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E-ventist Network - List of Discussions - July 2014
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There are 2,266 members as of July 20, 2014
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Partial  List  of  Discussions
Legend:   Over 300 Comments Over 200 comments Over 100 Comments Started recently
Find these discussions by using SEARCH feature on top line of Discussion section, some are LINKed  
Announcements       Started Comments
Launched a New group for Adventists in Texas ( E-ventists in Texas ) April 22, 2014 3
 - - Adventists in Texas - new subgroup for SouthWest Region Conference July 2014 4
 - - Adventists in Texas - new subgroup for Texas Conference July 2014 3
New Book about Christ - Radical Transformation ( Free Download ) March 2014 8
2,100 th member joins group - please welcome Joseph Leeson, Washington DC Mar. 10, 2014 -
2,000 th member joins group - please welcome Samuel Rojo Bishop Jan. 28, 2014 4 comments
400 th member joins Pastors  subgroup and new Manager for group Jan. 2014  
E-ventist Network expanding the Company page Feb. 16, 2014  
Presenting precious Bible truths to non-Adventists who want to join this group July 2014 1
List of Adventists in Ohio  - to promote Group for Adventists in Ohio Dec. 15, 2013 7
Internet technology allows new and interesting way to read Spirit of Prophecy April 2014 6
News and Notable Events    
Eric Walsh, Pasadena Public Health Director placed on administrative leave
because his comments
May 2014 116
Reconciliation between Catholic church and Evangelicals  See Pope's message Feb. 22, 2014 31
General Conference Communications Dept produces 'The Record Keeper' Sept. 2013 15
-  -  'The Record Keeper' discuss theatrical take on Great Controversy Jan. 24, 2014 8
2013 Annual Council - votes changes Oct. 2013  
Discussion on Report to Annual Council --  Survey of 26,000 members  Oct. 2013 13
Church membership passes 18 million members Dec. 2013  
Year End Meetings at NAD ( Oct. 31 to Nov. 6, 2013 ) Nov. 2013 6
 - - NAD organizes their TOSC committee ( follow all meetings ) Sept. 26, 2012 121
General Conference TOSC committee - Third Meeting (Jan. 2014) Jan. 2014 85
Woman Elected President of Southern California Conference Oct. 2013 34
GC appointed Gerson Santos as Director of Urban Studies Sept. 2013 64
NAD launches new website, MyWayToJesus Oct. 2013  
SDA Church in Samoa decides to worship on Sunday June 2013 63
Discussions about Church Doctrines    
What day was Christ really Born on  ( see Bible Study ) Dec. 2013 371
Spiritual Formation / Emerging Church - Words of Warning Aug. 2012 102
-  -   Real Roots of Emerging Church Nov. 2013  
Is Sunday the only Mark of the Beast June 2014 111
Ordination of Women as Pastors    
- - Pacific Union Conference calls constituency meeting about W.O. May 2012 256
- - Columbia Union Conference approves Women's Ordination July 2012 202
General Conference TOSC Committee - Third Meeting Jan. 2014 85
-  - NAD Organized TOSC in Sept. 2012 - Follow work of the committee Sept. 2012 121
- -  South Pacific Division recommends Womens Ordination to TOSC Nov. 2013 7
- - - Columbia Union Conference ordains Women Pastors Feb. 2012 29
- - North Pacific Union Conference calls constitueny meeting Nov. 2013 27
- - Role of Females in Ministry   135
- - Deeper Discussion of issues behind Ordination of Women as Pastors   21
Movement within the church to deny existence of the Holy Spirit April 2012 102
Upcoming Events in the Future  (and discussions on Prophecy)    
Should we rent SDA facilities to Muslim groups April 2014 104
Four Blood Moons - rare astronomical events start in April 2014 Jan. 2014 13
Movie: 'Heaven is for Real' opens April 2014  Nov. 2013 3
Movie: Hollywood movie about  "Noah" May 2013 18
Open  Letters    
To Ted Wilson - Error in Sabbath School Quarterly ( 3Q of 2012 ) Feb. 2014 48
To Ted Wilson - Asking him to support his statement Christ was born in Springtime Dec. 2013  
Atlantic Union - Right to seek fairness still denies by Atlanic Union Conference Mar. 2014 69
To Ted Wilson - asking for clarification of Church Manual 'right to seek fairness' Nov. 2013 40
Following  Interesting  Issues    
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus May 2014 109
New Controversy at Manhattan Church July 2013 117
New level of injustice at Manhattan Church - removal of member unfairly Aug. 2013 100
e-mails to Atlantic Union Conference blocked - please help Sept. 24, 2013 48
Spotlight on Rights of Members: Atlantic Union will not uphold rights of members Sept. 2013 25
- - Right to seek fairness still denied by Altantic Union Conference Mar. 2014 61
- - NAD President ignores key question about fairness Oct. 24, 2013 26
New Form of Church Discipline - 'Discipline by Cop' May 2013 92
- - Two Adventist Ladies want to attend NY13 seminar, but can get arrested May 2013 106
- - Two Ladies final appeal to GC fails June 2013 7
Call to Accountability for the Potomac Conference leaders - unholy law suit June 2013 33
- - Spotlight on Takoma Academy, Lawsuit filed by Conference April 2013 15
Catholicism in SDA Hymnal Oct. 2013 6
What's the hottest topic in Adventist circles today? April 2010 120
Sermons / Videos    
Video: Stephen Bohr, Jim Gilley talk about "Is the Protest Over" June 2014 5
Ted Wilson's message to NAD Executive Committee - Nov. 1, 2013 Feb. 2014  
Ted Wilson gives message about 'State of the Church' Nov. 14, 2014  
Video of GYC Conference in Orlando Jan. 27, 2014  
More discussions about products and services in the PROMOTIONS section    
List Last Updated:  July 23, 2014  
Legend:   Over 200 comments Over 100 Comments Started recently