Please contact Don King
President, Atlantic Union Conf
Sept. 17, 2013 |
.html) |
Ask him why he has
' blacklisted '
my IP Address
and blocked my e-mails |
September 17, 2013 |
To Whom It May Concern: |
In the first week of September Don King put my IP address on a 'blacklist' and any message from my computer to the Atlantic Union Conference office is blocked
I am asking my friends and Seventh-day Adventists to consider what this may mean to the 111,000 members in the Atlantic Union and to contact Don King and ask him why he has done this. I plan to bring this question to the NAD if Don King will not respond. |
Here are some reasons to consider my request |
I am now considered as the
black sheep |
because I was disfellowshipped
by Manhattan Church on
August 3, 2013 |
However it was done improperly, and unfairly because of the rights given to every member of the church that are designed to prevent their being 'railroaded' out of the church. All these rights were violated.
A letter to Executive Secretary of Greater New York Conference explained what happened and informed him that I intended to follow the appeal process provided on page 67 of the church manual, see my letter |
I feel that all the violations did not need to be addressed in the appeal to the local church, but the key question is: What is the charge?
The Church Board changed the charges a few days before the hearing, and the charge that should have been considered was not even read at the hearing. On Aug. 12th the Executive Secretary, sent what he called his "last respose" without addressing the matter of which charge is considered in the appeal. |
Since I have the right to seek fairness, on Aug. 24th I asked the President of the Atlantic Union Conference to consider my request. I revised the message on Sept 5th but it bounced, and I learned that I was "blacklisted" and all my message now bounce back as undelivered.
Here is the letter that bounced
Several friends have sent Don King this message from their computers, so I know he has recieved it, but he has not responded and he does not return my phone calls. |
Those who are aware of the details of this situation realize that I have been persecuted by my former Pastor and he has convinced the Church Board to participate without even talking to me. They actually voted not to talk to me. Therefore I am reaching out to anyone who is willing to listen.
In the inspired writings of Ellen G. White we find the following statement . . . |
On every occasion when persecution takes place, those who witness it make decisions either for Christ or against Him. Those who manifest sympathy for the ones wrongly condemned show their attachment for Christ. Others are offended because the principles of truth cut directly across their practice. Many stumble and fall, apostatizing from the faith they once advocated. Those who apostatize in time of trial will, to secure their own safety, bear false witness, and betray their brethren. Christ has warned us of this, that we may not be surprised at the unnatural, cruel course of those who reject the light. Desire of Ages, page 630.2 |
The members of my church who attended the hearing have witnessed this persecution and voted ( 33 to 11 ) to disfellowhip me. This happened because they accepted the church board recommendation that I only be given ten minutes to defend myself. This was not enough time to even deliver my prepared defense. Then came the false testimony and I could say nothing because my time was up. The members who voted to remove my membership from the church did it without knowing the facts. I would like the opportunity to present the facts to them at another hearing, which the church manual ( page 67 ) allows. The key question is still: What is the charge? |
Therefore, I am asking you to contact Don King and ask him why has he blocked my e-mails and does not take (or return) my phone calls? |
Thank you for reading this message
Mario |