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Message from the Board of Directors

                                                                                       January 30, 2013
Dear Friend & Fellow TA Alum;
On November 4th, 2012, the officers of your Takoma Academy Alumni Association, Inc. ("TAAA") met with the Takoma Academy Board of Trustees in our continued quest to resolve any concerns and issues between the parties.  We were given a few minutes to make a brief presentation and addressed all the questions asked.  Later that evening the Board of Trustees informed us that they still could not support TAAA.   After months of waiting, the TA Board has just recently provided us official written confirmation of their decision. 
The official confirmation came in the form of a cease and desist letter, which is attached hereto.   In addition to affirming their previous vote, the Potomac Conference/TA Board of Trustee is now threatening to sue your AlumniAssociation for, among other things, using a name that has been used for over 30 years.  The letters crystallizes the differences between the parties:  The TA Board simply does not support our expanded goal of helping and supporting each other - the alumni. Indeed, according to their letter, the only mission of the Association should be to support the school as the Board so defines.  We respectfully disagree.  Although TAAA supports and loves our school, students and all members of the TA family, it is important that the alumni be supported as well.  As our members age and pass away, we must be a support group for each other in addition to helping and supporting the school, the faculty and the students - ALL of whom are part of the TA family.
TAAA is also concerned that the Board does not wish any fundraising to occur independent of the Board's approval and the Board's control over funds.  If TAAA wants to establish a scholarship fund in the name of an alumnus or raise funds to help an alumnus in need, it should be able to do so without the Board's prohibition.  And, most importantly, those funds should be allocated as promised rather than being ear-marked or used for unknown, unintended and obscured projects.  Regrettably, it seems that Boards wants your money, but would prefer your silence in terms of how such monies are used.
The time has come for the Alumni to make their voices heard.  As officers we have tried to do everything possible to address the concerns raised by the TA Board while simultaneously transforming the Association into an entity that can better serve its members, with honesty, accountability and transparency.  We now need and request your support in order to continue TAAA's mission in accordance with what the alumni have voted.  We need members to run for office and to serve on committees, contact the Potomac Conference, contact the School and join our Facebook page.  We need donations to support our operations, including a new interactive website that is scheduled to launch in the next few weeks.  We need your thoughts, comments and, most importantly, your prayers.
We have pledged to continue our efforts despite the obstacles and risks ahead.  But we can do so only as long as we have your support.  We will continue to keep you informed in the weeks ahead and despite these developments, plan on supporting the school and assisting the honor classes during alumni weekend. 
Your involvement has improved the lives of alumnus, students, and faculty at our school Takoma Academy and we continue our pledge to represent all alumni and to give all alumni an active voice in their Association!
Please do not hesitate to contact Henry directly at xxx-xxx-xxxx or [email protected], or any of the officers, with your feedback or questions you may have.
Warm Regards;
Henry Pittman `82, President                             
Cathy Mills `70, Vice-President & President-elect       
Manny Montero `88, Treasurer         
Shirley Westberg `52, Secretary
Ray Pittman `88, School/Community Liaison
Donations may be sent to:                 TAAA, Inc.
c/o Montero Law Group, LLC
1738 Elton Road, Suite 105
Silver Spring, MD 20903

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