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New Pages ( 4650 - 4700 ) August 2017
Recently  Created  Pages  -  August 2017
4700  --   The Son of the living God  ( 76 )                       SOP Quotes about God - Christ
4699  --  Point out their errors ( 10 ) - Pointed out (5) SOP Quotes
4698  --  Worship of Baal  ( 23 ) SOP Quotes about Worship
4697  --  John 5: 26, 27 - Jesus has Life in himself Scriptures in Gospel of John
4696  --  Baalpoer (10) -  Baal Poer (30) SOP Quotes
4695  --  Standing in the breach ( 7 ) SOP Quotes
4694  --  PK - Chap 29 - Ambassadors from Babylon SOP Books - Prophets and Kings
4693  --  Good  ( separate page of phrases ) SOP Quotes 
4692  --  Good Work  ( 1,207 ) SOP Quotes about Good
4691  --  Success of the church  ( 15 ) SOP Quotes about the Church  .  .   .   .   .   .  
4690  --   Hopeless condition  ( 41 )                        SOP Quotes about Hope
4689  --  PK - Chapter 28 - King Hezekiah SOP Book - Prophets and Kings
4688  --  Putting away of sin  ( 16 ) SOP Quotes about Sin
4687  --  The Shaking  ( Separate page ) SOP Quotes 
4686  --  When the shaking comes  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about The Shaking
4685  --  Favor of God  ( 575 ) SOP Quotes about God
4684  --  Upon all who believe  ( 12 ) SOP Quotes about Believers
4683  --  History repeats itself  ( 5 ) SOP Quotes about History
4682  --  Human inclination  ( 3 ) SOP Quotes
4681  --  Follow their own inclination (14) SOP Quotes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .
4680  --   Voice of stern rebuke (21) / Voice in stern rebuke              SOP Quotes about Rebuke
4679  --  New Pages ( 4650 to 4700 ) You are looking at this page now
4678  --  Burnished Gold  ( 68 ) SOP Quotes about Gold
4677  --  Believe in Christ as a personal Saviour (22) SOP Quotes about Christ
4676  --  Receive Christ by living faith  ( 4 ) SOP Quotes about Faith
4675  --  MH - Chapter 35 - A True Knowledge of God SOP Book:  Ministry of Healing
4674  --  John 6: 28, 29 - This is the work of God Scriptures in Gospel of John
4673  --  PK - Chapter 27 - Ahaz  (page 322) SOP Book:  Prophets and Kings
4672  --  Date:  Autumn of 1844  ( 22 ) SOP Quotes with dates
4671  --  In the Sanctuary above  ( 103 ) SOP Quotes about the Sanctuary  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 
 4670   --   Prayer of Christ (417) -  Answer the prayer of Christ           SOP Quotes about Prayer
4669  --  Platform of Truth  ( 70 ) SOP Quotes about Truth
4668  --  False Teaching  ( 58 ) SOP Quotes about False
4667  --  Arbitrarily  ( 36 ) - Ruling arbitrarily SOP Quotes about Arbitrary
4666  --  Luke 9: 49, 50 - He who is not against us Scriptures - Gospel of Luke
4665  --  Held accountable for the evil  ( 9 ) SOP Quotes about Accountability
4664  --  2 Thess. 3: 13-15  Dealing with the erring Scriptures - Writings of Paul
4663  --  Open Sin  ( 35 ) - Living in Open Sin SOP Quoted about Sin
4662  --  PK - Chapter 26 - Behold Your God SOP Book:  Prophets and Kings  .  .  .  .  .  .
4661  --  Must draw together  ( 18 ) SOP Quotes about Must
 4660   --   Order is the law of heaven   ( 5 )                           SOP Quotes about Heaven
4659  --  Educated worldlings  ( 11 ) SOP Quotes about the World
4658  --  Guilt of Sin (42) - Guilty of Sin (7) SOP Quotes about Sin
4657  --  Smallest Sin  ( 8 ) SOP Quotes about Sin
4656  --  Must be done now ( 18 ) SOP Quotes about Must
4655  --  When the law of God is made void (18) SOP Quotes Law of God 
4654  --  Injustice is .  .  .  ( 28 )  SOP Quotes about Injustice
4653  --  No stronger delusion ( 6 ) SOP Quotes about Deception  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
4652  --  Divine Forbearance - not finished SOP Quotes 
4651  --  Like our Saviour (13)  More like him SOP Quotes about The Saviour
 4650  --  I came to . . . ( 13 )  (Christ speaking) SOP Quotes about  Christ came to .  .  .  .  .  .  .
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