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Potomac Conference starts legal action
Takoma Academy Alumni Association
  In a letter sent to the President of Takoma Academy Alumni Association and signed by the      - -  President of Potomac Conference - - Executive Secretary of Potomac Conference - - VP of Education of Potomac Conference

    This letter dated 
January 17, 2013, asked the Takmoa Academy Alumni Association to 
    'Cease and Desist' or the conference will start legal action                   
Here is a quote from the document
"As the Takoma Academy Board of Trustees understands, it is part of your corporation's vision to engage in the lives of the Takoma Academy alumni outside of Takoma Academy and assist various alumni in need."

"While your intentions are noble and your enthusiam is appreciated, your vision is not in line with that of the Takoma Academy Board of Trustees and you have not shown a willingness to support the principal's plan for the association.  Instead you sought to form an independent organization; inappropiately used the name "Takona Academy Alumni Association" and "Takona Academy" . . . without authorization; and caused confusion and questions in the minds of those who would support or engage with us on alumni matters. .  ."

"Therefore, this official communication is intended to request that you cease and desist activities related to or in the name of "Takona Academy," "Takoma Academy Alumni Association," . . . immediately return to Takoma Academy all databases, alumni lists and other property belonging to Takoma Academy which were given to you when you became president of the Takoma Academy Alumni Association; and cease and desist from raising funds in the name of Takoma Academy . . ."  

Click on  letter to open PDF file.
 Another letter from the same Potomac Conference leaders was 'Bulk Mailed' in March and started arriving at the homes of constituents of the Potomac Conference in early April. This letter mentions the legal action and the letter to "cease and desist"   Click to see March letter
It is interesting to compare this letter to one sent by the same three conference leaders in January 2013 on school letterhead. Signed by the same three conference leaders.   Click to see January Letter
It is hard for me to find differences in these two letters, aside from the letterhead and the date. But the lack of differences are not the only interesting part. What is not in the second letter and what one may expect to be there will be discussed on the LINKEDin EDUCATION group.
See Letter from the Alumni Assocation Board to members of the Association

 Sources:   Letter to Cease and desist:   Member of TAAA
                    January Letter:   Concerned Member of Takoma Academy Alumni Association, Inc.
                    March Letter to Constituents:    Concerned Member of Potomac Conference Constituentcy
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Last Updated:  4/04/2013   


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