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Around the Great White Throne ( 72 )

Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

around  the  Great  White  Throne
The apostle realized that the gospel had a claim upon whoever might listen to his words; that one day they would stand either among the pure and holy around the great white throne, or with those to whom Christ would say, "Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7: 23. He knew that he must meet every one of his hearers before the tribunal of heaven and must there render an account, not only for all that he had said and done, but for the motive and spirit of his words and deeds.  {AA 423.1}

I speak to the workers in our College: You must not only profess to be Christians, but you must exemplify the character of Christ. Let the wisdom from above pervade all your instruction. In a world of moral darkness and corruption, let it be seen that the spirit by which you are moved to action, is from above, not from beneath. While you rely wholly upon your own strength and wisdom, your best efforts will accomplish little. If you are prompted by love to God, his law being your foundation, your work will be enduring. While the hay, wood, and stubble are consumed, your work will stand the test. The youth placed under your care you must meet again around the great white throne. If you permit your uncultivated manners, or uncontrolled tempers to bear sway, and thus fail to influence these youth for their eternal good, you must at that day, meet the grave consequences of your work. By a knowledge of the divine law, and obedience to its precepts, men may become the sons of God. By violation of that law, they become servants of Satan. On the one hand, they may rise to any height of moral excellence, or on the other hand, they may descend to any depth iniquity and degradation. The workers in our College should manifest a zeal and earnestness proportionate to the value of the prize at stake, --the souls of their students, the approval of God, eternal life, and the joys of the redeemed.  {CE 42.3}

The youth placed under your care you must meet again around the great white throne. If you permit your uncultivated manners or uncontrolled tempers to bear sway, and thus fail to influence these youth for their eternal good, you must, at that day, meet the grave consequences of your work. By a knowledge of the divine law and obedience to its precepts, men may become the sons of God. By a violation of that law, they become servants of Satan. On the one hand, they may rise to any height of moral excellence; or on the other hand, they may descend to any depth of iniquity and degradation. The workers in our college should manifest a zeal and earnestness proportionate to the value of the prize at stake--the souls of their students, the approval of God, eternal life, and the joys of the redeemed.  {CT 95.1}
A defective life is a dishonor to God.  Co-workers with Christ will manifest no harshness, no self-sufficiency.  These elements must be purified from the soul, and the gentleness of Christ take possession.  Never be unkind to any soul, for by the grace of God that soul may become an heir of God and joint heir with Christ.  Do not bruise the hearts of Christ's purchased ones, for in doing this you bruise the heart of Christ.  Ever remember that we must all meet again around the great white throne, there to receive the approval or disapproval of God.  A soul hurt is often a soul destroyed.  Let those who have light and privileges remember that their very position of trust makes them responsible for souls.  They will have to meet again those whom they have driven from Christ bruised and wounded to death. {ChL 8.1}
God wants his people to cleanse their hands and purify their hearts. Will it make them unhappy to do this? Will it bring unhappiness into their families if they are kind and patient, courteous and forbearing? Far from it. The kindness they manifest toward their families will be reflected upon themselves. This is the work that should be carried forward in the home. If the members of a family are not prepared to dwell in peace here, they are not prepared to dwell in the family that shall gather around the great white throne. Sin always brings darkness and bondage; but right-doing will bring peace and holy joy.  {HS 158.1}  {LHU 341.3}
Thus the redeemed will be welcomed to the mansions that Jesus is preparing for them. There their companions will not be the vile of earth--liars, idolaters, the impure, or the unbelieving; but they will associate with those who have overcome Satan and his devices, and through divine aid have formed perfect characters. Every sinful tendency, every imperfection that afflicts them here, has been removed by the blood of Christ; and the excellence and brightness of His glory, far exceeding the brightness of the sun in its meridian splendor, is imparted to them. And the moral beauty, the perfection of His character, shines through them, in worth far exceeding this outward splendor. They are without fault around the great white throne, sharing the dignity and privileges of the angels.  {OHC 39.3}
Then let earnest and determined effort be made to beat back the terrible foe. We want on the whole armor of righteousness. Time is passing, and we are fast approaching the close of our probation. Will our names stand registered in the Lamb's book of life, or shall we be found with the unfaithful? Are we of the number who shall gather around the great white throne, singing the song of the redeemed? There are no cold, formal ones in that throng. Every soul is in earnest, every heart full of thanksgiving for the marvelous love of God and the overcoming grace that has enabled His people to conquer in the warfare against sin. And with a loud voice they swell the song: "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb."   -   {5T 384.2}
And at the final day, when the wealth of earth shall perish, he who has laid up treasure in heaven will behold that which his life has gained. If we have given heed to the words of Christ, then, as we gather around the great white throne, we shall see souls who have been saved through our agency, and shall know that one has saved others, and these still others--a large company brought into the haven of rest as the result of our labors, there to lay their crowns at Jesus' feet, and praise Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity. With what joy will the worker for Christ behold these redeemed ones, who share the glory of the Redeemer! How precious will heaven be to those who have been faithful in the work of saving souls!  {MB 90.2}

stand  around  the  great  white  throne

Many are incapacitated for labor both mentally and physically by overeating and the gratification of the lustful passions. The animal propensities are strengthened, while the moral and spiritual nature is enfeebled. When we shall stand around the great white throne, what a record will the lives of many then present. Then will they see what they might have done had they not debased their God-given powers. Then will they realize what height of intellectual greatness they might have attained had they given to God all the physical and mental strength He had entrusted to them. In their agony of remorse they will long to have their lives to live over again.  {5T 135.1}

Many are incapacitated for labor both mentally and physically by over-eating and the gratification of the lustful passions. The animal propensities are strengthened, while the moral and spiritual nature is enfeebled. When we shall stand around the great white throne, what a record will the lives of many then present. Then will they see what they might have done had they not debased their God-given powers. Then will they realize what height of intellectual greatness they might have attained, had they given to God all the physical and mental strength He had entrusted to them. In their agony of remorse they will long to have their lives to live over again.  {TSDF 165.8}

We should all have an interest in this matter of faith. There is not a soul that is not indebted to God. Christ died for all, that you might have the grace of the Spirit, that you might become conquerors, that you might have eternal life. And when the saints shall stand around the great white throne, where praise, and honor, and glory, and might, and power are ascribed to him, will one of these before me be missing? Is there one here who has not his eyes and affections fastened upon heaven? Are there any here who are not seeking for "those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God"? Have you been baptized with the baptism of Christ? Have you received these graces of the Spirit? Have you risen with Christ? Then "seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."  {RH, December 21, 1886 par. 7}
Would you see the King in His beauty? Would you stand around the great white throne? Then you must obey God's commandments, because none will enter heaven who refuse to accept the law of Jehovah as the rule of life.-- Manuscript 31, Nov. 7, 1886, "Giving Up Our Will for God's Will" (sermon at Torre Pelice, Italy).  {TDG 320.6}

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