia Union Conf)
--  Twyla Wall,
--  Ralph S. Watts III,   President, Hawaii Conference   [email protected]    LINKEDin 
--  Gil Webb, VP Administration, Mid America Union    See more   [email protected]  
             Phone: (402) 484-3006      (Elected: Nov. 2012)   He replaced Maurice Valentine  
--  Daniel A. Weber,  Director, Communications Dept of NAD      [email protected]  (Elected: 10/30/15)
--  Dave Weigley,  President, Columbia Union Conf   [email protected] 
--  Rita Weisz, Bismarck, North Dakota   (works in child welfare services - 3rd generation SDA )
--  Vincent White Sr.,  Ronald H. Whitehead,
--  Phyllis Whitley-Washington, Children’s Min  (x-6424)   [email protected]
--  Lyn R. Wick,   Retirement at NAD   (x-6245)    [email protected]
--  Kenneth J. L. Wiebe,  President, Alberta Conf, Canada  (403) 342-5044 X-207
                                 new e-mail  [email protected] 
--  Ivan L. Williams, Ministerial Director of NAD,   [email protected] is e-mail on LINKEDin profile
--  Walton A. Williams,  Dir. Theological Seminary - (269) 471-3353   ( left in 2013 ) 
                                 Replaced by Ester Knott   [email protected]
    Assistant   Andrea (269) 471-3514
-- Ted N. C. Wilson,   President of General Conference    
                                      [email protected]  and  [email protected] 
--  William Winston, President, South Atlantic Conf   (404) 792-0535 X-100   [email protected] 
--  Randal R. Wisbey,  President, La Sierra Univ, California
--  Billy E. Wright,  President, Southwest Region Conference Assoc, Dallas  (214) 943-4491
                                 (he has been replaced in 2013)
--  Edward Wright,  President, Georgia-Cumberland Conf.  (800) 567-1844  [email protected]
--  Tracy Wood,  Dir. Youth & Young Adult Ministries  ( Elected Sept. 2017 )  Replaces James Black
Updated: W Section:  Sept 10, 2017
-  X  -  Y  -  Z  -
--  Joyce Yeager,
--  Lori T. Yingling
--  Elias Zabala, Sr.  President, New York Conference  (Elected: June 23, 2014)   (315) 469-6921 main
                                        [email protected]    LINKEDin
--  Zecharius ?? new
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Source:  Adventist Yearbook - - List of Executive Committee Members

Adventist Yearbook Corrections
Members in this color are not on the Yearbook list, but are on the Executive Committee
Click here for page of people who are on the Yearbook list - but NOT on the Committee

         Charles Cheatham,  President, Allegheny East Conf ( Replaced by Henry Fordham)   
         Norman Wendth,  President of Atlantic Union College  (Replaced by Duane Cady )
         Stan Rouse,  President, New York Conf   ( Replaced by Angel Rodriguez )
         Trevor Baker,   Pres, Northeastern Conf  ( replaced by Daniel Henore, June 2012 )
         Frank Tochterman,  Pres, Southern New England Conf.   (replaced by  David Dennis in July 2013 )
         George W. Johnson Jr.,  Dir. Communications, NAD  
New position as Director of Integrated Marketing & PR at Oakwood University  (started Dec. 2013)
         Angel Rodriguez,  President, New York Conference   (he replaced Stan Rouse in 2012)  He was replaced                   by Elias Zabala (June 23, 2014)     [email protected]    
Sources that help ID names:
Members in this color are no longer on the Executive Committee, but still on the list
This list was last updated on  October  25, 2015
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