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E-ventist Network - Update and News - Jan. 2013
             E-ventist  Network


Group Launched:   March 2008  as Adventists LINKED
Name Changed:   March 18, 2012        Currently  2,200  Members
     Follow this group - -  feature started July 25, 2012

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Click on it to Follow this group

If Following appears - you are already in
If it does not appear - go to this URL


Description of Group:
 This group is for members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church who wish to follow Hebrews 10: 25 which says, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together . . . but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Group statistics:  Demographics - growth - activity chart   Click Here

There are 1,155 discussions currently   (use SEARCH to find any discussion)

New Discussions in the last month
Two conferences trying to put faithful members in jail.
Annual Council meeting ( Oct. 11 - 17, 2012 ) Agenda
Is the Church you serve friendly or grouchy?
How to trim the sails on your church budget.
New NAD committee to study theology of ordination - Sept. 26, 2012

Most  active  discussions
Pacific Union Executive Committee votes to call constituency meeting about
       ordination of women pastors  - -  223 comments
Is SDA church stuck in its ways, and no longer a movement - - 202 comments
Columbia Union Constituence approves Ordination of Women - - 166 comments
What can we learn from role of females in ministry - - 131 comments
What is the Hottest Topics in Adventists Circles Today - -  119 comments
Hot Topics: - - The Holy Spirit  - -  103 comments
                 - -  Separation of Church and State - 35 comments
Is the Church you serve friendly or grouchy?  - - 92 comments

NAD President accused of neglect of duty - Oct. 23, 2011 - - 18 comments
Two Conferences trying to put faithful members in jail. - - 7 comments
Genesis 1:1  →  Genesis 1:2  → Rev 12: 17  - -  68 comments

Changes to Fundamental Beliefs - - 49 comments
Fundamental Belief #2 Godhead or Trinity - 23 comments
Article in Adventist World about Fundamental Belief #2 - - 22 comments

ANN ignores LINKEDin as venue for social media - - 17 comments
Religious Freedom in SDA church  - - 12 comments
Pope says, Sunday must be a day of rest - 56 comments
Separation of Church and State - - 35 comments
Need for Reformation by Church leaders  - - 31 comments
Is the 144,000 a literal number?  - -   20 comments
Two things destroying our youth today - - 10 comments
New NAD Committee to study theology of Ordination - Sept. 26, 2012  - - 5 comments
Share your stories about answered paryers - - 5 comments

POLLs and related discussions
POLL:  Contact Ted Wilson and declare our support for him a GC leaders 
POLL:  Ask permission to restore name Adventist to this group  - - 69 comments
POLL:  Doctrinal accuracy of the term "Trinity"  -  27 comments
POLL:  Does your Sabbath School class have a social life - - 6 comments
Discussions related to the organization of the group
Legal Action requires name of group to be changed - 82 comments
Ask permission to restore 'Adventist' name to this group  - - 69 comments
FOLLOW E-ventist Network group using LINKEDin technology  -  -  5 comments


Discussion related to Spirit of Prophecy
Was Ellen White a plagarist?  - - 17 comments
The Great Hope distribution to millions around the world  -  3
EGW never used the word "Trinity"  - - 25 comments

Bible Studies / SS Lessons  from William Earnhardt -  35 discussions
General Conference Session  -  10 discussions
Creation vs Evolution Debate  -   3 discussions
Announcements of events     -   15 discussions
Church Manual changes        -    2 discussions
Promotions by projects and work of members  -  10 discussions
Poetry  ( Link to Christian Poetry )
'Keepers of the Flame' videos


Check JOBS sections for listings                 -  Mgr position at ADRA Canada
Check PROMOTIONS section for listings     -  No new promotions in last week
News items from RSS Feed from Adventists News Network  -  85 items
URL to Join group

                                                    Eight  sub-groups

See  Sub-group  profiles  ( also has LINKs to join )
     e-ventist Pastors
                450 members )
Grew by 50 members since July prompted need for someone to Manage or to Moderate this sub-group. Anyone interested contact Mario privately.
Discussion of  'The Great Controversy'
Book by Ellen G. White        ( 41 members )
Join the discussion of key paragraphs, such as,
"As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the
third angel's message, but have not been sanctified through obedience
to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. .  ." 
Great Controversy, page 608.2  in Chapter 38 
The Three Angel's Message of Rev. 14
         and the forth angel of Rev. 18  
               ( 18 members )
Newest subgroup  - created April 2012
Discussing Spirit of Prophecy and Scriptures about the message that Seventh-day Adventists are proclaiming to the world.
To join www.linkedin.com/groups/Discussion-Three-Angels-Message-Rev-4402904/about
Church Manual
   and Working Policies sub-group  .
             ( 13 members )
   .  .  .  .  .
See separate page   Group created on May 3, 2011
  2012 is  "Year of Listening"  where any member can suggest changes to the Fundamental Beliefs. 
To read more  
New Discussion about Card Playing in the Church. Does the Church Manual say enough?
   e-ventist Leaders   
          ( 16 members )
Sorry, not allowed to use Adventist in the name. Original name appears above on the right. This small group includes an Undersecretary of the General Conference, but leaders even at the local church level are encouraged to join.  www.linkedin.com/groups/eventist-Church-Leaders-2058173/about
 Global Internet Evangelism Network
    ( 37 members )
      .  .  .  .
Discussing the last GAIN meeting in Hong Kong in May
New Discussion about Videos of presentations from the GAIN meetings in May.
      e-ventists in Illinois
              ( 25 members )
To join this subgroup  http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Eventists-in-Illinois-Illinois-Conference-2764911/about
       e-ventists in Florida
                     ( 14 members )
           List of LINKEDin users in Florida Conference 
To join this subgroup  http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Eventists-in-Florida-2283274/about
Return to E-ventist Network group page

Last Updated:  May 10, 2014