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Surmising Evil ( 15 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
surmising  evil
Related Phrase:   Evil surmising  -  surmise evil
Never question the motives of your brethren; for as you judge them, God has declared you will be judged. Open your hearts to kindliness, to the cheering rays of the Sun of Righteousness. Encourage kindly thoughts and holy affections. Cultivate the habit of speaking well of your brethren. Let not pride or selfish righteousness prevent you from making a frank and full confession of your wrong-doings. If you do not love those for whom Christ has died, you have no genuine love for Christ, and your worship will be as a tainted offering before God. If you cherish unworthy thoughts, misjudging your brethren and surmising evil of them, God will not hear your self-sufficient, self-exalted prayers. When you go to those who you think are doing wrong, you must have the spirit of meekness, of kindness, and be full of mercy and good fruits. Do not show partiality to one or more, and neglect other of your brethren because they are not congenial to you. Beware lest you deal harshly with those who you think have made mistakes, while others, more guilty and more deserving of reproof, who should be severely rebuked for their unChristlike conduct, are sustained and treated as friends.-- RH Mar. 12, 1895. {PaM 268.1} 
While the workers were straining every nerve to raise means to help them over an emergency, some of their brethren were standing by, criticizing, and surmising evil, putting a prejudicial construction on the motives of the heavily burdened laborers, and making their work more difficult. Blinded by selfishness, these faultfinders did not discern that their brethren were sufficiently afflicted without the censure of men who had not borne heavy burdens and responsibilities. Disappointment is a great trial, but Christian love can turn the defeat into victory. Reverses will teach caution. We learn by the things we suffer. Thus we gain experience.  {GW 492.2}  {7T 278.2}
By the help of God you must bridle your tongue; talk less, and pray more. Never question the motives of your brethren, for as you judge them God has declared that you will be judged. Open your hearts to kindliness, to the dictates of the Spirit of God, to the cheering rays of the Sun of Righteousness. You need an enlightened understanding. Encourage kindly thoughts and holy affections. Cultivate the habit of speaking well of others. Let neither pride nor self-righteousness prevent you from making frank and full confession of your wrong doings if you desire the forgiveness of God. If you do not love those for whom Christ has died, you have no genuine love for Christ. Your worship will be a tainted offering before God. If you retain unworthy thoughts, misjudging your brethren and surmising evil of them, God will not hear your self-sufficient, self-exalted prayers. When you go to those you think are doing wrong, you must have the spirit of meekness, of kindness, full or mercy and good fruits.   {15MR 183.2}
Contrition and prayer should have been your attitude; and if you had preserved this penitential position you would not be where you now are, unfit to be entrusted with the solemn work of laboring for souls, jealous, surmising evil, selfish, and uncourteous. You and your wife are an offense to God. It was your privilege to place yourselves where God could have worked through you, but you did not do this. You had not a love for the study of the Word. You had no love for prayer.  {TSB 174.2}
Take up the work that lies nearest to you. Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that the Lord's table may be supplied with guests. A sleepy, Christless church, quarreling and surmising evil, will have no reward, and need look for no revival, unless its members repent, and do the first works.  {RH, June 26, 1888 par. 9}
Brother D, you have been a bondman for quite a length of time. Much of that which Sister D has thought was discernment has been jealousy. She has been disposed to regard everything with a jealous eye, to be suspicious, surmising evil, distrustful of almost everything. This causes unhappiness of mind, despondency, and doubt, where faith and confidence should exist. These unhappy traits of character turn her thoughts into a gloomy channel, where she indulges a foreboding of evil, while a highly sensitive temperament leads her to imagine neglect, slight, and injury, when it does not exist....  {1MCP 337.1}
While the workers were straining every nerve to raise means to help them over an emergency, some of their brethren were standing by, criticizing and surmising evil, put into a prejudicial construction on the motives of the heavily burdened laborers, and making their work more difficult. Blinded by selfishness, these fault-finders did not discern that their brethren are sufficiently afflicted without the censure of the men who have not borne the heavy burdens and responsibilities. Disappointment is a great trial, but Christian love can turn the defeat to victory. Reverses will teach caution. We learn by the things we suffer. Thus we gain our experience.  {SpM 233.5}
surmising  evil  of  one  another
My brethren, you are Christ's soldiers, making aggressive warfare against Satan and his host; but it is grievous to the Spirit of God for you to be surmising evil of one another, and letting the imagination of your hearts be controlled by the power of the great accuser, whose business it is to accuse them before God day and night. Satan has his soldiers trained for the special work of breaking up the union which Christ made so great a sacrifice to establish between brethren. We are to be bound to one another in sacred bonds of holy union. But it is the work of the enemy to create a party spirit, and to have party feelings, and some feel that they are doing the work of God in strengthening prejudices and jealousies among brethren. God would have a sacred order to exist among his co-workers, that they may be bound together by Christ in the Lord God of Israel. We are to be faithful, frank, and true to the interests of each other. We are constantly to be listening for orders from our Captain, but not be guilty of listening to reports against our brethren, or imagining evil of our brethren. Our interests must be bound up with our brethren's, and it is decidedly nothing but the work of the Devil to create suspicion and jealousies between each other. We are working for the same cause and under the same Master. It is one work, -- the preparation of the people of God in these last days. The prosperity and reputation of our brethren are to be zealously guarded, as we would have our own honor and reputation preserved. Everything like evil-speaking, every word that savors of sarcasm, every influence that would demerit our brethren or any branch of the work of God, are all working away from the prayer of Christ. Satan is at work in this matter, that the prayer of Christ may not be answered, and he has helpers in the very men who claim to be doing the work of God. Everything that is said to create suspicion, or to cast a slur, or to demerit those engaged in appointed agencies, is working on Satan's side of the question. It brings only weakness to our own souls, and is a great hindrance to the advancement of the work of God.  {1888 198.3}
My brethren, you are Christ's soldiers, making aggressive warfare against Satan and his host; but it is grievous to the Spirit of God for you to be surmising evil of one another, and letting the imagination of your hearts be controlled by the power of the great accuser, whose business it is to accuse them before God day and night. Satan has his soldiers trained for the special work of breaking up the union which Christ made so great a sacrifice to establish between brethren.  {1888 41.4}
Let the righteousness of Christ, with its life-giving influence, into the soul, and then you can sing, He forgiveth all our iniquities. You say, I am full of spiritual disease. The great Physician is calling you to come to Him, that He may heal you. He healeth all our diseases. The worst of these diseases are envy, jealousy, evil-surmising, evil-speaking, a desire to follow plans that counterwork the work of God. The lives of all ought to be holy, but they are full of depravity, and because of this, men are easy subjects for Satan's temptations. But if Christ abides in your heart, you can say, He redeemeth our life from destruction: He crowneth us with lovingkindness and tender mercy. Then let songs of praise be upon our lips and in our heart. Meditate upon Christ's sufferings for us. In the place of watching to find something to accuse and condemn in others, thank the Lord that there is forgiveness with Him. Christ is grieved when we criticize and accuse; for this is the work of Satan. Let us draw water from the wells of salvation, and praise the Lord.  {TDG 99.2}
Man can never be saved in indolence. Christ has said, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work;" and man, for whom Christ has given his life, is designated as a co-laborer with him. No one can be saved in idleness and slothfulness. We must watch and pray lest we enter into temptation. We must keep down pride, self-esteem, envy, jealousy, evil-surmising, evil-speaking, and refrain from evil-doing. We must wrestle with infirmities, with human passions; we must keep the perfect Pattern before us; we must search the Scriptures for their hidden treasures of truth. We should be diligent to dig in the mines of truth for new and precious gems; we should bring forth from the treasure-house of God's word things new and old. Those who are indeed followers of Christ must leave the ninety and nine and go into the wilderness to hunt for the lost sheep that has strayed from the fold. He who loves Jesus must seek to convert sinners from the error of their way, must seek to save souls for whom Christ has died, and hide a multitude of sins. To every man the Master has given his work; and in order to do this work acceptably, he must gather every ray of light God sends, and reflect it upon others. He must abase self and exalt Jesus, realizing more and more his own unworthiness and the worthiness of Christ. Through an experimental knowledge of the way of life, he must be able to lead the sinner to repentance, faith, and obedience. He must cast down the idea that has prevailed, that repentance is to spring from ourselves, and that then we are to come to Christ; this is a false theory, a deception fatal to the soul.  {ST, August 18, 1890 par. 1}
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