Phrase - Facts (Deplorable Fact) (10)
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
It is a deplorable fact that men have connected with men, looked up to them, placed them where God should be, regarded their words and works as inspired, their interpretation of Scripture inspired, and they have become copies of men. They are dwarfed in their religious experience. They do not lead out. They are letting other men be brains for them, letting another man search the Scriptures for them, and accepting his decisions as authority; and yet that man, whom they depend on and trust in, is compassed with the same human infirmities and weaknesses, and his defects really are regarded to be virtues to be copied. The Lord wants ministers of the gospel to search the Scriptures. Make no living man a channel. Accept not the work he does as without a flaw. Do not let him do the work God has told you to do. If you do, how are you occupying a safe position? Jesus bids you come to Him, the great Teacher, and learn of Him, and you should find rest to your souls. Let no man stand between your soul and Jesus Christ, thinking that the Lord tells him that which He refuses to tell you. Give God a chance, ministering brethren, to operate on your mind. Place yourself before Him as one who wants to learn of Him. You must place yourself before the Lord in diligently searching His Word that He may communicate ideas to you. He does not design that you shall be dependent on human minds. He would have you look to Him in faith to do large things for you, not through another man, but to you. {1888 836.1} |
It is a deplorable fact that there is a wide-spread neglect of those precepts of the Bible which have a bearing upon life and health. Many make the subject a matter of jest. They claim that the Lord does not concern himself with such minor matters as our eating and drinking. But if the Lord had had no care for these things, he would not have revealed himself as he did to the wife of Manoah, giving her definite instructions respecting her habits of life, and twice enjoining upon her to beware lest she disregard them. Is not this sufficient evidence that the Lord is not indifferent in regard to these matters, and does not look upon them as unimportant? {BEcho, March 1, 1887 par. 6} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make freewill offerings to sustain the gospel as the temptation of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {Con 70.3} {CS 203.2} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have that power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make freewill offerings to sustain the gospel, as the tempting bribes of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {Ev 254.1} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have that power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make freewill offerings to sustain the gospel, as the tempting bribes of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {WM 291.2} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have that power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make free-will offerings to sustain the gospel, as the tempting bribes of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {RH, October 13, 1874 par. 11} |
It is a deplorable fact that there is a widespread neglect of these precepts of the Bible which have a bearing upon life and health. Many make the subject of temperance a matter of jest. They claim that the Lord does not concern himself with such minor matters as our eating and drinking. But if the Lord had no care for these things, he would not have revealed himself to the wife of Manoah, giving her definite instructions, and twice enjoining upon her to beware lest she disregard them. Is not this sufficient evidence that he does care for these things? {ST, September 22, 1881 par. 8} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have that power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make free-will offerings to sustain the gospel as the temptation of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {ST, April 19, 1883 par. 16} |
It is a deplorable fact that sacred and eternal considerations do not have that power to open the hearts of the professed followers of Christ to make free-will offerings to sustain the gospel as the temptation of feasting and general merriment. It is a sad reality that these inducements will prevail when sacred and eternal things will have no force to influence the heart to engage in works of benevolence. {2Red 71.2} |