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Phrase - Arbitrary ( Separate page with 13 phrases )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with . . .
13  Phrases  related  to  Arbitrary
The  word  arbitrary  appears  286  times  in  the  writings  of  Ellen G. White
+     as arbitrary  ( 9 )                
+     arbitrary, dictatorial  ( 7 )    >   arbitrary or dictatorial  ( 2 )
+     Arbitrarily  ( 36 )    >   ruling arbitrarily  (  )   >   govern arbitrarily
arbitrary  authority
+       arbitrary authority  ( 42 ) 
+       arbitrary power  ( 18 )    >  exercising arbitrary power
 arbitrary  rule
+     arbitrary rule ( 1 2 )  >  rules (3)
+     arbitrary control  ( 11 )   >   arbitrary measures of control  (1)
arbitrary action
+    arbitrary action  (1)   >   arbitrary course of action  ( 2 )
arbitrary  men
+      Arbitrary men  (  )
Christ, during His earthly ministry, emphasized the binding claims of the Sabbath; in all His teaching He showed reverence for the institution He Himself had given. In His days the Sabbath had become so perverted that its observance reflected the character of selfish and arbitrary men rather than the character of God. Christ set aside the false teaching by which those who claimed to know God had misrepresented Him. Although followed with merciless hostility by the rabbis, He did not even appear to conform to their requirements, but went straight forward keeping the Sabbath according to the law of God. { Prophets and Kings, page 183.1}  Read entire chapter 14

          My personal favorite
From the beginning it has been Satan's plan to lead men to forget God, that he might secure them to himself. To do this he has misrepresented the character of God, and has led men to cherish false ideas of him. The Creator has been presented to their minds as possessing the attributes of the prince of evil himself, -- as arbitrary, severe, and unforgiving, -- that he might be feared, shunned, and even hated by men. It was by thus falsifying the character of God and exciting distrust of him, that Satan tempted Eve to transgress. By sin the minds of our first parents were darkened, and their natures were degraded. As men became bolder in sin, the knowledge and the love of God faded from their minds and hearts. "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God," they "became vain in their imagination, and their foolish heart was darkened."  {SW, April 28, 1908 par. 1}
John says, "I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which werewritten in the books, according to their works." Let everyone who professes the name of Christ consider the fact that he must meet every act of injustice, give an account for every harsh word, at the judgment seat of Christ. It will not be pleasant to review the words that have been spoken that have wounded and bruised souls, to review the decisions that have worked against souls for whom Christ died. Every action will come into judgment, and the spirit that prompted it will be made manifest. The fruit of every selfish,arbitrary exaction will be made plain, and men will see the results of their doings even as God sees them. They will see that they have turned precious souls out of the right path by dealing with them in an un-Christlike manner. We are living in the great Day of Atonement, and it is now time that everyone should repent before God, confess his sins, and by living faith rest upon the merit of a crucified and living Saviour.  {TM 224.2}
In Isaiah’s day the spiritual understanding of mankind was dark through misapprehension of God. Long had Satan sought to lead men to look upon their Creator as the author of sin and suffering and death. Those whom he had thus deceived, imagined that God was hard and exacting. They regarded Him as watching to denounce and condemn, unwilling to receive the sinner so long as there was a legal excuse for not helping him. The law of love by which heaven is ruled had been misrepresented by the archdeceiver as a restriction upon men’s happiness, a burdensome yoke from which they should be glad to escape. He declared that its precepts could not be obeyed and that the penalties of transgression were bestowed arbitrarily.  { PK 311.1}  Read entire chapter 26
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