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Meeting with Conference - Feb. 22, 2011

Meeting with local Conference leaders - February 22, 2011

For those who are following the church which has gone without a business meeting for over 28 months and without elections of new officers for over three years and ten months.
Praise the Lord - -  I am happy to announce that  the Conference President set up a meeting to deal with all the issues, even the President of the NAD broke from his position of not getting involved and sent the following message.

 e-mail from Dan Jackson                            Received:   February 17, 2011
My Dear Brother,
My only encouragement to you is to attend the meeting.  While I am unaware of the purpose or of an agenda it seems to me that you have been asking for dialogue and now the brethren are responding.  Please give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to bring some clarity and resolution to this issue by joining with your brethren in unity to seek those very things.  The promise of our Lord is "where two or three are gathered in my name there I am in the midst of them.". With that promise as a foundation for the meeting, what is there to lose?
God bless you dear brother.
 Dan Jackson
 North American Division

The Feb. 22nd meeting was attended by the Conference President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and three members of the conference grievance committee and a Vice President of the General Conference who presented a report and made recommendations to the conference leaders. I attended with another member of this church who acted as spokesperson for himself and about ten other grieved members.
This group of conference leaders met with us separately and with the Pastor separately and then with both sides. It was decided to start the election process and to call a business meeting soon. At least the bleeding will be stopped and the conference has finally done what it said it would do at the meeting 16 months ago.  See Decision of Oct. 2009
The pastor also agreed to bring one disputed issue to the church board for reconsideration of their 2005 decision and the monetary part of a grievance against the conference was resolved when they reimbursed travel expenses for concerned members who attended a meeting at the conference office in March 2010 where the conference person who called the meeting did not show up.
There are many issues that still need to be investigated and the Conference President promised to develop a process to deal with these issues, details to be presented in the next two weeks.
I believe that this Feb. 22nd  meeting made progress toward restoring a voice to the members of the church via business meetings and new elections. Please continue to pray that the conference send a representative to the next business meeting and monitor the election process.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
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