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E-ventist Network on LINKEDin
             E-ventist  Network

          Group Launched:   March 2008  as Adventists LINKED         9 Subgroups  ( see List of subgroups )

Name Changed:   Dec. 18, 2017       Currently  2,812  Members

URL to Join group

Orientation for New Members  ( Separate group )
         Description of Group:
 This group is for members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who wish to follow Hebrews 10: 25 which says,
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together . . . but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
There are 1,500 discussions currently    - - see updated list

Most  active  discussionsPacific Union Executive Committee votes to call constituency meeting about
       ordination of women pastors  - -  223 comments
Columbia Union Constituence approves Ordination of Women - - 166 comments
What can we learn from role of females in ministry - - 131 comments
What is the Hottest Topics in Adventists Circles Today - -  119 comments
Hot Topics: - - The Holy Spirit  - -  103 comments
                 - -  Separation of Church and State - 35 commentsIs SDA church stuck in its ways, and no longer a movement - - 202 comments

NAD President accused of neglect of duty - Oct. 23, 2011 - - 18 comments
Two Conferences trying to put faithful members in jail. - - 7 comments
Genesis 1:1  →  Genesis 1:2  → Rev 12: 17  - -  68 comments

Changes to Fundamental Beliefs - - 49 comments
Fundamental Belief #2 Godhead or Trinity - 23 comments
Article in Adventist World about Fundamental Belief #2 - - 22 comments

ANN ignores LINKEDin as venue for social media - - 17 comments
Religious Freedom in SDA church  - - 12 comments
Pope says, Sunday must be a day of rest - 56 comments
Separation of Church and State - - 35 comments
Need for Reformation by Church leaders  - - 31 comments
Is the 144,000 a literal number?  - -   20 comments
Two things destroying our youth today - - 10 comments
New NAD Committee to study theology of Ordination - Sept. 26, 2012  - - 5 comments
Share your stories about answered paryers - - 5 comments
POLLs and related discussions
POLL:  Ask permission to restore name Adventist to this group  - - 69 comments
POLL:  Doctrinal accuracy of the term "Trinity"  -  27 comments

Discussions related to the organization of the group
Legal Action requires name of group to be changed - 82 comments
Ask permission to restore 'Adventist' name to this group  - - 69 comments

Discussion related to Spirit of Prophecy
Was Ellen White a plagarist?  - - 17 comments

Bible Studies / SS Lessons  from William Earnhardt -  45 discussions
General Conference Session  -  10 discussions
Creation vs Evolution Debate  -   3 discussionsAnnouncements of events     -   15 discussions
Church Manual changes        -    2 discussions
Promotions by projects and work of members  -  10 discussions
Poetry  ( Link to Christian Poetry )

Check JOBS sections for listings
Check PROMOTIONS section for listings
News items from RSS Feed from Adventists News Network  -  80 items
Group statistics:  Demographics - growth - activity chart   Click Here   

                                                 Nine  sub-groups

e-ventist Pastors
        ( 603 members )    To join Group
  E-ventists in Australia
                       and  New Zealand
       Created: Sept. 2014
Discussion of  'The Great Controversy'
Book by Ellen G. White        ( 42 members )
The Three Angel's Message of Rev. 14
and the forth angel of Rev. 18   ( 18 members )

subgroup  - created April 2012
Church Manual and Working Policies

 See separate page  
Created on May 3, 2011
e-ventist Leaders   ( 19 members )  
Global Internet Evangelism Network
    ( 37 members )
  .  .  . .  .
e-ventists in Illinois
      28 members )
e-ventists in Florida
         ( 15 members )
   List of LINKEDin users at this Conference
 Information Last Updated:   Feb. 22, 2017  
The Adventists LINKED page has active discussions on our Forum. For more information about the Forum.  Click Here

  Members can go directly to the forum http://diggingfortruth.org/forum/
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