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Errors in Doctrine ( 5 ) - Errors of Doctrine ( 2 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Errors  in  Doctrine
Related Phrase:   Errors of doctrine  ( 2 )  below  - -  erroneous doctrines  ( below )
“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” are the words of our Saviour. Errors in doctrine are multiplying and twining themselves with serpentlike subtlety around the affections of the people. There is not a doctrine of the Bible that has not been denied. The great truths of prophecy, showing our position in the history of the world, have been shorn of their beauty and power by the clergy, who seek to make these all-important truths dark and incomprehensible. In many cases the children are drifting away from the old landmarks. The Lord commanded His people Israel: “When thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord our God hath commanded you? then thou shalt say unto thy son, We were Pharaoh’s bondmen in Egypt; and the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand: and the Lord showed signs and wonders, great and sore, upon Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his household, before our eyes: and He brought us out from thence, that He might bring us in, to give us the land which He sware unto our fathers. And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that He might preserve us alive, as it is at this day. And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as He hath commanded us.” { 5T 330.1} 
If professed Christians would but carefully and prayerfully compare their views with the Scriptures, laying aside all pride of opinion and desire for the supremacy, a flood of light would be shed upon the churches now wandering in the darkness of error. As fast as his people can bear it, the Lord reveals to them their errors in doctrine and their defects of character. From age to age he has raised up men and qualified them to do a special work needed in their time. But to none of these did he commit all the light which was to be given to the world. Wisdom does not die with them. It was not the will of God that the work of reform should cease with the going out of Luther’s life; it was not his will that at the death of the Wesleys the Christian faith should become stereotyped. The work of reform is progressive. Go forward, is the command of our great Leader,—forward unto victory. { 4SP 186.1 } 
At this time there was fanaticism among some of those who had been believers in the first message. Serious errors in doctrine and practice were cherished, and some were ready to condemn all who would not accept their views. God revealed these errors to me in vision and sent me to His erring children to declare them; but in performing this duty I met with bitter opposition and reproach. { 5T 655.4} 
At this time there was fanaticism among some of those who had been believers in the first message. Serious errors in doctrine and practice were cherished, and some were ready to condemn all who would not accept their views. God revealed these errors to me in vision and sent me to His erring children to declare them; but in performing this duty I met with bitter opposition and reproach. { 2TT 271.3} 
Yesterday afternoon I saw for the first time the Review and Herald Extra, also Nos. 22 and 23 of the Review. With the Extra I am well pleased. It cannot fail of doing much good in Wisconsin.... My sympathies are all with the Review. It is that paper or none for me. I cannot affiliate the spirit or doctrines of the Messenger of Error. They are rushing headlong, and I fear heedlessly, into the most egregious errors in doctrine, exposition of prophecy, et cetera. I believe the Review has the truth in the main.—Ibid., March 20, 1855 { 1BIO 308.6 } 
Error  in  Doctrine
God reigns, and notwithstanding His majesty He loves the most helpless, the most suffering ones among His children. God is showing us evidences of His power, and truth will triumph. God will uproot every error in doctrine. Every truth will be immortal. Commit the keeping of your soul to God as unto a faithful Creator. The angels of God are round about you. Have faith in God. Remember Jesus your Redeemer and see what He endured. { 21MR 219.6 }
“God reigns, and notwithstanding His majesty He loves the most helpless, the most suffering ones among His children. God is showing us evidences of His power, and truth will triumph. God will uproot every error in doctrine. Every truth will be immortal. Commit the keeping of your soul to God as unto a faithful Creator. The angels of God are round about you. Have faith in God. Remember Jesus your Redeemer and see what He endured. When the apostles of Christ were thrust into prison, angels of God came within the prison walls and ministered unto them. Oh the tenderness, the compassion of God. He says, ‘Can a woman forget her sucking child? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.’”—Ibid. { EGWE 287.3} 
On their return to Wisconsin, Stephenson and Hall prepared for tent meetings, which they called for October 5 and 6, urging good attendance as “topics of vital interest will be investigated.”—Ibid., September 4, 1855. At the conference they openly denounced the Review and decided to withdraw their support from it (Ibid., December 4, 1855). They now turned to the Messenger of Truth. This was a severe blow to James White, who a year before had compromised on the matter of freedom to discuss a point of error in doctrine.  { 1BIO 313.2 } 
erroneous  doctrines
In order to sustain erroneous doctrines or unchristian practices, some will seize upon passages of Scripture separated from the context, perhaps quoting half of a single verse as proving their point, when the remaining portion would show the meaning to be quite the opposite. With the cunning of the serpent they entrench themselves behind disconnected utterances construed to suit their carnal desires. Thus do many willfully pervert the word of God. Others, who have an active imagination, seize upon the figures and symbols of Holy Writ, interpret them to suit their fancy, with little regard to the testimony of Scripture as its own interpreter, and then they present their vagaries as the teachings of the Bible.  Great Controversy, page 521.1   Read entire chapter 32
errors  of  doctrine
The regulation adopted by the early colonists, of permitting only members of the church to vote or to hold office in the civil government, led to most pernicious results. This measure had been accepted as a means of preserving the purity of the state, but it resulted in the corruption of the church. A profession of religion being the condition of suffrage and officeholding, many, actuated solely by motives of worldly policy, united with the church without a change of heart. Thus the churches came to consist, to a considerable extent, of unconverted persons; and even in the ministry were those who not only held errors of doctrine, but who were ignorant of the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Thus again was demonstrated the evil results, so often witnessed in the history of the church from the days of Constantine to the present, of attempting to build up the church by the aid of the state, of appealing to the secular power in support of the gospel of Him who declared: "My kingdom is not of this world." John 18:36.The union of the church with the state, be the degree never so slight, while it may appear to bring the world nearer to the church, does in reality but bring the church nearer to the world.   Great Controversy, page 297.1  Read entire Chapter 16
The regulation adopted by the early colonists, of permitting only members of the church to vote or to hold office in the civil government, led to most pernicious results. This measure had been accepted as a means of preserving the purity of the State, but it resulted in the corruption of the church. A profession of religion being the condition of suffrage and office-holding, many, actuated solely by motives of worldly policy, united with the church, without a change of heart. Thus the churches came to consist, to a considerable extent, of unconverted persons; and even in the ministry were those who not only held errors of doctrine, but who were ignorant of the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. Thus again was demonstrated the evil results, so often witnessed in the history of the church from the days of Constantine to the present, of attempting to build up the church by the aid of the State, of appealing to the secular power in support of the gospel of Him who declared, “My kingdom is not of this world.” [John 18:36.] The union of the church with the State, be the degree never so slight, while it may appear to bring the world nearer to the church, does in reality but bring the church nearer to the world. { GC88 296.4 } 
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