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Answerable to God ( 12 )
   Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
answerable  to  God
Related phrase:  accountable to God  (  )
Now is the time to use means for God. Now is the time to be rich in good works, laying up in store for ourselves a good foundation against the time to come, that we may lay hold on eternal life. One soul saved in the kingdom of God is of more value than all earthly riches. We are answerable to God for the souls of those with whom we are brought in contact, and the closer our connections with our fellow men, the greater our responsibility. We are one great brotherhood, and the welfare of our fellow men should be our great interest. We have not one moment to lose. If we have been careless in this matter, it is high time we were now in earnest to redeem the time, lest the blood of souls be found on our garments. As children of God, none of us are excused from taking a part in the great work of Christ in the salvation of our fellow men. { CET 214.2 }  { LS 206.2} { 3T 209.1} 
Now is the time to use means for God. Now is the time to be rich in good works, laying up in store for ourselves a good foundation against the time to come, that we may lay hold on eternal life. One soul saved in the kingdom of God is of more value than all earthly riches. We are answerable to God for the souls of those with whom we are brought into contact, and the more closely our connections with our fellow-men, the greater is our responsibility. We are one great brotherhood, and the welfare of our fellow-men should be our great interest. We have not one moment to lose. If we have been careless in this matter it is high time we were now in earnest to redeem the time, lest the blood of souls be found in our garments. As children of God, none of us are excused from taking a part in the great work of Christ, in the salvation of our fellow-men. { PH123 108.2 } 
 { PH159 212.2 } 
We are answerable to God for the souls of those with whom we are brought in contact, and the closer our connections with our fellow-men, the greater our responsibility. { Advance June 1, 1899, par. 10 }
If parents would realize that they are answerable to God for every child committed to their trust, they would not dare to spend their precious time in the wearying round of fashion, pleasure, or even in business, to the exclusion of their family duties. One soul neglected, or indulged in wrong habits, serves to greatly increase the sin already existing in the world. The defects that have been fostered by the indulgence of thoughtless parents create in their child a morally deformed character; this, in an aggravated form, may in turn be transmitted to their offspring, and so on till the evil effects of the first error of indulgence or neglect are incalculable. { HR November 1, 1878, par. 13 }
There are parents who, through indulgence of their children, fail to give them the discipline that the Lord designs they should have. Abraham did not betray the sacred trust committed to him, through overfondness for his children. He followed the directions of Heaven. He knew that he was answerable to God for the manner in which he instructed his children. He was to train them that they might come from the ranks of Satan, and march under the banner of Prince Emmanuel. { RH December 24, 1889, Art. A, par. 5 }
The usual subjects on which the ministers of nearly all other denominations dwell will not move them. We must proclaim our God-given message to them. The world is to be warned by the proclamation of this message. If we blanket it, if we hide our light under a bushel, if we so circumscribe ourselves that we cannot reach the people, we are answerable to God for our failure to warn the world. { 19MR 41.2 } 
A man who could have been at work in New Zealand; has not been permitted to work. His fellow-laborers in New Zealand have echoed your sentiments, which they thought they must carry out. They have made themselves, in connection with you, answerable to God for all that man could have done and did not do. The Lord could have used him to speak and to pray, to help souls that are in suffering need of help. { SpM 63.4 } 
answerable  to  God  for  the  time
How little thought has been bestowed upon this subject. How much greater prosperity might have attended the missionary enterprises if this talent of time had been thoughtfully considered and faithfully used. We are each one answerable to God for the time that has been wantonly thrown away, and for the use of which we must give an account to God. This is a stewardship that has been but little appreciated; many think it not sin to waste hours and days in doing nothing to benefit themselves or to bless others.—Manuscript Releases 6:80, 81. { BLJ 83.5} 
How little thought has been bestowed upon this subject. How much greater prosperity might have attended the missionary enterprises if this talent of time had been thoughtfully considered and faithfully used. We are each one answerable to God for the time that has been wantonly thrown away, and for the use of which we must give an account to God. This is a stewardship that has been but little appreciated; many think it not sin to waste hours and days in doing nothing to benefit themselves or to bless others.—Letter 127, 1897, pp. 5-8. (To John Wessels, January 1, 1897.) { 6MR 81.1 } 
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