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Working Policy L-60 section 10
NAD  Working  Policy L-60 section 10


        NAD Working Policy L-60 section 10
                - Integrity of the Ministry -
 In any case where the integrity or the moral or professional standing of any holder of credentials is called into question, it is the duty of the union to join the local conference/ mission / field in conferring, with a purpose to clear away any uncertainty, in order that no reproach or shadow may be left to rest upon all the credentials held by the ministry. Where the matters involved are of such a character that the union and local conference/mission/field committees are unable to resolve the difficulty and announce to all a clear record for the ministry, the matter shall be referred to the division by action of both local and union committees together, or by action of one body separately, inasmuch as any uncertainty in the matter of what ministerial credentials stand for in one field casts a shadow on all credentials and is a matter of general denominational concern. When appropriate, the disciplinary measures set forth in L 60 20 and L 60 25 shall apply.
 The last time the GNYC was asked to follow this policy that I know of, was in early 2009. There were dozens of accusations made by ten members ( some had multiple issues ).
 The local Greater New York Conference did not follow this procedure, the Union Conference will only ask the local conference to deal with this, and the President of the North American Division will not even mention this policy in his decision.
 The policy dealing with misconduct by Exective Officer of a conference is WP L-60 section 15
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