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 President of the North American Division

                                                                                    e-mail:  Dec. 28, 2010 
Dear Brother,

While I have not corresponded with you to this point I do want you to know that I have discussed your situation with individuals from your conference and Union, as well as with some at the General Conference.  While I strongly believe that this matter should be resolved by yourself, your congregation and your local conference administration I will involve myself to the extent that  I am praying that God will bring resolution to your issue through the guidance of His Holy Spirit. 


Dan Jackson
President, North American Division
 You Can Help by praying for Daniel Jackson
the President of the North American Division
that he is guided by the Holy Spirit to do more than pray

You Can Help by contacting Daniel Jackson

[email protected] 
 Express you concern for the church in the North American Division
 that has not had a Business Meeting in over 27 months
- Mild support

 Request that he investigate why a Pastor will not call a business meeting
- Moderate support

 Members of this church and friends should demand he do something 
- Strong Support
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