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New Pages ( 4601 - 4650 ) - June 2017
Recently  Created  Pages  -  June 2017
Previous fifty pages:  4550 to 4600  - -   next fifty:  4651 to 4700
4650  --  Christ said,  I came to . . . (13)   I came to testify (3)          SOP Quotes about 'Christ came to'
4649  --  Within the church  ( 18 ) SOP Quotes about the Church
4648  --  Dangers from within  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about Danger
4647  --  Worship of the true God  ( 45 ) SOP Quotes about Worship
4646  --  Reserved - when easy to remember page is needed  
4645  --  PK - Chapter 25 - Call of Isaiah (p. 303) SOP Books - Prophets and Kings
4644  --  Wrath of the Lamb  ( 81 ) SOP Quotes
4643  --  Repress fanaticism  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about Fanaticism
4642  --  Preparing the way for . . . ( 140 ) SOP Quotes about Preparation for
4641  --  Full repentance (7) Thorough Repentance (27) SOP Quotes about Repentance  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4640   --    Good deeds   ( 132 )                                        SOP Quotes
4639  --  Spring of 1844  ( 14 ) Section for important Dates
4638  --  Habakkuk  2: 1 - 4   The vision is sure Scriptures section
4637  --  Teachings of the Church  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes about Church
4636  --  Baptism Texts Bible Studies section
4635  --  Words of Malachi  ( 6 ) SOP Quotes
4634  --  Satanic Attributes  ( 31 ) SOP Quotes about Satan
4633  --  PK - Chapter 24- Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge SOP Book . . .  Prophets and Kings  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
4632  --  Escape the Wrath of God ( 21 ) SOP Quotes about the Wrath of God 
4631  --  Prejudice  (1,709) SOP Quotes  .  .  .  .  .
4630  --   Christ Said  ( 942 )                                                   SOP Quotes about Christ
4629  --  New Truth ( 60 );  New Truths (  ) SOP Quotes about New Light
4628  --  Sanctified through Obedience ( 52 ) SOP Quotes about Sanctification
4627  --  Danger    ( Separate page ) SOP Quotes
4626  --  Probation  ( Separate page ) SOP Quotes
4625  --  Period of Probation  ( 69 ) SOP Quotes about Probation
4624  --  God's Wrath  ( 190 ) SOP Quotes about God's
4623  --  New Pages ( 4601 to 4650 ) You are looking at this page
4622  --  PK - Chapter 23 - Assyrian Captivity Book:  Prophets and Kings
4621  --  Mt. of Blessing - Chapter 6 - Judging Book:  Thoughts from the Mt. of Blessing .
4620   --   Mt. of Blessing - Chapter 5 - The Lord's Prayer          Book:  Thoughts from Mt. of Blessings
4619  --  Judge the motives of others  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about Motives
4618  --  Backslidden  (  ) SOP Quotes about Backsliders
4617  --  Holy angels were sent  ( 13 ) SOP Quotes about Angels
4616  --  [He] Seeks to arouse men  ( 17 ) SOP Quotes for Awake
4615  --  Spirit of Reform  (  ) SOP Quotes for Reform
4614  --  Has fallen upon the church  ( 9 ) SOP Quotes about the Church
4613  --  Isaiah 6: 1, 4-8  >  He sees God in temple Scripture section for Isaiah
4612  --  Answerable to God  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes about Accountibility
4611  --  DA - Chapter 20 - Signs and Wonders Book:  Desire of Ages, Chapter 20  .  .  .  .  .   .
4610   --   PK - Chapter 22 - 'Nineveh, that great city' (p. 265)     Book - Prophets and Kings
4609  --  Work to do for others  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about Work
4608  --  Duty to Man  ( 7 ) SOP Quotes about Duty
4607  --  Could their eyes be opened ( 22 ) SOP Quotes about Eyes
4606  --  Great Apostasy  ( 62 ) SOP Quotes about Apostasy
4605  --  Ezekiel 3: 18 - 21  Warning about Sin Scriptures in Old Testiment  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
4604  --  Unjust decision  ( 3 )  Unjust charges SOP Quotes
4603  --  Feelings Control  ( 4 ) SOP Quotes about Control
4602  --  Perseverance  (  ) SOP Quotes 
4601  --  Spiritual Apathy  ( 9 ) SOP Quotes about Spiritual
4600  --  1 John 5: 7, 8  (The three that bear record) Scripture section  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
  -  note to readers - E   .    .
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