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True prosperity ( 27 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
True  prosperity
Related Phrase:    all true prosperity  ( below )
In vain were the king’s threats. He could not turn the men from their allegiance to the Ruler of the universe. From the history of their fathers they had learned that disobedience to God results in dishonor, disaster, and death; and that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, the foundation of all true prosperity. Calmly facing the furnace, they said, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so [if this is your decision], our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.” Their faith strengthened as they declared that God would be glorified by delivering them, and with triumphant assurance born of implicit trust in God, they added, “But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.”  Prophets and Kings, page 507.3   Read entire chapter 41
For the glory of his own name God will continue to bear with the perversity of men that they may repent, lest his and their enemies shall triumph in their positive destruction. He bears long with their waywardness and folly. He disciplines them, that they should seek him, and if they will humble their hearts before him, he will not bring them to shame, but through their suffering and their turning unto the Lord, he will make them the eternal monuments of his mercy. His almighty power alone can avail in behalf of any human agency through his abiding grace. Wholehearted obedience God requires of his people as their only means of happiness and prosperity. Only through humbling themselves and exalting God by their devotion to him can they find true prosperity. Yet this is the most difficult lesson for them to learn. Christ and his body, the church, are to become one as is represented in John 1:17—Christ and his people united to God the great Head. The ministry, which has been belittled, will be the power and energy of Christ in word and doctrine. These are they whom man despiseth, whom the nation abhorreth, because they bear the sign of the original Sabbath. Exodus 31:12-18. God’s commandment keeping people are made to be a servant to rulers, they are required by man-made laws to disregard the law of God. { KC 124.5 } 
As a people who have had great light, we are to be uplifting in our habits, in our words, in our domestic life and association. Give the Word its honored position as a guide in the home. Let it be regarded as the counselor in every difficulty, the standard of every practice. Will my brethren and sisters be convinced that there can never be true prosperity to any soul in the family circle unless the truth of God, the wisdom of righteousness, presides? Every effort should be made by fathers and mothers to bring their own minds up from the lazy habit of regarding the service of God as a burden. The power of the truth must be a sanctifying agency in the home.  { CG 509.3}  { CCh 89.1} 
The principles set forth in Deuteronomy for the instruction of Israel are to be followed by God’s people to the end of time. True prosperity is dependent on the continuance of our covenant relationship with God. Never can we afford to compromise principle by entering into alliance with those who do not fear Him. { PK 570.2} 
Through messages such as those borne by Malachi, the last of the Old Testament prophets, as well as through oppression from heathen foes, the Israelites finally learned the lesson that true prosperity depends upon obedience to the law of God. But with many of the people, obedience was not the outflow of faith and love. Their motives were selfish. Outward service was rendered as a means of attaining to national greatness. The chosen people did not become the light of the world, but shut themselves away from the world as a safeguard against being seduced into idolatry. The restrictions which God had given, forbidding intermarriage between His people and the heathen, and prohibiting Israel from joining in the idolatrous practices of surrounding nations, were so perverted as to build up a wall of partition between the Israelites and all other peoples, thus shutting from others the very blessings which God had commissioned Israel to give to the world. { PK 708.1}  Read entire chapter 59
It is far better to learn, in the light of God’s Word, the causes that govern the rise and fall of kingdoms. Teach the young to study these records and see how the true prosperity of nations has been bound up with an acceptance of divine principles. Let them study the history of great reformatory movements, and see how often these principles—though hated and their advocates sent to the dungeon and the scaffold—triumphed through these very sacrifices. { TEd 146.1 } 
True prosperity can never come to the soul that is constantly aspiring to get higher wages, and who yields to the temptation that leads him away from the work that God has appointed him. There neverwho can be prosperity for any man, or any family, or any firm or institution, unless the wisdom of God presides.—Letter 2, 1898 (Tract To the Leading Men of Our Churches, 4.). { 2SM 182.4} 
In vain were the king’s threats. He could not turn these noble men from their allegiance to the great Ruler of nations. They had learned from the history of their fathers that disobedience to God is dishonor, disaster, and ruin; that the fear of the Lord is not only the beginning of wisdom but the foundation of all true prosperity. They look with calmness upon the fiery furnace and the idolatrous throng. They have trusted in God, and He will not fail them now. Their answer is respectful, but decided: “Be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” ( Daniel 3:18). { SL 37.2} 
Far better is it to learn, in the light of God’s word, the causes that govern the rise and fall of kingdoms. Let the youth study these records, and see how the true prosperity of nations has been bound up with an acceptance of the divine principles. Let him study the history of the great reformatory movements, and see how often these principles, though despised and hated, their advocates brought to the dungeon and the scaffold, have through these very sacrifices triumphed.  Education, page 238.4  Read entire chapter 26
Every Christian needs to be guarded in his expression of opinion. One thing he may settle forever. True prosperity can never come to the soul that is constantly aspiring to get higher wages, and who yields to the temptation that leads him away from the work that God has appointed him. There never can be prosperity for any man, or any family, or any firm or institution, unless the wisdom of God presides. Every right effort should be made to know what we are voicing. We must know whether it is the mind of the Lord, or the suggestions of minds controlled by the stealthy foe of righteousness. Now, just now, every right effort should be made to bring the minds of men under the influence and power of truth, that our work, our merchandise and hire, shall be holiness unto the Lord. The workmen may rank themselves as doing worldly business, when they are doing the very work that will call out questions. If they are of the right spirit, they will be able to speak a word in season. Thus it may be said of our workers, our artisans, as it was said of those of old, of whom we read, “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.” { PH162 4.2 } 
all  true  prosperity
The Bible contains the principles that lie at the foundation of all true greatness, all true prosperity, whether for the individual or for the nation. The nation that gives free room for the circulation of the Scriptures opens the way for the minds of the people to develop and expand. The reading of the Scriptures causes light to shine into the darkness. As the Word of God is searched, life-giving truths are found. In the lives of those who heed its teachings there will be an undercurrent of happiness that will bless all with whom they are brought in contact. { OFC 41.6}  { ML 24.3 }
God has revealed in His law the principles that underlie all true prosperity both of nations and of individuals. “This is your wisdom and your understanding,” Moses declared to the Israelites of the law of God. “It is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life.” Deuteronomy 4:6; 32:47. The blessings thus assured to Israel are, on the same conditions and in the same degree, assured to every nation and every individual under the broad heavens.   Education, page 174.1   Read entire chapter 19
In His law God has made known the principles that underlie all true prosperity, both of nations and of individuals. To the Israelites Moses declared of this law: “This is your wisdom and your understanding.” “It is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life.” Deuteronomy 4:6; 32:47. The blessings thus assured to Israel are, on the same conditions and in the same degree, assured to every nation and to every individual under the broad heavens.  Prophets and Kings, page 500.3   Read entire chapter 40
“Thou hast avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk in His ways, and to keep His statutes, and His commandments, and His judgments, and to hearken unto His voice: and the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be His peculiar people, as He hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all His commandments; and to make thee high above all nations which He hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honor; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the Lord thy God, as He hath spoken.” Deuteronomy 26:17-19. { 6T 222.3} 
In these words are set forth the conditions of all true prosperity, conditions with which, if they fulfill the purpose of their establishment, all our institutions must comply. { 6T 223.1} 
God has revealed in His law the principles that underlie all true prosperity both of nations and of individuals. “This is your wisdom and your understanding,” Moses declared to the Israelites of the law of God. Deuteronomy 4:6. The blessings thus assured to Israel are, on the same conditions and in the same degree, assured to every nation and every person under the broad heavens. { TEd 105.1 } 
The very foundation of all true prosperity for our college is a close union with God on the part of teachers and students. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. His precepts should be acknowledged as the rule of life. In the Bible the will of God is revealed to His children. Wherever it is read, in the family circle, the school, or the church, all should give quiet and devout attention as if God were really present and speaking to them. { 5T 84.1} 
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