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Videos on the Internet

Videos on the internet

Adventist messages
Video from Church leaders      http://www.nadadventist.org/article.php?id=585
Keepers  of  the  Flame
Part 1  -  The Apostacy                               duration:  40 minutes
Part 2  -  The Reformation  (in England)    duration:  21 minutes
Part 3  -   The Great Expectation     ( William Miller )    duration:  35 minutes
Part 4  -   After the Disappointment of 1844      duration:  54 mnutes
Part 5  -   The Weakest of the Weak   ( Ellen G. White )   duration: 33 min.
Part 6  -   The Lesser Light   ( The Testimonies )    duration: 34 minutes
Part 7  -   Healing Ministries    ( Health Message )    duration:  39 minutes
Part 8  -   Ellen - the woman     ( about her life )    duration:  47 minutes
      Each part can also be  Downloaded  and a  transcript  is available - Click Here

The Seventh Day  (Five part series produced by LLT Productions)
                                   Hosted by Hal Holbrook    Click Here
'Tell the World' film about early church pioneers
wins 3 top awards at IndiFEST -  Feb. 16, 2018

Biblical Archeology Section - - Discoveries from Ancient Civilizations
  - -   Egypt   ( Part 1)   - -   Egypt  ( Part 2 )
  - -  Assyria ( Part 1 )   - -  Assyria ( Part 2 )
  - -  Babylon  -  -
  - -  Medo - Persia  - - 
 - -   Exploring God's Universe  

Important  Warning  Messages
Warning about Spiritual Formation - Rick Howard, Ohio Campmeeting 2011  ( 1 hr. 20 min )
Dangers of Contemplative Prayer -  Howard Peth speaks to ASI
Dangers of Contemplative Prayer - NightLight recorded Aug. 31, 2012 with C.A. Murrary, Mark Finley, Dan Jackson
Prominent Adventists Speak About Spiritual Formation 
Emerging Church Movement is Spiritualism
Sleepwalking - presented by Victor Gil  and  AmazingDiscoveries.org
                             Exposing Spiritual Formation   ( this LINK no longer works )
Nader Mansour -   Mark of Antichrist  (Time:  1:15 )   October 2017
Messages to prepare for the final crisis
Andrew Henrique - Aug. 31, 2014   Nations are angry - Fast and Pray
Note:  This preacher has become more controversical now then he was in 2014

Video related to Health Message
Short PBS video about Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda
5 1/2 minute News / Documentary about Adventists and health

Dangerous Warning Messages
Final Warning to Adventists - Jeff Pippenger  
   ( Don't get fooled by this warning )  Some consider this a dangerous false warning

Videos related to Worship
Applause and clapping in the church  -  Stephen Bohr
Andrews University Workshop for Worship ( March 3013 )  -  Pedrito Maynard-Ried  ( 53 min.)
Another  list  with  more  interesting  video
On-line Ministries
Hope Media Ministry   -   www.HopeVideo.com
     Located:   Ada, Michigan   49301
White Horse Media - Newport, Washington,  Pastor Steve Wohlberg
Important video message:  The Time is At Hand  -  May  7, 2015 - Interview by 3ABN
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