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Books and Pamphlets from Project Restore
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from  Project Restore

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Messengers of Light cover Messengers of Light magazine A study of the startling last-day messages of the three angels of Revelation 14.
The Law of Liberty cover The Law of Liberty The relevance of the Ten Commandments for today.
America Superpower America Superpower of Prophecy magazine
In 32 pages the author traces the spiritual history of the
Christian church from the time of Christ to our day and beyond.
Bible Readings Bible Readings for the Home  Has 300 Scripture topics in question and answer form, paperback book, 638 pp.
Time for Joy A Time for Joymagazine  All about the Bible Sabbath for today. Beautifully illustrated.
cover of Love Stronger Than Death A Love Stronger Than Death magazine God's love for us is shown in the Bible truth about the meaning of death.
Radiant Living magazine Radiant Living - Simple Steps to Health and Happiness Up-to-date information and encouragement on physical and
spiritual health. This magazine has lots of practical tips from health professionals.
cover of We Have This Hope We Have This Hope - Love's Joyful Reunion The "blessed hope" of Jesus' return, how it fits in God's plan to end evil,
and Bible clarification for some misguided concepts
Peace Above the Storm Peace Above the Storm How does one come to Christ, and how can one find
​ peace of mind and happiness in the Christian life?

The Great Controversy (1K) The Great Controversy This 448-page paperback is the 1884 edition of this Christian classic.
With over 10 million copies in print, it speaks to our time with inspired authority.
It develops a background from mideaval and Reformation times and discusses
present and future Bible-revealed last-day events.

Born Free - Liberty: How Long? Born Free! - Liberty: how long?

A review of historical threats to Christian religious liberty
since the time of Jesus, and to current times, and into the future.

Whispers of His Love - -   Whispers of His Love

The plan of salvation as seen in the symbolism of the
ancient sanctuary.
The Word Made Simple
(out of print) online only
 35 Bible study outlines with texts and short comments.
  It has a section on difficult Bible texts.
The Will - Christ Our Pilot The Will: Our Choice, His Power 
(out of print) online only
 Small booklet of practical instruction on how to successfully
live the Christian life.
Shiloh - The Blessed Hope (2.9K) Shiloh - The Blessed Hope  
 Victory at Calvary -small (1.7K)  (alternate cover)  The story of the crucifixion of Jesus,
 the Son of God. 

Facing Life's Record
Facing Life's Record
A message of judgment ... and hope and mercy.
The Clock of Time cover
The Clock of Time
A brief look (16 pages) at a few significant Bible prophecies that have been
fulfilledsince the 19th century and at some of the events of modern times
that indicate other Bible prophecies are being fulfilled.
The Power of His Passion (1K) The Power of His Passion The story of the life of Jesus Christ, from the Bible and with commentary.
This 32-page magazine is a careful abridgment of the classic Desire of Ages.
According to Project Restore this information was last updated on April 2010.
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