Jesus came to the world |
Related Phrase: Christ came to the world ( 93 ) |
Jesus came to the world to reveal, in their beauty, original truths that had been lost sight of through the misconception of men, and had been buried beneath a mass of tradition and error. He severed the old familiar truths from the companionship of error, that they might no longer be clouded and hidden by the customs and superstitions of men, but stand forth in their original, purity. For ages truth had been thrust from its true position, and Jesus reinstated it, reset it in the framework of truth, and established it anew upon the basis of its own eternal merit. The principles of justice and right that through the working of Satan upon the human mind had become powerless in their influence upon men, he revivified, and commanded them, like the stars in the firmament, to stand fast forever and ever. {ST, May 1, 1893 par. 4} |
It is our privilege to have an experience more precious than gold. We are to come in living faith to Jesus. We need not be among those who have only a casual faith, who get no answers of peace when they pray. We may have a living experience in the things of God; but we must take time to pray. We must take time to search the Scriptures, digging for truth as for hidden treasures. When Jesus came to the world, Satan had obscured the truth under the rubbish of men's opinions, and Jesus commanded his disciples to search the Scriptures, saying, "They are they which testify of me." {RH, March 1, 1892 par. 7} |
Jesus came to the world, lived a holy life, and died, to leave to the church His legacy in the valuable treasures He entrusted to them. He made His disciples the depositaries of most precious doctrines, to be placed in the hands of His church unmixed with the errors and traditions of men. He revealed Himself to them as the light of the world, the Sun of righteousness. And He promised them the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father was to send in His name.-- Signs of the Times, Nov. 16, 1891. {YRP 39.3} |
The love of Christ should have been discerned by those He came to save, in as much as He became poor that we through His poverty might be made rich. Jesus came to the world with an embassage of mercy. He was sent by the Father, not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved, and to all that believe in Him He gave power to become the sons of God. In the rich loveliness of His character, zeal for God was always apparent. His righteousness went before Him, and the glory of the Lord was His rearward. {BEcho, April 9, 1894 par. 2} |
Jesus came to the world as a human being, that He might become acquainted with human beings, and come close to them in their need. He was born a babe in Bethlehem. He grew up as other children grow. And from youth to manhood, during the whole of His earthly life, He was assailed by Satan's fiercest temptations. {BEcho, September 3, 1900 par. 9} |
Jesus came to the world to live the life which it is for the interest of every being on earth to live, -- that of humble obedience. To all, Christ has given a probation, in which to form characters for the mansions he has gone to prepare, and he calls upon all to follow his example. Those who are indeed learners in the school of Christ will not exalt themselves because they are possessors of houses and lands, because the Lord has in his providence lent them his goods to trade upon. There are many who are called prosperous and happy; but let calamity come to them, let them become bankrupt, and what do they do?--They are driven to desperation. They become wild because they have lost their idol, their object of worship; and instead of turning to the true God, they take their own lives. {RH, October 24, 1899 par. 13} |
"We are laborers together with God." When he ascended on high, he left his work in the hands of his followers to carry it forward, as he has given us an example in his self-sacrificing life. He went about doing good. Do you follow his example in this? Does your own business seem of greater importance than the precious souls Jesus came to the world to save? Oh, that I could open many eyes that Satan has blinded. Oh, that pen and voice could have an influence to arouse you from your paralysis. Oh, that you could see that you are doing nothing while all heaven is engaged in intense activities to prepare a people to stand in the great day of God. - {ST, February 8, 1892 par. 8} |
Jesus came to the world not as an angel of light; we could not have endured his glory if he had come thus. One angel at the tomb of Christ was of such exceeding brightness that the Roman guard fell powerless to the ground. As the angel came from the heavens, he parted the darkness from his track, and the sentinels could not endure his glory; they fell as dead men to the earth. Suppose that Jesus had come in the glory of an angel, his brightness would have extinguished the feeble life of mortal men. For our sake Jesus emptied himself of his glory; he clothed his divinity with humanity that he might touch humanity, that his personal presence might be among us, that we might know that he was acquainted with all our trials, and sympathized with our grief, that every son and daughter of Adam might understand that Jesus is the friend of sinners. But he left not his divinity without a witness. Again and again in his sojourn on earth, divinity flashed through humanity, and the glory of God was manifested among men. At one time the priests and rulers, who hated Christ and who were studying how they might put him to death, sent the officers to take Jesus; but when the officers came into his presence, they were spellbound at his words. They listened entranced to the gracious utterances of his lips, and when they returned without taking him prisoner, the priests and rulers asked, "Why have ye not brought him?" The officers replied. "Never man spake like this man." They had been charmed with his words, which had seemed to them as precious jewels. They had listened in utter forgetfulness of their errand, and had returned pondering his teaching. Divinity had flashed through humanity, and they had been deeply impressed, and would not lay hands upon him. {ST, April 18, 1892 par. 11} |
Jesus came to this world ( 9 ) |
Related Phrase: Christ came to this world ( 103 ) |
Jesus came to this world to save his people from their sins. He will not save us in our sins, for he is not the minister of sin. We must respond to the divine drawing of Christ, and repent of our sins, and unite ourselves to Christ as the branch is united to the vine. Jesus says, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." Jesus is drawing all men, and who will respond to this drawing? Many will be greatly influenced by the life and example of those who profess to have responded to this divine love that is drawing the hearts of men. Many will watch you who profess his name, to see whether it makes you better men and better women. They will watch to see if you are Christlike, kind and courteous in your family. The Lord has said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." {BEcho, February 1, 1892 par. 6} {ST, February 15, 1892 par. 7} |
Jesus came to this world to be our substitute and surety. He is our atoning Sacrifice; for He has offered Himself in our behalf. With unutterable love He seeks to draw all men to Him. God has given Him the priceless gifts of heaven to dispense to men. Today He stands before God as the Advocate of the human race, pleading for the beings He has redeemed. {ST, August 1, 1900 par. 6} |
Jesus came to this world in humility. He was of lowly birth. The Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, the Commander of all the angel host, He humbled Himself to accept humanity, and then He chose a life of poverty and humiliation. He had no opportunities that the poor do not have. Toil, hardship, and privation were a part of every day's experience. "Foxes have holes," He said, "and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head." Luke 9:58. {MH 197.1} |
Jesus came to this world as its light. "In him was life; and the life was the light of men." He says of himself, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." {SpTEd 62.3} {YI, May 25, 1909 par. 1} |
The new theories in regard to God and Christ, as brought out in "The Living Temple", are not in harmony with the teaching of Christ. The Lord Jesus came to this world to represent the Father. He did not represent God as an essence pervading nature, but as a personal being. Christians should bear in mind that God has a personality as verily as has Christ. {SpM 324.2} |
When Jesus came to this world |
When Jesus came to this world, he found that the things of time had taken possession of the human heart, and occupied men's minds to the exclusion of an appreciation of eternal realities. Jesus does not despise the world, for he made the world; but he does not design that his children shall center their hopes and affections on earthly things that will pass away. He places the world in subordination to the things pertaining to the future, immortal life. When Christ came to earth, the world was covered with the darkness of error and superstition, and men had lost sight of eternal interests, and Jesus parted the darkness with the white beams of his righteousness, and eternity was brought to view, that men might not drop from their reckoning the interests of the life that measures with the life of God, that temporal things might not be permitted to outweigh the exceeding and eternal weight of glory. {RH, February 23, 1892 par. 6} |
When Jesus came to this world, he found it in a deplorable state of sin and rebellion. He did not move far away from this rebellious multitude, but he came and dwelt among them. Because iniquity abounded, he came close to man in sympathy and tender, pitying love. In Christ dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; yet he came to earth to be one with the oppressed, the poor, the needy; he came to demonstrate how much a God can love, a Saviour suffer, in order to save men from perdition, and bring eternal life within their reach. {RH, September 29, 1891 par. 13} |
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