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Sanction wrong ( 4 ) Sanction wrong doing
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
sanction  wrong
Related phrase:   sanction wrong doing ( 3 )  below
Arduous and unpleasant duties have to be performed. None are to place themselves where they will sanction wrong by silence. They aid and abet the schemes of the enemy by keeping their lips closed when they should speak decidedly, though not in a boasting, self-sufficient manner. They are to speak the truth in love.... { UL 206.3} 
To understand context, see prior paragraph
While humility is always essential in the service of God, while it must always be cultivated, be careful that it does not degenerate into the timidity which leads men to waver when circumstances require them to stand stiffly for the truth. There must be no half-and-half service offered to God. To every man the Lord has given his work. Everyone is to be a channel through which the Lord can work to communicate the will of Heaven.... { UL 206.2} 
Arduous and unpleasant duties have to be performed. None are to place themselves where they will sanction wrong by silence. They aid and abet the schemes of the enemy by keeping their lips closed when they should speak decidedly, though not in a boasting, self-sufficient manner. They are to speak the truth in love.... { UL 206.3} 
sanction  wrong - doing
David feels the greatest solicitude for Solomon. He fears that he may follow his example in wrong doing. He can see with the deepest sorrow the spots and blemishes he has brought upon his character, by his falling into grievous sins, and he would save his son from the evil if he could. He has learned by experience that the Lord will in no case sanction wrong doing, whether it be found in the loftiest prince, or the humblest subject, but would visit the leader of his people with as much severer punishment as his position is more responsible than the humble subject’s. The sins committed by the leaders of Israel would have an influence to lessen the heinousness of crime on the minds and consciences of the people, and would be brought to the notice of other nations, who fear not God, but who trample upon his authority, and they would be led to blaspheme the God of Israel. { 4aSG 94.2 } 
David feels the greatest solicitude for Solomon. He fears that he may follow his example in wrong-doing. He can see with the deepest sorrow the spots and blemishes he has brought upon his character by falling into grievous sins; and he would save his son from the evil if he could. He has learned by experience that the Lord will in no case sanction wrong-doing, whether it be found in the loftiest prince or the humblest subject, but would visit the leader of his people with as much severer punishment as his position is more responsible than that of the humblest subject. The sins committed by the leaders of Israel would have an influence to lessen the heinousness of crime in the minds and consciences of the people, and would be brought to the notice of other nations, who fear not God, but who trample upon his authority; and they would be led to blaspheme the God of Israel. { 1SP 388.1 } 
There are many wrong things that are often allowed to pass by unnoticed, when by a godly conversation the people of God might set an example of right-doing that would be a standing rebuke to evil-doers. None can afford, by unwise actions, even to seem to sanction wrong-doing. There is a heaven to win, and a hell to shun. In large churches of believers, especially in connection with important institutions maintained for the advancement of the cause of God, there is a special danger of lowering the standard. Where many are gathered in one place, some are more liable to grow careless and indifferent than they would be if isolated and made to stand alone. But even under circumstances more or less adverse to spiritual development, the child of God may watch unto prayer, and set an example in godly conversation that will be a powerful testimony for the right. { NPUGleaner March 9, 1910, par. 10 }
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