Holy Angels are grieved ( 8 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
There are among us those who, if they would take time to consider, would regard their do-nothing position as a sinful neglect of their God-given talents. Brethren and sisters, your Redeemer and all the holy angels are grieved at your hardness of heart. Christ gave His own life to save souls, and yet you who have known His love make so little effort to impart the blessings of His grace to those for whom He died. Such indifference and neglect of duty is an amazement to the angels. In the judgment you must meet the souls you have neglected. In that great day you will be self-convicted and self-condemned. May the Lord lead you now to repentance. May He forgive His people for neglecting the work in His vineyard which He has given them to do. --Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 425, 426. {ChS 90.4} |
Jesus, your Redeemer, and all the holy angels are grieved at your hardness of heart. Jesus came to our world, and gave his own life to save these souls; and yet you who know the truth make so little effort to impart the blessings of his grace to those for whom he died. Such indifference and neglect of duty is an amazement to the angels. In the judgment you must meet the souls you have neglected. {RH, January 6, 1891 par. 13} |
Jesus, your Redeemer, and all the holy angels are grieved at your hardness of heart. Jesus came to our world, and gave His own life to save these souls, and yet you who know the truth make so little effort to impart the blessings of His grace to those for whom He died. Such indifference and neglect of duty is an amazement to the angels. In the judgment you must meet the souls you have neglected. {PH007 18.2} |
Do you, my brethren and sisters, realize that you are the light of the world? Do you, in your words and deportment at home, leave a bright track heavenward? What is it to be the light of the world? It is to have God for your guide, to have the companionship of holy angels, and to reflect to others the light that shines upon you from above. But if you fail to exercise Christian courtesy, forbearance, and love in your families, God and holy angels are grieved away; and instead of being the light of the world, you are bodies of darkness. {HS 140.3} |
Holy Angels are grieved away |
Do you, my brethren and sisters, realize that you are the light of the world? Do you, in your words and deportment at home, leave a bright track heavenward? What is it to be the light of the world? It is to have God for your guide, to have the companionship of holy angels, and to reflect to others the light that shines upon you from above. But if you fail to exercise Christian courtesy, forbearance, and love in your families, God and holy angels are grieved away; and instead of being the light of the world, you are bodies of darkness. {ST, October 6, 1887 par. 2} |
Do you realize that you are the light of the world? Do you, in your words and deportment at home, leave a bright track heavenward? What is it to be the light of the world?-- It is to have God for your guide, to have the companionship of holy angels, and to reflect to others the light that shines upon you from above; but if you fail to exercise Christian courtesy, forbearance, and love in your families, God and holy angels are grieved away, and instead of being the light of the world, you are bodies of darkness. {AUCR, November 1, 1904 par. 8} |
When men are careless of the Saviour's presence, and in their conversation make no reference to him in whom they profess that their hopes of eternal life are centered, Jesus is not in their company, and the holy angels are grieved from their presence. These pure and heavenly beings cannot remain where the presence of Jesus is not desired and encouraged, and where his absence is not marked. They are not attracted to the crowd where minds are diverted from heavenly things. For this reason, great mourning, grief, and discouragement exist among the professed followers of Christ. By neglect of meditation, watchfulness, and prayer, they lose all that is valuable. The divine rays of light emanating from Jesus are not with them, cheering them with their holy, elevating influence. They are enshrouded in gloom, because their careless, irreverent spirit has separated Jesus from their company, and driven from them the ministering angels. {HS 145.4} |