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God requires Obedience ( 7 )
Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
God  requires  obedience
God requires obedience, not for the purpose of showing His authority, but that we may become one with Him in character. We shall find in God the attributes of character needed to form characters after His likeness. We are to form characters that are in harmony with the Deity. Thus our natures become spiritualized in every faculty.  {UL 347.5}
God requires obedience of every human being. Upon this our eternal future depends. In obedience to the law of God we shall form a beautiful character. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul." Children should be taught to respect every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Parents are ever to magnify the precepts of the law of the Lord before their children, by showing obedience to that law, by themselves a living under the control of God. If a sense of the sacredness of the law takes possession of the parents, it will surely transform the character by converting the soul.  {RH, May 10, 1898 par. 14}
God requires obedience, not for the purpose of showing His authority, but that we may become one with Him in character. We will find in God the attributes of character needed to form characters after His likeness. We are to form characters that are in harmony with the Deity. Thus our natures become spiritualized in every faculty. {SpTB07 7.2}
Many are in self-deception, and enter into plans with which the Lord has nothing to do. But the only safe course to be pursued is to obey the word of the Lord. Instead of doing this, many propose to do wonderful things. They find it easier to plan some great thing for the future than to empty themselves of self, surrender to God heart, mind, and will, and submit to be molded by that power that can create and destroy. Let the youth critically examine their motives, by prayer and searching of the Scriptures, and see if their own will and inclinations do not lead away from God's requirements. Many say, "We will do this or that. I can do a good work in this way or that way;" but will you prayerfully consider as to whether you are following the Light of the world, or walking in the sparks of your own kindling? It is a perilous thing to walk in the sparks of your own kindling; for the word of God declares of those who do this, that they "shall lie down in sorrow." In following your own way you will be disappointed. You will have no comfort. You will gain nothing yourself, and will have robbed God of the service due to him, because you insisted in trying your own way, saying, "I will work for God in this way," when God had marked out another course. Your plans seem very plausible; but if they are not wrought in God, they will come to naught. The Lord would have his servants work out his plan; for then he can work with them. God requires obedience. "To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." God will not tolerate stubbornness and rebellion; "for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry."  {YI, March 23, 1893 par. 4}
God  requires  obedience  to His  law
God requires obedience to his law. But Satan, ever since his fall, has been working against this law. He created disaffection in heaven by his ambition to be higher than Christ, the Commander of the heavenly host; and then he attacked the law of Jehovah. He held a position next to Christ, and in his rebellion he carried the angels with him. With their leader, these were expelled from heaven; and when Christ came to this earth to live the law that Satan had declared could not be kept, Satan followed him from the manger to the cross, doing all in his power to render his work a failure.  {RH, May 3, 1898 par. 2}
Obedience to the precious word of God brings the beauty of holiness. That word, whether in the New Testament or in the Old, can not be changed to meet man in his fallen condition. It ever maintains its high and holy standard, saying, "This do, and thou shalt live." All human beings need a standard, and this standard is plainly revealed in God's word, which is the expression of his will. This word reveals to man his defects of character, and the hopelessness of his condition unless he returns to his loyalty. Through faith in Christ all excellence may be reached. The word of God requires obedience to his law, presenting the character of Christ in contrast to the character of men.  {RH, October 17, 1899 par. 5}
But God requires obedience to all His commands. The only way in which it is possible for men to be happy is by rendering obedience to the laws of God's kingdom.  {OHC 24.4}
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