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LINKEDin networking for Adventists
I have been promoting the church on the internet since 2001 and on the networking site www.LinkedIN.com for the last ten years.  I have developed internet connections with thousands of Seventh-day Adventists from all over the world.
        In 2007 The Lord impressed me with this Scripture
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”
Hebrews 10: 25  [ KJV ]
The Lord knew that in the last days - there would be instant worldwide communications.
LINKEDin technology can search over 500 million people and allow you to contact the ones you find interesting, this can be used as a resource for communications and evangelism.

There are now 3,500  Adventists on the first level of my LinkedIN network  - - these Adventists are connected to more than 1,000,000 people (my second level).  I estimate this 2nd level has over 225,000 Adventists and 800,000+ friends of the 3,500 Adventists on my first level  - I don't know how many Adventists are in my third level which is over 19.3 million people.

  In February 2012,  45 Adventists joined my network and  420 joined the groups that I am involved with
(see list below).  Praise the Lord, this is the most growth in one month. 
LINKEDin  Groups

The LINKEDin technology for groups has many useful features - 
Learn about LINKEDin Groups
            There are over  8,500 Adventists in the twenty-three groups for Adventists I am involved with.   There are a total of twenty-six sub-groups within some of these 23 main groups.  To see details http://www.diggingfortruth.org/article/84/ - if you on on my website you are looking at it.
  There are many interesting Adventists in the group called  E-ventist  Network and  I invite you to join this group (over 2,800 members ) and see if you like it.     The numbers on this page were last updated on  Oct.  20, 2018.
In March 2012, the General Conference legal department strongly requested that I remove trademarked names from seven of my groups and "the other groups for Adventists" on the list below. This list has been edited to reflect the new Group names, and on the left you will see the original name of the group.

The 23 groups below that is organized by Professional Groups - - Geographic location - - Specialty groups

The largest and most active group is called the E-ventist Network
  Note:   Name changed on March 18, 2012
     E-ventist  Network      
            ( 2,806 members )     

    More information about this group
                                URL to Join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/68072 
                                             There are 9 Sub-groups:               
►    e-ventist Pastors   ( 611  members )


►   e-ventist Church Leaders
  - Discussion of message of Three Angels
      of Rev. 14 and angel of Rev. 18
►  e-ventists in Australia & New Zealand
  Discussion of  
  'The Great Controversy'  ( 41 Members )
►   e-ventists in Florida      
►   e-ventists in ILLINOIS    
        Illinois Conference Sub-group
►  Church Manaul
       and  Working  Policies
                     Evangelism sub-group    
GIEN Global Internet Evangelism Network  

Professional  Groups
Health Care   -   Education   -    Publishing   -    Media / Communications   -   Law Practice
Information Technology  -  Animation & Graphics Design  -  Real Estate  -  Human Resources
E-ventists  in  Music
Started:  Feb. 1, 2018
URL to join:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6955566

           E-ventists in Information Technology
                 ( 920 members) 
            URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/912847​
                 Sub-group:   Church Webmasters / Web Developers  ( 37 members ) 

          E-ventists in Education 
    ( 970 members) 
  3 Sub-groups:    ‘Creation vs Evolution’ Debate     ( 21 )
                                   ​e-Learning and Distance Learning   ( 72 )
                                                           Adventists at Loma Linda University                                  

            E-ventists in Health Care     
             ( 1,205 members )

                      URL to join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/135131​
                               Sub-group:     Adventist Nurses  (36)  


         E-ventists in Publishing   
           ( 335 members ) 

                        URL to Join https://www.linkedin.com/groups/132755​

                            Sub-groups:     e-ventist Authors    ( 36 members )
Book Review Team   ( 12 members )

E-ventists in Media and Communications 
                ( 330 members )  
  URL to join    https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2609250    
           Sub-groups:     e-ventists in Audio / Visual  ( 22 members ) (Launched: Oct. 5, 2011)
                                Adventists in Ohio   (Launched: July 22, 2010)
New Group
No Logo yet
E-ventists in HR 
( Human Resources - Recruiting - Benefits etc)
Created January 2018
URL to join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2869037 

     E-ventists in Animation
and Computer Graphics     

              ( 204 members )
               URL to join https://www.linkedin.com/groups/71841​

E-ventists in Law Practice       
( 49 members )
                      URL to join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/149740​

E-ventists in Real Estate   
      Launched Dec. 2009  
             ( 25 members )
                 URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2586438​
Groups  by  geographic  location
  Atlanta (Georgia)  -  California  -  Tennessee  -  Texas  -  Washington DC 
Canada  -  Europe  -  South America and Caribbean
   E-ventists in Atlanta
(and the state of Georgia)  
     ( 311 members )
           URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2074165​
           3 Sub-groups:    South Atlantic Conference  
                                 Georgia-Cumberland Conference   ( 18 members )
                           GC Session 2010 – in Atlanta   
                                                               ( 146 members )  
 URL to join    https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2484089​

                The group supported and helped delegates and visitors to GC Session in July 2015
     E-ventists in Texas
                Launched:  April 22, 2014
           Description of group with URL to Join
   425 members
as of March 23
     3 subgroups for Texans  
 ♦  Texas Conference
 ♦  Southwest Region Conference
 ♦   Texico Conference
     3 subgroups for Visitors to GC Session
-  Attending GC Session in San Antonio - 2015

-  Guide to Vegetarian Restaurants in San Antonio

-  Child Day Care for GC Session in July 2015
  E-ventists in California       
         ( 75 members )   
      To join group  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/71842​
              3 Sub-groups:      e-ventists in Los Angeles
                                            South California Conference Sub-group
                                            Southeastern California Conference Sub-group

           E-ventists in Tennessee  . 
       Launched Dec. 30, 2011
             Click Here for more information
                ( 46 members )  
URL to Join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4234211​
                     Subgroup:    e-ventists at Southern Adventist University

     E-ventists in Washington DC         

         ( 32 members )
     URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1991252​

There is a list of
Adventists in Ohio
who are on LINKEDin
 Adventists in Ohio   (Launched: July 22, 2010)

( 9 members )
         E-ventists in Europe      
      ( 39 members )
             URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/912727
                      Subgroup:   Adventists in the Netherlands   ( 14 members )

                   E-ventists in Canada 
      (  32 members )         

                 URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/149609​            
                                                 Group Established in 2008

             E-ventists in South America 
           and the Caribbean 

          ( 47 members )
                     URL to join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/928857
2 Sub-groups:   e-ventists in Brazil   ( 20 members )    
                                         URL to join  
                                e-ventists in Caribbean   ( 12 members )
 Special  Groups
ADRA  - -  NY13  - -   Religious Liberty  - -  Youth Ministries

New groups:   Last Day Events 
(Launched Mar.10, 2018)
                                 E-ventists in Music  (see Professional section)
Logo coming soon Last  Day  Events
(Launched:  Mar. 10, 2018 )
Here is the URL to join:  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6938115

         NY13 - Revelation of Hope
         Evangelism to New York City 
                     ( 46 members )  
                             More information about this group
       2 Sub-Groups:        Adventists in New Jersey
                                       Ridgewood Christian Bible Study Group
but we support ADRA
       Launched:   June 4th 2010                ( 461 members )
  URL to join   https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3107668​
          Subgroups:    ADRA Program Directors   ( 36 )
To join  

                             Volunteers Supporting ADRA

  P A R L
– Public Affairs Religious Liberty   
                  ( 43 members )
                URL to join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1972381​

         E-ventist  Youth  Ministries   

    ( 275 members )

              To Join  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/912777​

Please contact me if you would like more information about any group 
-  to join just click on the URL near the name

See my profile http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariopetrovalle