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Fear the Face of Man ( 7 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Fear  the  face  of  man
The Lord seeks to save, not to destroy. He delights in the rescue of sinners. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Ezekiel 33:11. By warnings and entreaties He calls the wayward to cease from their evil-doing and to turn to Him and live. He gives His chosen messengers a holy boldness, that those who hear may fear and be brought to repentance. How firmly the man of God rebuked the king! And this firmness was essential; in no other way could the existing evils have been rebuked. The Lord gave His servant boldness, that an abiding impression might be made on those who heard. The messengers of the Lord are never to fear the face of man, but are to stand unflinchingly for the right. So long as they put their trust in God, they need not fear; for He who gives them their commission gives them also the assurance of His protecting care.  Prophets and Kings, page 105.1
When men refuse the counsels of God, and walk directly contrary to them, they make very strange speeches, but do not be the least concerned or surprised. The Lord is watching every movement. There are straight messages to be given, and in no case are we to fear the face of man. If Christ endured so much, can we not endure something for His sake? Who was He? The Prince of heaven.  {PC 123.4}
The Lord seeks to save, not to destroy. He delights in the rescue of sinners. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked" (Eze. 33:11). By warnings and entreaties He calls the wayward to cease from their evil-doing and to turn to Him and live. He gives His chosen messengers a holy boldness, that those who hear may fear and be brought to repentance. How firmly the man of God rebuked the king! And this firmness was essential; in no other way could the existing evils have been rebuked. The Lord gave His servant boldness, that an abiding impression might be made on those who heard. The messengers of the Lord are never to fear the face of man, but are to stand unflinchingly for the right. So long as they put their trust in God, they need not fear; for He who gives them their commission gives them also the assurance of His protecting care.  {CC 202.5}
The Lord seeks to save, not to destroy. He delights not in the death of sinners. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." By warnings and entreaties he calls the wayward to cease from their evil-doing, and to turn to him, and live. He gives his chosen messengers a holy boldness, that those who hear may fear and be brought to repentance. How firmly this man of God rebuked the king! And this firmness was essential; for in no other way could the existing evils have been rebuked. The Lord gave his servant boldness, that an abiding impression might made on those who heard. The messengers of the Lord are never to fear the face of man, but are to stand unflinchingly for the truth. So long as they put their trust in God, they need not fear; for he who gives them their commission gives them also the assurance of his protecting care.  {RH, July 17, 1913 par. 12}
I  will  not  fear the face of man
Like Enoch, the physician should be a man that walks with God. This will be to him a heavenly antidote to all the delusive, pernicious sentiments which make so many infidel physicians, or skeptics. The true antidote is truth, the truth of God revealed in his word, practiced in the life, and constantly guiding in all that concerns the interests of others. Having the soul thus barricaded with heavenly principles you may humbly yet confidently say, I will not fear the face of man. God is not unmindful of your struggles, of your conflicts to maintain the truth and obtain a personal daily experience in walking in the ways of truth. When you appreciate every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God as revealed in his word, higher than worldly policy, higher than the assertions of erring, failing man, you will be guided into every good and holy way.  {PH167 24.1}
"'Like Enoch, the physician should be a man that walks with God. This will be to him an antidote to all the delusive, pernicious sentiments which make so many infidel physicians, or skeptics. The true antidote is truth, the truth of God revealed in His Word, practiced in the life, and constantly guiding in all that concerns the interests of others. Having the soul thus barricaded with heavenly principles you may humbly yet confidently say, I will not fear the face of man. God is not unmindful of your struggles, of your conflicts to maintain the truth and obtain a personal daily experience in walking in the ways of truth. When you appreciate every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, as revealed in His Word, higher than worldly policy, you will be guided into every good and holy way.' . . . {PH095 27.3}
Like Enoch, the physician should be a man that walks with God. This will be to him an antidote to all the delusive, pernicious sentiments which make so many infidel physicians, or skeptics. The true antidote is truth, the truth of God revealed in His word, practised in the life, and constantly guiding in all that concerns the interests of others. Having the soul thus barricaded with heavenly principles you may humbly yet confidently say, I will not fear the face of man. God is not unmindful of your struggles, of your conflicts to maintain the truth and obtain a personal daily experience in walking in the ways of truth. When you appreciate every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, as revealed in His Word, higher than worldly policy, you will be guided into every good and holy way. . .  {LLM 248.2}
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