Christ's methods as a teacher ( 2 )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Christ's methods as a teacher |
The most complete illustration of Christ's methods as a teacher is found in His training of the twelve first disciples. Upon these men were to rest weighty responsibilities. He had chosen them as men whom He could imbue with His Spirit, and who could be fitted to carry forward His work on earth when He should leave it. To them, above all others, He gave the advantage of His own companionship. Through personal association He impressed Himself upon these chosen colaborers. "The Life was manifested," says John the beloved, "and we have seen it, and bear witness." 1 John 1:12. {Ed 84.1} |
The most complete illustration of Christ's methods as a teacher is found in His training of the twelve first disciples. Upon these men were to rest weighty responsibilities. He had chosen them as men whom He could imbue with His Spirit, and who could be fitted to carry forward His work on earth when He should leave it. To them, above all others, He gave the advantage of His own companionship. Through personal association He impressed Himself upon these chosen colaborers. "The Life was manifested," says John the beloved, "and we have seen it, and bear witness." 1 John 1:2. {PM 268.1} |
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