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Poetry by RFH ( page 8 )
                   by RFH

Behold, son of man and

  daughter of woman,

  behold the winds of change;


Set your house in order now,

  for there is no time

  to rearrange.


Choose now the very foundation

  upon which you wish

  to build;


Some will build on costly sand

  thinking, “The Rock

  could get us killed.”


Those who are self-made marvels

  do not sense

  the rising wind;


They build many a house on sand

  thinking, “This world

  will never end.”


 Then there are the careless

  who believe, “The shore’s sand

  is fine  for me;


“I have the Lord’s protection;

  He’ll save me from

  any wind and sea.”


Finally, here is a remnant,

  who have each built

  upon the Rock,


As the smug on costly sand

  sneer at them and

  in their faces mock.


As the winds bring

  in the sea and crush

  the houses built on sand,


The homes of the remnant

  are spared; they had

  heeded God’s command.


Their faith He shall reward

  by taking them

  with Him on that Day;


While the errant ones

  stay back to die,

  the devil’s due to pay.


“So, My sons and daughters,

  build upon the Rock

  and not the sand;


“For My Rock is your salvation

  upon which your

  house will stand.”

               © RFH 5/25/1999

               by RFH
  This world seems
    to be coming apart
    and, as much, many
      of the people in it;
  Why not come apart
    to join with the Lord,
    and avoid those who
      continually 'spin it'?
 "... come out from among
 them ... be not conformed
 to this world." 2 Cor. 6:17
             (c) RFH 5/7/2016

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    by  RFH  
At times when I've thought 

to have met

my Heaven-sent match,
temptation made me pant;

At times I wish I could leave

the celibate life,

but more often

I'm glad I can't.

In Philippians 4:11 it is written:

". . . not in need . . . I am content."

(C) RFH   5/24/2016

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by RFH

If with much-needed change

there is too much resistance,

A vital entity might not

stay in existence.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 - 8 reports:

"To everything there is a season . . ."

However, when it comes to

that which must be

considered everlasting.

we must heed Malachi 3: 6 

which tells us:

"For I am the Lord,
I change not . . ."

(C)  RFH  5/26/2016

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            by RFH


Here’s where flowers

  used to grow

  many, many

    years ago;


Here’s where

  tall green trees

  once grew;

  love had  bloomed

    a time or two.


I miss that sweet

  Eden lost;

  nothing saved;

    everything tossed.


Not to fret;

  there’ll be a day,

  e’en tho’ it’s

    light years away,


Eden ’s beauty shall

  be restored;

  nothing there

    to be abhorred.


As I search

  here’s what I see:

  Sharon ’s Rose

    for you and me;


The valley’s Lily

  shines bright;

  forever day,

    never night;


Tall green cedars

  -- everywhere --

  lakes, meadows

    under God’s care;


One city,

  this one only;

  all are friends,

    no one’s lonely.


Light years away

  we might think;

  in God’s time

    it’s on the brink!

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  © RFH 11/4/1999  .  .  .  .  .  .

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For more poetry  click here

Page 3  -  A Prayerful Plan  -  Which Fix
Their Godly Best  -  Loose Ends

Page 4   -   Tears for the World

Page 5  -  Behold or Withhold

Page 7  -  Resist Change