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Poetry by RFH (Page 12) Oct. 2017
        by RFH
Even if everyone
  should believe
  a lie and reject
    the truth,
A lie is never
  in any position
  above the truth;
Truths are eternal
  and everlasting;
  lies are temporal
    and shall meet
    their utter end.
2  Thes.  2:11, 12
says: "And for this
cause  God  shall
send them strong
delusion, that they
should  believe  a
lie:  that  they  all
might be damned
who  believe  not
the truth, but had
pleasure  in   un-

(c) RFH 10/11/2017  
  [Nonprofit use permitted]


















It's clean, so don't be
concerned;   this   is
RFH's first ever "rap"
      HAVE  PITY
      by RFH
Here's a word
  fer th' homeless
  'n' th' poor;
    folks we often
    tend to ignore:
So ya think
  these people
  are fakin'?
    Is that th' decision
    yer makin'?
Ya think ya've been
  thru it all?
  'n' all along ya
    knew it all?
Well, I got news
  fer you;
  you ain't the one
    who's turnin' blue!
Have pity
  on the homeless
  'n' the hurtin';
    or with yer destiny
    ya'll be flirtin'.

There's no better way
  to bein' kind
  than to help
    with the halt,
    the lame,
      'n' the blind.
(c) RFH 10/05/2017
[Nonprofit use permitted]

Matthew 5:42 says:
"Give   to   him  that
asketh   thee,   and
from him that would
borrow of thee turn
not thou away."
Isaiah 58:10 (in part)
says: "... draw out thy
soul to the hungry ...
satisfy the afflicted ...
thy light [shall] rise ...
and   thy   darkness
[shall   be]   as   the
noonday."    [Selah!
Imagine that!]
"The whole  of the fifty-
eighth chapter of Isaiah
is to be  regarded  as a
message  for  this time,
to  be  given  over  and
over again."
Special Testimonies, Series B 02:5.
"What saith the Lord in
the  fifty-eighth chapter
of  Isaiah?  The  whole
chapter is of the highest
Testimonies for the Church 8:159.
"Read  [the  fifty-eighth
chapter of Isaiah] care-
fully   and   understand
the kind of ministry that
will  bring  life  into  the
churches. The work of
the  gospel   is   to  be
carried  by  means  of
our liberality as well as
by our  labors.  When
you   meet   suffering
souls  who need help,
give it  to them. When
you find those who are
hungry, feed them. In
doing this you will be
working  in   lines   of
Christ's ministry. The
Master's   holy   work
was a benevolent work
[so} be encouraged to
have a part in it."
Manuscript 7, 1908.
section three