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Human Channel
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
the  human  channel
"God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Through the only begotten Son of God, life and immortality are brought to light. Through him are poured the streams of salvation. Through him comes the power by which the character may be reshaped, and the soul renewed to bear the moral image of God. When souls are converted to God, they become mediums through which a vital current may be communicated for the transformation of the character of many others. Recovered themselves from Satan's power, they know how to work. Human nature becomes united with the divine nature, Christ lives in the human soul, and acts through all the powers of body, soul, and spirit. From the converted soul, light shines forth to those who are perishing. Those who have been in sin, and have experienced the love of Christ, know how to sympathize, how to adapt themselves to those who are in sin and sorrow, and can exercise the love of Christ through the channel of human affection. Thus a current of blessedness and joy flows through the human channel that is consecrated to the service of God. What a stream of thanksgiving and joy flows back to God through human channels. What vast numbers might unite in becoming active members of the army of the Lord in place of living a life of selfishness and self-pleasing, that at last proves itself to be not life but the veriest mockery. But when life is enriched with the life of Christ, when its impulses are quickened by the faith that works by love and purifies the soul, then the loftiest purposes are carried out, the noblest work is done, in the name of Christ. Through his own transforming grace, Christ is multiplied in the lives of those who are restored to his image. They co-operate with Christ in offering the divine gift of the whole human family.  {RH, November 12, 1895 par. 7}
All human effort combined is weakness without the deep moving of the Spirit of God. . . . Without His help the deep learning and restless energy of a Paul, the eloquence and talent of an Apollos, will fall infinitely short of convicting and bringing one soul to repentance. . . . While man can do nothing without God, the Lord would do nothing without the human channel.-- Letter 85, 1898.  {4MR 330.2}
We are laborers together with God. The frail instrument is nothing, but worked by the Holy Spirit man can accomplish much. All human effort combined is weakness without the deep moving of the Spirit of God. The Lord is the worker. Without His help the deep learning and restless energy of a Paul, the eloquence and talent of an Apollos, would fall infinitely short of convicting and bringing one soul to repentance. But man is of value if soul, body, and spirit are prepared to cooperate with divine power. While man can do nothing without God, the Lord would do nothing without the human channel through which to communicate His truth to humanity.-- Letter 85, 1898, p. 4. (To C. H. Jones, Oct. 7, 1898.)  {2MR 38.3}
But Christ represents his people who have not lost their vital connection with God, as the light of the world. He says: "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill can not be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The Jews had erected a partition wall between themselves and every other people, but this was not after the direction of the Lord. When the Lord gives light and knowledge, it is not that men may exclude themselves from others, that they may hide the light in selfishness, so the divine rays shall not come to the people through the human channel that God has appointed; but he gives light, that it may be diffused, that men may see the good works of his followers, and be led to glorify God.  {ST, October 29, 1896 par. 4}

Working through His Holy Spirit He sanctifies and cleanses the soul temple. Thus, though his whole powers had become deranged, man may be brought back restored to his original relationship to God, and become an agent of good to every other man. In place of the diseased, soul-and-body-destroying principles of evil, he follows heavenly principles. Sanctified by the agency of the Holy Spirit, his influence upon his fellow man becomes aggressive to expel from the earth the evils produced through the satanic perversion of that which God designed should be only good. All these perverted powers the Lord Jesus will turn to His service, and man becomes the human channel to work the will of God to redeem and bring back the people that have broken away from their allegiance to God, and to unite them to their proper Center.  {18MR 208.3}

Cannot you see that eternal interests are involved in your life practice? Every one is deciding his own destiny. He who reigns in heaven allows every man to take his position to hasten or retard his Lord's appearing. All who consent to be freed from their natural selfishness, and to [be] charged with the Holy Spirit of God, are taking part with God; as the human channel they are pouring forth the currents of a divine influence. Their work has God's blessing within it. They are building upon the foundation, gold, silver, precious stones. When the day of judgment shall try every man's work, of what sort it is, the gold, silver, precious stones, are imperishable; the wood, hay, stubble, are consumed, and the life work of the builder is lost. Just in proportion to man's consecration to God in this life, will be his advancement in the future life. According to its character, his work is rewarded, and determines his place in the temple of God.  {1888 1511.1}

               Biographical Books
"The word of the Lord" comes to her; but if in [the word's] passing through the human channel, the human imperfection in education leaves its impress, why should it be a perplexity if God should lay upon another the trifling duty of putting the subject of a sentence in harmony with its verb, or the number or gender of a thing mentioned in harmony with the fact that determines the number and gender? There are many ways of expressing the same thought. We may say, "Sit down," "Take a chair"; "The sun shines," "It is a bright day," "The atmosphere is illuminated," and not mar the thought in using different words.  {4BIO 248.2} 
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