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Unselfish Action ( 9 ) / actions ( 13 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
unselfish  action
Every unselfish action makes the character more Christlike. When self is crucified, a change takes place in the life. The heart responds to the touch of the heavenly angels. The wrong tendencies transmitted as a birthright and strengthened by education are dropped out of the life. The current of the thought is changed. A love, broad, deep, noble, Christlike, fills the heart and overflows to all Christ's children.  {10MR 55.5}
Because of the wrong actions of  those in positions of trust, do not let envious feelings fill your heart.  They are to be judged according to the deeds done in the body.  You only need to pity and pray for them.  The Lord knows every dishonest transaction, and will award them according as their work shall be.  The Lord rewards every unselfish action.  Pray with heart and soul and voice, "O God, impress more deeply upon my mind and heart the principles of thy holy law, which is the transcript of thy character.  Let me by faith grasp the exceedinggreat and precious promises, that I may not in my duty and work fail or be discouraged, but perfect holiness in thy fear."-- Letter 178, 1899, p. 9 (Nov. 6, 1899).  {ChL 19.1}
The sympathies of God's people should be aroused in every church throughout our land, and there should be unselfish action to meet the necessities of different mission fields. Men should testify to their interest in the cause of God by giving of their substance. If such an interest were manifested, the bond of Christian brotherhood would exist and increase in strength between all the members of Christ's family.  {CS 38.5}
On the other hand, every resistance of temptation makes resistance more easy. Every denial of self makes self-denial easier. Every victory gained prepares the way for a fresh victory. Each resistance of temptation, each self-denial, each triumph over sin, is a seed sown unto eternal life. Every unselfish action gives new strength to spirituality. No one can try to be like Christ without growing more noble and more true.  {LHU 299.4}
On the other hand, every resistance of temptation makes resistance more easy. Every denial of self makes self-denial easier. Every victory gained prepares the way for a fresh victory. Each resistance of temptation, each self-denial, each triumph over sin, is a seed sown unto eternal life. Every unselfish action gives new strength to spirituality. No one can try to be like Christ without growing more noble and more true.  {MYP 96.3}  {YI, June 26, 1902 par. 6}
Let no one connect himself with the publishing house to gain advantage for himself. If those who enter the employ of this institution from this time forward do so with a determination to help rather than to be helped, the books of heaven will bear witness to their unselfish action.  {RH, August 4, 1903 par. 7}
Robbing God involves the most serious consequences. The soul is placed in peril when this is done; for the blessing of God is withdrawn. About $2,000 was raised to restore tithes and offerings that have been withheld in the past. It has been proposed that these long-withheld tithes and offerings be devoted to the European missions. Nearly $6,000, reckoning the Christmas offerings, was thus raised for the foreign mission work. The sympathies of God's people should be aroused in every church throughout our land, and there should be unselfish action to meet the necessities of different mission fields. Men should testify to their interest in the cause of God by giving of their substance. If such an interest were manifested, the bond of Christian brotherhood would exist and increase in strength between all the members of Christ's family. This work of faithfully bringing in all the tithes, that there may be meat in the house of God, would supply laborers for both home and foreign fields. Although books and publications upon present truth are pouring out their treasures of knowledge to all parts of the world, yet missionary posts must be established at different points. The living preacher must proclaim the words of life and salvation. There are open fields inviting workers to enter. The harvest is ripe, and the earnest Macedonian cry for laborers is heard from every part of the world. We have no great men to send; but there are many single-hearted sons and daughters of God who will take hold of the work at any place, and God will give them wisdom, if they are meek and lowly followers of Jesus.  {RH, February 19, 1889 par. 3}
unselfish  actions
God requires us to put ourselves into his hands without reserve, to obey his directions implicitly. When we take the Lord as our counselor, when we follow him, placing body, soul, and spirit under his control, we can work as Christ worked. Those who make Christ a personal Saviour, seeking him most earnestly in prayer, are enabled by his grace to live true, noble lives. They work in a way which Heaven approves. By unselfish actions they reveal the character of Christ. They realize that they can not afford to lose sight of Christ; for by so doing they give unbelievers an occasion to cast reproach upon the truth.  {YI, August 2, 1900 par. 6}
God will open the way for His subjects to perform unselfish actions in all their associations, in all their business transactions with the world. By their acts of kindness and love, they are to show that they are opposed to greed and selfishness, and are representing the kingdom of heaven in our world. By self-denial, by sacrificing the gain they might obtain, they are to avoid sin, that in accordance with the laws of God's kingdom they may represent the truth in all its beauty.  {TDG 201.3}
"Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren," Peter continued, "see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently." The word of God -- the truth -- is the channel through which the Lord manifests His Spirit and power. Obedience to the word produces fruit of the required quality --"unfeigned love of the brethren." This love is heaven-born and leads to high motives and unselfish actions.  {AA 519.3}
And why should not Christians living in these last days reveal the most attractive fruit in unselfish actions? Why should not the fruit of the commandment-keeping people of God appear in the very best representation of good works? Their words, their deportment, their dress should bear fruit of the very best quality. By their fruits, Christ said, ye shall know them. . . . Let the church members have the precious traits of the character of Christ.  {HP 326.5}
It is as essential for our daughters to learn the proper use of time as it is for our sons, and they are equally accountable to God for the manner in which they occupy it. Life is given us for wise improvement of the talents we possess. The greater our opportunities, the greater is our responsibility to the Giver of all good gifts. We are God's property, and must render an account of all our actions to him. How poor will our lives appear in his sight if they are destitute of noble, unselfish actions; if they have been spent in idleness, pleasure-seeking, and frivolity.  {HR, December 1, 1877 par. 13}
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