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You can help - Contact Dan Jackson

   The church has prayed for Revival and Reformation  

     The Lord has responded with a test for the leaders of the church

 You can help



You  can  Help  with  your  Prayers
"Prayer is the weapon to defeat the powers of hell (quotes 2 Corinthians 10: 4). Through prayer we give God permission to move mightily in our behalf.  In this universal struggle, God voluntarily limits Himself. He does not violate our power of choice. God will never force anyone to serve Him. . . "It is a part of God's plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask" Great Controversy, page 525"

                                               Quoted from
'Revive Us Again' by Mark Finley, page 14-15
You can also help by sending an e-mail to

Dan  Jackson
 President of North American Division

Read Dec. 28th decision by Dan Jackson
Below are three suggested form letters - mild support - moderate support - strong support
you can copy one and paste into an e-mail
and send to 
[email protected]

Please send a copy of your e-mail to   [email protected]
and will will keep you informed of progress and developments
                                                       Mild  Support

Dear Dan Jackson:
I read about the church that has not had a business meeting for 27 months in www.diggingfortruth.org -  I join you in praying that God will bring resolution through His Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit guide all parties into a resolution that is pleasing to God.

Your Name
Name of Your Church

                                         Moderate Support

Dear Dan Jackson: 

I read about the church that has not had a business meeting for 27 months in www.diggingfortruth.org -  I join you in praying that God will bring resolution through His Holy Spirit. The Church Manual requires business meetings and election of new officers via a nominating committee process, therefore the proper resolution is to restore a voice in the affairs of this church to the members of this church.  I pray that the NAD will be guided by the Church Manual texts that apply to business meetings and elections and takes whatever action you can to bring resolution to this church.

Your Name
Name of Your Church

Please send a copy of your e-mail to  [email protected]
and will will keep you informed of progress and developments

                                         Strong Support

 Dear Dan Jackson: 

I am a member [or a friend of a member] of the __________ church that has not had a business meeting for 27 months  I am glad that www.diggingfortruth.org is presenting this situation to you because I  [or my friend]  would like to have a voice in the affairs of the church.

Fifteen months ago the Local Conference said they would resolve the complaints of no business meeting and no elections, and they have done nothing. There are other problems at this church that I would like to see resolved also, and if there were a business meeting, I would feel that I have a voice and therefore a chance to restore some order and unity.

I have been praying that God will annoint you as His instrument to bring about a busines meeting. The Church Manual requires business meetings and the congregation passed a motion to have two meetings per year.

I ask that you uphold the church manual and the expressed will of the congregation and take whatever action you can to bring about a business meeting. I would also ask that a representative of the local conference or Union Conference attend the meeting to monitor what happens.

Your Name

Note:  Please fill in the blank in first line, so that he knows you are a member by being able to name the church.

Please send a copy of your e-mail to  [email protected]
and will will keep you informed of progress and developments
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