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Misrepresent His Character ( 12 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
misrepresent  His  character
The reason why many walk apart from God is that they do not choose to do his words and keep his way. They do not follow the example and teachings of Christ. They misrepresent his character. Professing to be Christians, they lie against the truth. Jesus came from heaven to earth that he might, through association with humanity, by precept and example, reveal to men the character they must possess if they would be admitted to the family of heaven. He brought light and life, richness and fullness of good, that men might be partakers of his divine nature. He is the living vine, and every branch "in him" partakes of the life and fatness of the vine. The dry, leafless twig is grafted into the vine stock, and, fiber by fiber, vein by vein, becomes united to it. The adopted branch becomes one with the vine; it is nourished by the parent stock, and buds and blossoms and bears fruit.  {ST, August 3, 1891 par. 5}​
"Woe unto the world because of occasions of stumbling! for it must needs be that the occasions come." Matt. 18:7, R. V. The world, inspired by Satan, will surely oppose the followers of Christ, and seek to destroy their faith; but woe to him who has taken Christ's name, and yet is found doing this work. Our Lord is put to shame by those who claim to serve Him, but who misrepresent His character; and multitudes are deceived, and led into false paths.  Desire of Ages, page 438.4    Chapter 48
There is great need of elevating the standard of righteousness in our schools, to give instruction after God's order. Should Christ enter our institutions for the education of the youth, he would cleanse them as he cleansed the temple, banishing many things that have a defiling influence. Many of the books which the youth study would be expelled, and their places would be filled with others that would inculcate substantial knowledge, and abound in sentiments which might be treasured in the heart, in precepts that might govern the conduct. Is it the Lord's purpose that false principles, false reasoning, and the sophistries of Satan should be kept before the mind of our youth and children? Shall pagan and infidel sentiments be presented to our students as valuable additions to their store of knowledge? The works of the most intellectual skeptic are works of a mind prostituted to the service of the enemy, and shall those who claim to be reformers, who seek to lead the children and youth in the right way, in the path cast up, imagine that God will be pleased with having them present to the youth that which will misrepresent his character, placing him in a false light before the young? Shall the sentiments of unbelievers, the expressions of dissolute men, be advocated as worthy of the student's attention, because they are the productions of men whom the world admires as great thinkers? Shall men professing to believe in God, gather from these unsanctified authors their expressions and sentiments, and treasure them up as precious jewels to be stored away among the riches of the mind?--God forbid.  {CE 71.1}  {FE 174.2}  {RH, November 17, 1891 par. 2} 
Is it the Lord's purpose that false principles, false reasoning, and the sophistries of Satan should be kept before the minds of our youth and children? Shall pagan and infidel sentiments be presented to our students as valuable additions to their store of knowledge? The works of the most intellectual skeptic are the works of a mind prostituted to the service of the enemy; and shall those who claim to be reformers, who seek to lead the children and youth in the right way, in the path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, imagine that God would have them present to the youth for their study that which will misrepresent His character and place Him in a false light? Shall the sentiments of unbelievers, the expressions of dissolute men, be advocated as worthy of the student's attention, because they are the productions of men whom the world admires as great thinkers? Shall men professing to believe in God gather from these unsanctified authors their expressions and sentiments, and treasure them up as precious jewels to be stored away among the riches of the mind? God forbid!  {CT 25.3}
Jesus said, "When thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret." Matthew 6:17, 18. Whatever is done to the glory of God is to be done with cheerfulness, not with sadness and gloom. There is nothing gloomy in the religion of Jesus. If Christians give the impression by a mournful attitude that they have been disappointed in their Lord, they misrepresent His character and put arguments into the mouth of His enemies. Though in words they may claim God as their Father, yet in gloom and sorrow they present to the world the aspect of orphans.  {MB 88.1}
I bear a message to you from the Lord. Walk in all humility of mind, and do not in thought or word or act grieve the Saviour. Do not in any way misrepresent His character. The work that we are now to do has been laid out before me. We are to press together. We are to unify. We are to relieve if possible the embarrassments of the institutions that are laboring under a pressure of debt. Our sanitariums are to be helped. The Lord will be honored if you will use your zeal in lifting the burden of debt from the medical institutions already established. Thus you will give evidence that you desire to carry out the purposes of God.  {SpTB05 32.1}
"All these sharp practises in deal have dishonored God. They misrepresent his character and work through the very instrumentality that should be kept free from every taint of defilement and corrupting principle. Will they read and be instructed by the case of Achan? My brother, you have taken hold of the lesser evils [that is referring to the investigation of the hands in the Office]; will the investigation now go to the higher responsibilities?"  {PH146 10.7}
misrepresent  His  character   ( refers to Christ )
In view of the wonderful manifestation of the love of Christ for fallen man, it is a great sin to misrepresent His character, as it has been misrepresented by every soul who has left the first love. Shall we not repent of this sin? Shall we take these things to heart, and make diligent work? God grant that the precious illumination of His Spirit may no longer be withheld from us.  {PrT, January 26, 1893 par. 6}
How many dishonor Christ and misrepresent His character in the home circle! How many do not manifest patience, forbearance, forgiveness, and true love! Many have their likes and dislikes and feel at liberty to manifest their own perverse disposition rather than to reveal the will, the works, the character of Christ. The life of Jesus is full of kindness and love. Are we growing into His divine nature?  {AH 178.1}
In view of the wonderful manifestation of the love of Christ to fallen men, it is a great sin to misrepresent his character as it has been misrepresented by every soul who has left his first love. Shall we not repent of this sin? Shall we not, as young people, take these things to heart, and make diligent work? If we repent and forsake this sin, may God grant that the precious illumination of his Spirit may no longer be withheld from us. The word of God cannot be bent to men's likings. It requires obedience, full and free. Will the youth who profess to keep the commandments of God, keep them in deed and in truth? Shall we be able to select a better guide, a better standard than that which is given us in the word of God? Why, then, do we kindle a fire and walk in the sparks of our own kindling? The Eternal One has opened a path for us to travel, which leads to the open gates of paradise. Can we, by following our own will, and choosing to walk in our own way, find a pleasanter path? What can spread sunshine through the soul, as can the knowledge of sins forgiven? What can impart true nobility, save restoration to the favor of God? Pure and undefiled religion means that we shall love God supremely, and our neighbor as ourselves.  {YI, June 14, 1894 par. 3}
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