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New Pages - July 2016 (4231-4300)
Recently  Created  Pages  -  July 2016
4300  --                          Re
4299  --  Faithful  ( separate page with 19 phrases ) SOP Quotes
4298  --  Well done good and faithful servant (199) SOP Quotes
4297  --  Faithful Servant (506) . . . of God (19) SOP Quotes
4296  --  History of David ( 5 ) / David's history SOP Quotes
4295  --  PP - Chapter 73 - Last Years of David Patriarchs and Prophets . . . .
4294  --  New Pages - July 2016 This page
4293  --  New Pages / Template Library Links / Home page
4292  --  Rule of Faith and practice (  ) SOP Quotes / Faith
4291  -- SoP chapters that inspire SOP Section
4290  --   Artricle about Education,Chapter 7                    Education
4289  --  Works and ways of God  ( 13 ) SOP Quotes
4288  --  Said Christ  ( 494 )  SOP Quotes/Christ
4287  --  illustration of what . . .  ( 42 ) SOP Quotes
4286  --  illustration of the way  ( 21 ) SOP Quotes
4285  --  illustration of the love of Christ (5) SOP Quotes
4284  --  Goodness of Heart ( 13 ) SOP Quotes/Heart
4283  --  God's instrument  ( 22 ) SOP Quotes/God's
4282  --  Education, Chapter 7 'Lives of Great Men' Education
4281  --  Hand of infinite power  ( 38 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .
4280  --   Liberty is . . .  ( 26 )                      SOP Quotes
4279  --  Christ's appointed means  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes
4278  --  Exceedingly sinful  ( 36 ) SOP Quotes/Sinful
4277  --  Power of the Gospel  ( 79 ) SOP Quotes
4276  --  Jeremiah 23: 1,2 "Woe to pastors who. . ." Scripture
4275  --  the Ways of God  ( 71 ) SOP Quotes
4274  --  Sanctuary service  (  ) SOP Quotes
4273  --  Service of the sanctuary ( 34 ) SOP Quotes
4272  --  Template/Sanctuary Template
4271  --  Inner sanctuary of the soul  ( 60 ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .  .
4270   --   Inner Sanctuary ( 71 )               SOP Quotes
4269  --  Sanctuary  ( separate page 9 phrases ) SOP Quotes
4268  --  Colossians 1: 27 >  Christ in you Scripture
4267  --  To make of none effect  ( 115 ) SOP Quotes
4266  --  We are Not to be discouraged (13) SOP Quotes
4265  --  God hates hypocrisy ( 4 ) SOP Quotes
4264  --  Stand for the right  (114) SOP Quotes
4263  --   In regard to the Work of God ( 8 ) SOP Quotes
4262  --  GC - Chapter 10 - Progress of Reform  Great Controversy . . .
4261  --  Control over minds  ( 5 )  con of the mind SOP Quotes
4260   --   Bitter Feelings Against  ( 7 )                          SOP Quotes
4259  --  Evidence of experience  ( 3 ) SOP Quotes
4258  --  It is our duty to prevent ( 6 )  to confess (5) SOP Quotes / Duty
4257  --  Indulgences ( 483 ) Sinful indulgences SOP Quotes
4256  --   2 Thessalonians 3: 6 - 8 Scripture
4255  --  Luke 12: 49-53  'Christ came to divide' SOP Quotes
4254  --  Obedience to the 4th Commandment (17) SOP Quotes
4253  --  Punish SIn  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes
4252  --  Duty of punishing iniquity  ( 2 )  SOP Quotes . . . . . . . . 
4251  --  PP - Chapter 72 - Rebellion of Absalom Patriarchs & Prophets
4250  --  System of Truth  ( 35 ) SOP Quotes / Truth 
4249  --  the Sacrament (12); Sacraments (2) SOP Quotes
4248  --  Seminar, Washington DC - July 15,2016 Event
4247  --  Ladder of Progress ( 79 ) SOP Quotes
4246  --  Jesus has said . . . (  ) SOP Quotes
4245  --  The Way of Evil  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes / Evil
4244  --  Upward Path  ( 25 ) SOP Quotes
4243  --  Reprove their sins  (  ) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .
4242  --  Special message SOP Quotes
4241  --  Ball Playing  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes/Amusement
4240  --  Satan was NOT allowed  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes / Satan
4239  --  God hates Deception  (1)  The Lord hates SOP Quotes . . . . . .
4238  --  Work of Deception (46) / Practice of deception SOP Quotes
4237  --  Work against a child of God  ( 3 ) SOP Quotes / Child of God
4236  --  Spiritual Matters  ( 33 ) SOP Quotes
4235  --  Real Worship  ( 3 ) SOP Quotes
4234  --  Determined to Rule  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes / Leaders .  .  . 
4233  --  Controlled by Satan  ( 34 ) SOP Quotes / Satan
4232  --  GC - Chapter 9 - The Swiss Reformer Great Controversy
4231  --  Transgressors of God's law  ( 109 ) SOP Quotes
  --  Pages 4401-4450  --  pages 4329-4400 --  pages 4231-4300 (this page)
  --  pages 4150-4230   --  pages 2099-2180 
We hope that this list of recent pages will help visitors returning to this site.  Making it easy to see what has been added to this site since their last visit.

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. If so, we will continue it.
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