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Adventists LINKED - 1,000 Members



             Adventists LINKED

        Group Launched:   March 10, 2008               Reached  1,000  Members  on March 4, 2012

  1,000 th  member joins Adventists LINKED group  – 

Let’s welcome Pastor Rohann Wellington from New York City

  On March 3rd our group reached the 1,000th member mark - when Pastor Wellington joined the group.

  Rohann Wellington has been a Pastor with the Greater New York Conference for eleven years. He serves as Managing Director of Atlantic Union Adventist Media since January 2008 and as Communications Director of Greater New York Conference since September 2010.

  He received a BA degree in 1999 (major in Religion) from Northern Caribbean University.

  I invite you to view Pastor Wellington’s profile for more details.  The URL for his profile is  http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rohann-wellington/37/98a/342

Pastor Wellington is also a member of Adventists in Media and Communications group.

I would like to introduce every new member of the group this way, but that is impractical. However, I do try to introduce every 100th member who joins. Therefore, I have created a discussion on the Adventists LINKED group so that you can post a comment to welcome Rohann Wellington and explore common interests.

God Bless
                                                                                             Posted:  March 4, 2012
Go to Adventists LINKED group  http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/68072/3CDA903430A6


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