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What Jesus Said - Scriptures quoting Christ
   What  Jesus  said - Scriptures quoting Christ   
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Gospel of Matthew - - Gospel of Mark - - Gospel of Luke - - Gospel of John
   Beattatides - Sermon on the Mount   Matthew 5 to 7
Mathew 5: 11 - Blessed are ye when
Matthew 5: 17, 18 - The Law will not change
  Beattatudes in Luke Luke 6: 19 -
Luke 6: 22, 23 - Blessed are Ye
Parable of the Ten Virgins Matthew 25: 1 - 13
At the Judgment  - Ye did it unto me Matthew 25: 36 - 46
Great Commission Matthew 28: 18 - 20
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.
  What Jesus said about Marriage Matthew 19: 1 - 12
What Ellen White said about what Christ said
         the Words of Christ   ( 1,060 )     ►    remember the Words of Christ  ( 12 )
                                                                          >    Do the words of Christ  
                                                                          >     Listen to the words of Christ
 What Jesus has said  >  What Jesus said  
                                        -  Jesus said ( 863 )     >   Jesus said to His disciples  (  )
                                        -  Jesus has said  (  )   > 

                      ►   Christ said  ( 942 )    ►  To His disciples Christ said  ( 10 )
                                              ►   Said Christ   ( 494 )

                                                ►   Christ declares  ( 319 )  >  Christ declared  ( 349 )
                                   >   I came to . . .  ( 13 )   >   I came to testify of my Father  ( 3 ) 

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Last updated:  July 22, 2017