Phrase - Medical College

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
"The teachers in our medical college should encourage the students to gain all the knowledge they can in every department. If they find the students deficient in care-taking, in a comprehension of their responsibilities, they should lay the matter frankly before such ones, giving them an opportunity to correct their habits and to reach a higher standard. {PH049 15.2} |
The teachers in our medical college should encourage the students to gain all the knowledge they can in every department. If they find any students deficient in caretaking, in a comprehension of their responsibilities, they should lay the matter frankly before such ones, giving them an opportunity to correct their habits and to reach a higher standard. {CT 481.1} |
On our arrival at Battle Creek, we were met by our friends, who gave us a hearty welcome. We spent five days there, during which time I spoke three times to large congregations in the Tabernacle, once to the students in the medical college, and once to the helpers in the sanitarium gymnasium. The Lord gave me a decided testimony to bear at these meetings. I can not find words to tell how heavy was the burden resting upon me as I looked upon the large audience before me in the Tabernacle Sabbath morning, and thought of the instruction and the warnings that have so often come to the people in this congested center. Often has the testimony been borne that there are thousands upon thousands perishing in ignorance of the requirements of God, and of the judgments that will fall upon the disobedient. {RH, Jan. 26, 1905 par. 11} |
We are in need of physicians; but the plan of sending young men to a medical college to learn to treat the sick, is questionable; for many of them have not root in themselves, and, as in sending our children to the other colleges in our land, they are brought in contact with every class of minds, and are thrown into a sink of iniquity, the companionship of skeptics, infidels, and the profligate, where not one out of one hundred escape from being contaminated. They do not come forth like Joseph and Daniel uncorrupted, firm as a rock to principle. {PH167 10.2}
The teachers in our medical college should encourage the students to gain all the knowledge they can in every department. If they find any students deficient in care-taking, in a comprehension of their responsibilities, they should lay the matter frankly before such ones, giving them an opportunity to correct their habits and to reach a higher standard. {MM 66.2} |
An Appeal in Behalf of Our Medical College The proper development of the work at Loma Linda calls for prayerful thought and planning, that the instruction which the Lord has given concerning the work there may be fulfilled. . . . The work of the medical college at Loma Linda must not be crippled for lack of room. There must be some way devised to enlarge quickly the buildings for the rooming of students, so that those who seek a training at Loma Linda may not be turned away. {MM 56.5} |
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