It is a solemn, serious work to care for those for whom Christ has died, to teach children not to lavish their affections upon the things of this world, not to waste time and labor on that which is worth less than nothing. In order to educate their children aright, mothers must be learners in the school of Christ. The Christian mother will spend much time in prayer, for in the home children are to be taught to be true to the government of God. With patience and forbearance they are to be trained. Scolding and passionate reproof will never work reforms. Fathers and mothers commit a grievous sin when they educate their children to give way to a temper by giving way [to temper] themselves and by training them according to wrong methods. Children are to be disciplined in a way that will enable them to take their place in the family of heaven. . . . {UL 94.4} {ST, August 23, 1899 par. 5} |
The influence of your teaching would be tenfold greater if you were careful of your words. The precious talent of speech must never be misused. It is a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Life and character stand upon great, solid, permanent principles. Do not, when referring to the Testimonies, feel it your duty to drive them home. In reading the Testimonies, be sure not to mix in your filling of words, for it is impossible for the hearers to tell what is the word of the Lord to them and what are your words. Be careful that you do not make the words of the Lord offensive. There are methods that are always right when worked by the Holy Spirit. There are wrong methods; quick, severe speech, words not the best adapted to win and to heal the wounded soul, are of self. {19MR 199.1} |
A Confederacy in Wrong Methods.-- Men have tried to rob their brethren of their rights, and have selfishly grasped all the available means to turn to the advantage of the Review and Herald office. They have tried to justify themselves by saying, "I am doing it for the cause of God." Human preferences and prejudices have swayed the minds of those who confederated to sustain methods contrary to the Word of God. Selfishness has led those who ought to be true to principle to make crooked paths for their feet.-- MS 29, 1911. {PM 148.2} |
In your dealing, you have sacrificed Christian principles. The dealing with authors has been dishonest and supremely selfish. This has been presented again and again. God has been dishonored, and his law of ten holy principles, the transcript of his character, has been transgressed. The unseen witness beheld all wrong methods and contrivances, and the secret, underhand working. His curse rests upon all such selfish, dishonest principles. {1888 1668.2} |
Wrong methods of education |
Even in seeking a preparation for God's service, many are turned aside by wrong methods of education. Life is too generally regarded as made up of distinct periods, the period of learning and the period of doing -- of preparation and of achievement. In preparation for a life of service the youth are sent to school, to acquire knowledge by the study of books. Cut off from the responsibilities of everyday life, they become absorbed in study, and often lose sight of its purpose. The ardor of their early consecration dies out, and too many take up with some personal, selfish ambition. Upon their graduation, thousands find themselves out of touch with life. They have so long dealt with the abstract and theoretical that when the whole being must be roused to meet the sharp contests of real life, they are unprepared. Instead of the noble work they had purposed, their energies are engrossed in a struggle for mere subsistence. After repeated disappointments, in despair even of earning an honest livelihood, many drift into questionable or criminal practices. The world is robbed of the service it might have received; and God is robbed of the souls He longed to uplift, ennoble, and honor as representatives of Himself. {Ed 265.1} |
The confiding love and unselfish devotion of John present lessons of untold value to the Christian church. God is no respecter of persons. Heaven is a place prepared for those who have a fitness of character for the society of angels. Its lofty seats are not reserved for relatives and particular friends, but are given to those who love most. The beautiful mansions are opened to those who have practiced self-denial, who have brought their wills into subjection to the will of God, and in life and character have conformed to the divine standard. They may have by nature fierce tempers and grave faults, and these may have been fostered and increased by wrong methods of training; but if through the grace of Christ they subdue their unlovely traits, and fight the good fight of faith, they will receive the overcomer's rich reward. {ST, January 8, 1885 par. 12} |