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         Videos  on  Three  Angel's  Tube
These videos are presented for your study
they are not endorsed or recommended unless it says Recommended
Videos  for  August  2014
The Christian Ladder - Elder Juan Carlos DeJesus
The Beattitudes - Matthew  5: 3 - 12   
( 60 min.)
Video  for  May  2013
Silencing the Voice of God  -  Pastor Adrian Webster
Whangarei SDA Church, New Zealand
Older   V i d e o s   -   June 2010 to present
Climate change - Is it real?  -  Septhen Bohr - 2015  ( 75  min. )
                  Transferred to YouTube - May 2017
 Worship at Satan's Throne -  Stephen Bohr  ( 120 min )    Does not play
 The Certainty of Hope  -  Stephen Bohr   ( 58 min )   Does not play
  Sermon to ASI Convention (Southern Union Chapter) - April 10, 2010
 Munity in the Camp  -   Stephen Bohr     Does not play
            (Rebellion of Korah found in Numbers 16 with application for today)
 New Gods - The Trinity and SDA - Mar. 2011       Checked: 2018  Working
               Satan's Counters Three Angel's Message with three of his own - Rev. 16: 13
                Pastor John R. Cofer preaches on Seduction of Seventh-day Adventists
Checked:  Jan. 2018 - working
              We Found the AntiChrist - David Asscherick - ARISE Institute
                    Part  1:      Daniel 2 and Daniel 7      ( 14:57 minutes )
                    Part  2:     The Little Horn                  ( 14:37 minutes )
                    Part  3:      The Beast of Rev. 13           (  9:56 minutes )
                    Part  4:      Deadly Wound (Feb. 10, 1798) & Last Days  ( 12:21 min. )
            Checked:  Jan. 2018    Pages open but can't see videos
           Recommended  V i d e o s   for  September 2012
               Amazing Facts - Doug Batchelor       Checked:  Jan. 2018  - Does not play
              How Perfect should a Christian Be - 58 minutes

              Sermon:  'They Crucified My Lord'  - -  Walter Pearson   Does not play

                - - Amazing Discoveries  - -  
Walter Weith
     They Have Made Void Thy Lord  -   Two Parts
         ( Part 1 is 102 minutes )      Checked:  Jan. 2018   Working
     My Duty - Walter Veith       ( Checked Jan. 2018:  Working )
       Why he is a Seventh-day Adventist - 1 hr. 8 min  ( Jan. 2013 )
      Get Away from the Tents  -  Walter Veith   ( Jan. 2018:  Checked: Does not play )
       Warnings to the church - Amazing Discoveries - 111 minutes
Rick Howard  -  The Omega Rebellion  ( 1 hr 11 min )  Checked:  problem here
            Recommended for those struggling with Spiritual Formation
   Amazing Discoveries  -  Randy Skeete
  The Other Adam - a study of headship in the church   (Checked:  working)
Prophecies Decoded - Series presented by Dr. Ron Clouset
#3   Armegeddon & 7 Last Plagues   ( 88 minutes )  Checked Jan. 2018 - working
About the Sabbath 
Continuity of the Sabbath  -  David Asscherick
  Traced through 8 ages of Human History  ( 10 min. )   Working
 The Roots of Truth - The Sabbath -  Randy Skeete  ( 43 min.)   Working
    About the Occult
   The Trouble with Twilight Saga movies -- Steve Wohlberg    Working
                 Book on website  www.AvoidTwilight.com 
Pioneers of the Advent Movement

Video - Pathways of the Pioneers  -  Part 1   
( Checked Jan. 2018:  Not working)

More about the Pioneers of the church
'Tell the World' film about early church pioneers
wins 3 top awards at IndiFEST  -  Feb. 16, 2018
Abundant Grace Ministries  -  Pastor Adrian Webster
Sermon:  Portraits of Jesus (Part 1)   (Checked Jan. 2018:  working )                
Sermon:  Our Hope Beyond the Grave (Part 4)  -  Working on Vimeo now
                  For more see  www.EndTimePower.com  
GYC - General Youth Conference
Risking it all with nothing to lose  -  David Gates
Prior to April 2012
How to Study the Bible  -  Phillip Sizemore  ( 51 minutes )   Working
Sex in the Temple - Dwight Nelson - 2010       Working
2520 of Leviticus 26 is NOT a Time Prophecy    Working
Excellent Presentation on Music by Shepherd's Call
Motive: Music Mechanics and Body Language  ( 74 min. )   Working
2014  Video
At the Moment of Christ's Death
Pastor Rohan Barnwell
The Abundance of Love - Aug. 2016    ( 40 min )
Messages for the Last Days
 The 1843 Chart   ( Part 2 --  Part 3  --  Part 4  )  
    - -
presented by Jeff Pippenger       Checked Jan. 2018:  Working
 Preparation for the Final Crisis ( 59 min.)  -  Elder Moses Mason   Working
 A Special Work of Reform - Dwayne Lemon  ( 54 minute audio file )
 Unmasking the Wolf -  1 hr. 36 min      Checked Jan. 2018:  Not working
   Ismael Rodriguez, former Ministerial Director of Shephard's Rod - reveals the errors
 Mark of Antichrist  (Time:  1:15 ) - Nader Mansour  -  October 2017
Message to Laodicean Church
Victory in Jesus  - - Bill Liversidge  ( 58 min.)  Checked:  Working
Discoveries of Ron Wyatt   -  Anchorstone International
Noah's Ark  - - Red Sea Crossing  - -  Mt. Sinai  - -  Ark of the Covenent
     Video - Jerry Bowen presentation to  -  Part 1  - -  Part 2
Mt. Sinai discoveries confirmed by Dr. David Kim.
Dr. Kim was physician to Prince of Saudi Arabia for 16 years
He wrote a book, 'Thorne Bush' in Korean, presently being translated into English
Video:  David Gates interviews Dr. Kim   Many Photos from Mt. Sinai  (Checked:  Does not play)
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