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Poetry by RFH ( page 11 )

          by RFH
  Television, travel,
    games, and gambling;
    newsy gossip and
      excessive rambling;
  Worldly diversions
    that summon me
    to a decadent lifestyle
     -- all carefree.
  No one to look out for
    but number one;
    Life's a bowl of cherries
     -- so much fun;
  Gain the world,
    lose your soul;
    end your life
     with an empty bowl.
  It's not that I can't
    have it
    -- I've come
     to the conclusion --
  It's just that I no longer
    want it
    -- and that's
     no illusion.
  In Mark 8:36 it is written,
   "For what shall it profit a
   man, if he shall gain the
   whole world, and lose his
    own soul?"
        (c) RFH 7/18/2014
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This  poem is  dedicated  to
church planters everywhere:

             by RFH
Here am I
  in a desolate place;
  Nothing supports me
    but God's grace;
To my Savior
  do I pray
  to send just one --
    you -- my way.
You now believe
  as I do;
  So then,
    that makes two.
Then we go
  Next thing we know:
    The two are four!
With the Spirit
  we congregate;
  in little time
    we four are eight.
With Father, Son,
  and Holy Spirit
  we all march on
    'til all will hear it.
The numbers move up
  and fill this land
  as new believers
    take their stand.
From tens to hundreds
  then thousands and more;
  Who could know
    Heaven's final score?
Then soon shall
  our Savior come;
  The gospel has spread
    to it's final sum.
From a world bonded to sin
  our Lord frees us
  as we declare, "I'm in,"
    come, Lord Jesus!

Acts 2:4 (in part) reads:
"... And the Lord added
to the church daily such
as should be saved."
Matthew 24:14 (in part)
reads: "And this gospel
of the kingdom shall be
preached   in   all   the
world ... then  the  end
shall come."
     (c) RFH 03/12/2017
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                by RFH
   At times I could
     be a hero;
     at other times
       one complete mess;
   This morning
     I'm batting zero
     (to my loved ones
       I must confess).
  Lord, I pray that
   You'll see me thru;
   please guide me
     to think, say, and do;
  When the floodlights dim
   and things look very dark,
    keep my eye on the ball
    soon to leave the park.
Philippians 4:13 declares:
"I can do all things through
Christ which strengtheneth
          (c) RFH 07/14/2017

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     --     --     --     --     --     --     --

            by RFH
'Tis not new,
  this scourge
  of many
    a congregation;
It separates
  the brethren
  in almost every
Some exclaim:
  'There's no way
  they could be right
'And, for the Lord,
  I'll not give up
  this fight.'
So, the gossipers
  continue, getting all
  the attention others
    can afford;
Fighting their
  self-righteous battles;
  fighting like the devil
    for the Lord.
Over the simplest
  of matters
  they want their
    brethren crucified;
'Twas due to
  this type of jealousy
  that their own
    Savior died.
James 4:11 says, in part:
"Speak  not  evil   one of
another,    brethren.    He
that speaketh evil of [his] 
brother … [is not]  a doer
of the law  but  a judge."
And Matt. 7:1, 2 tells us,
in part: "Judge  not  that
ye  may  not  be  judged.
For  with  what judgment
ye  judge,   ye   shall   be
judged …"
           © RFH 9/18/2017
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