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Preparation for the Work ( 30 )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
Preparation  for  the  work
Some young men are urging their way into the work, who have no real fitness for it. They do not understand that they need to be taught before they can teach. They point to men who with little preparation have labored with a measure of success. But if these men have been successful, it is because they put their heart and soul into the work. And how much more effective their labors might have been, if at the very start they had received suitable training. The cause of God needs efficient men. Education and training are rightly regarded as an essential preparation for the work of school-teaching, and not less essential is thorough preparation for the work of presenting God's last message of mercy to the world.-- Ms 51, 1900, p. 4. ("Knowledge, Spurious and Genuine," 1900.)  {7MR 292.2}  {20MR 42.2}
For three years, warnings have been sounding forth to the world through the columns of the Sentinel; but those who profess to believe present truth have not been influenced by these danger signals as they should have been. Had our brethren used the Sentinel as it was their privilege to do; and had all been united in recommending it in every conference and in every church, as God would have them do; had the attention of our people been called to this work, which was so essential to be done for this time; had they appreciated the light which God permitted to shine upon them in warnings, in counsels, and in the delineation of events that are taking place, we should not now, as a people, be so far behind in making preparation for the work. There have been surprising indifference and inactivity in this time of peril. Truth, present truth, is what the people need; and if the startling significance of the movements now in progress in regard to the religious amendments had been realized by our brethren in every church; if they had discerned in these movements the plain, direct fulfillment of prophecy, calling upon them to arouse to the demands of the crisis, they would not now be in such stupor and deathlike slumber.  {5T 718.2}
The schools established among us are matters of grave responsibility; for important interests are involved. In a special manner our schools are a spectacle unto angels and to men. A knowledge of science of all kinds is power, and it is in the purpose of God that advanced science shall be taught in our schools as a preparation for the work that is to precede the closing scenes of earth's history. The truth is to go to the remotest bounds of the earth, through agents trained for the work. But while the knowledge of science is a power, the knowledge which Jesus in person come to impart to the world was the knowledge of the gospel. The light of truth was to flash its bright rays into the uttermost parts of the earth, and the acceptance or rejection of the message of God involved the eternal destiny of souls.  {CE 83.2}
The cause of God needs efficient men. Education and training are rightly regarded as an essential preparation for business life; and how much more essential is thorough preparation for the work of presenting the last message of mercy to the world! This training cannot be gained by merely listening to preaching. In our schools our youth are to bear burdens for God. They are to receive a thorough training under experienced teachers. They should make the best possible use of their time in study, and put into practice the knowledge acquired. Hard study and hard work are required to make a successful minister or a successful worker in any branch of God's cause. Nothing less than constant cultivation will develop the value of the gifts that God has bestowed for wise improvement.  {CT 538.2}
Time is short, and there are but few workers in the vineyard of the Lord. Several have been sent from this part of the world to be educated at Battle Creek, in order that they may become laborers together with God. It was hoped that the Holy Spirit would work with them for the salvation of those who are in the shadow of death. These students have been supported by the sacrifices of men and women who, to my certain knowledge, have hired money to pay the tuition and to cover the expenses. The world is to be warned; and yet you have thought it necessary to consume time and money in making an unnecessarily large preparation for the work that these students may be called upon to do. The same God lives today that Isaiah saw in his vision, and can give enlightenment to those who are acting a part in the work of fitting men for a solemn, sacred work. He says: "I the Lord love judgment, I hate robbery for burnt offering; and I will direct their work in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them."  {FE 353.1}   {SpTEd 129.1}
Forty years Moses spent in the solitude of the wilderness. Here he had opportunity for study, meditation, and prayer. From the book of nature open before him, he drew many useful lessons. Surrounded by the evidences of God's power, he was led to humble himself, and to exercise living faith in God, thus obtaining a preparation for the work before him. God designed that Moses should stand alone, leaning only upon the arm of divine power.  {YI, January 29, 1903 par. 5}
"A knowledge of science of all kinds is power, and it is in the purpose of God that advanced science shall be taught in our schools as a preparation for the work that is to precede the closing scenes of earth's history."-- Review and Herald, Dec. 1, 1891.  {PH124 25.2}
Sectin Title:   'Preparation  for  the Work'
Preparation for the Work - - 
     "Those who engage in this work should first give themselves unreservedly to God. They should place themselves where they can learn of Christ and follow his example. He has invited them: 'Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.' Matt. 11:28-30. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility."  {GCB, April 14, 1901 par. 22}
Sections Titled:  Preparation for the Work
Preparation for the Work - -  Those who engage in this work should first give themselves unreservedly to God. They should place themselves where they can learn of Christ and follow His example. He has invited them: "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew 11: 28-30. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility.  {6T 471.4}
May 6, 1902   Preparation for the Work  - -   Those who engage in this work should first give themselves unreservedly to God. They should place themselves where they can learn of Christ and follow his example. He has invited them: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matt. 11:28-30. Angels are commissioned to go forth with those who take up this work in true humility.  {RH, May 6, 1902 par. 1}
Chap. 44 - Speedy Preparation for the Work  -  -  I have been much perplexed for several nights. I am troubled so that I am unable to sleep well. Things are being urged upon my attention which I must present before you.  {FE 334.1}
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