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North American Division

Decision from President of the North American Division

                                                                                    e-mail:  Dec. 28, 2010 
Dear Brother,

While I have not corresponded with you to this point I do want you to know that I have discussed your situation with individuals from your conference and Union, as well as with some at the General Conference.  While I strongly believe that this matter should be resolved by yourself, your congregation and your local conference administration I will involve myself to the extent that  I am praying that God will bring resolution to your issue through the guidance of His Holy Spirit. 


Dan Jackson
President, North American Division
  Part of the problem is that there is no church manual procedure or church policy to deal with a pastor who refuses to call a business meeting for 21 months after the church voted to have one. The member is unable to resolve this because he has no voice to call a business meeting, the congregation is unable for the same reason. 

  How can the congregation have a voice when the issue is that they are deprived of their ability to meet.  Someone needs to uphold their decision 27 months ago setting their meeting schedule.

  Accusing a pastor of misconduct according to Working Policy L-60 section 10 is serious and it seems that church leaders who can't get a business meeting, still do not want to deal with this situation by using this policy. Unfortunately they can not and do not offer another option to the concerned members.
A study of the inspired writing of Ellen White regarding guidance of the Holy Spirit is interesting and the following two texts were sent to Dan Jackson 

The Lord has shown me that men in responsible positions are standing directly in the way of His work because they think the work must be done and the blessing must come in a certain way, and they will not recognize that which comes in any other way. My brethren, may the Lord place this matter before you as it is. God does not work as men plan, or as they wish; He "moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." Why reject the Lord's methods of working, because they do not coincide with our ideas? God has His appointed channels of light, but these are not necessarily the minds of any particular set of men. When all shall take their appointed place in God's work, earnestly seeking wisdom and guidance from Him, then a great advance will have been made toward letting light shine upon the world. When men shall cease to place themselves in the way, God will work among us as never before. 

Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5, page 726 paragraph 1

    second text

There must be no fixed rules; our work is a progressive work, and there must be room left for methods to be improved upon. But under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, unity must and will be preserved. -- Review and Herald, July 23, 1895.  

Evangelism, page 105.1

It seems that a better working policy, note in the Church Manual or church procedure is needed to deal with this situation and this situation could show the members of the Executive Committee and Church Manual Committee the need for a reform that upholds the Church Manual which gives members the right to have a voice in the affairs of the church at a business meeting.  However, until a policy can be put into place the Holy Spirit will guide church leaders to preserve unity, because "Unity must and will be preserved."
 The author of this page has prayed for guidance and I have been brought to this text . . .

Christ's lament over Jerusalem was for those also who today have had great light, and who have seen wonderful manifestations of his power and goodness, but who have not fulfilled God's purpose for them. Those who hear the voice of God and co-operate with him, using their capabilities in his service, will receive his blessing. But those who forget his instruction, and follow their own way, are a dishonor to him. A time will come when their wrong course of action, with its results and consequences, must be met.  
Review and Herald,  December 2, 1902 par. 1

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If your prayers for revival and reformation has led you to keep reading this page. If you have been convicted that the time has come to meet this situation with prayer and support please continue to the next page
Dan Jackson clarified his decision on January 26th - - see his message
He says that the Union Conference must ask for help before he will get involved
Express your concern to the Atlantic Union Conference
If you have any questions - send them to  [email protected]
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